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Schieffen plan
A german military plan to sweep through Belgium to outlook resitance causing France to surrender
War time elections act
Allowed women with relatives in the military to vote
Treaty of Versaille
Peace treaty that ended WW1
Underwater German military boats used to sink opponents ships
Triple Alliance
Alliance between Germany, Austia-Hungary and Italy
Triple Entente
Alliance between United Kingdom, France and Russia
Robert Borden
Canadian priminester during the first world war
Woodrow Wilson
President of the United States during WW1 proposed the league of nations
A significant battle during the war known for its intense fighting and first large scale use of chemical warfare
A 4 month battle with not much gained but lots of casualties seen as a useless battle
Major battle had heavy rainfall and mud caused difficult conditions in the trenches
Vimy Ridge
A battle during the war fought by Canadians was a defying moment for Canada as a nation
Introduced by Robert Borden forced men to go into the military
Spanish Flu
Global pandemic following the was that killed 100 million worldwide and 50 000 in Canada
League of Nations
Brought together all nations to discuss dispute peacefully but failed to stop WW2
Young women in the 1920s changed the traditional norms of female behavoir and fashion
Nation wide ban on alcohol in the 1920s to 1930s which lead to illegal drinking
Al Caprone
Famous gangster during the prohibition heavily involved in bootlegging and was the symbol for the crime
Emily Murphy
Canadians women rights activist
Great Depression
Severe world wide economic downturn starting 1929 caused massive unemployment and hardships throughout the country
Stock Market Crash
The crash on October 1929 marking the beginning of the great depression
Mein Kampf
A book by Adolf Hitler outlining his political ideas and plans for Germany was the foundation of Nazi ideology
Relief vouchers
Financial aid provided by the government during the economical crisis that allowed you to purchase essentials
R.B. Bennet
The 11th prime minister of Canada during the great depression made relief vouchers
On-to-Ottawa Trek
Protest from relief camp workers for better conditions and pay
Group of 7
A collective of Canadian painters in the 1920s known for their vibrant depictions of Canadas landscapes
Jazz age
Cultural period in the 1920s characterized by jazz music, flapper culture and significant social changes
“Roaring Twenties”
A decade marked by economic growth, jazz music, social change and advancement in technology and lifestyle
A way to keep peace with Hitler by giving him what he wanted without war
A single government leader with great power after suppressing and giving freedom to others
Juno Beach
Canada, United States and Great Britain took back France from Germany entering through the beach
Germans made the biggest offence in history entering Russia making it all the way to Moscow and Stalingrad but lost
Neville Chainberlain
Prime minister of the UK from May 1937 to May 1940
Dieppe raid
Canada and Britain vs. Germany unsuccesful mission to take back France and distract Hitlers attention away from Russia
Mass genocide of the Jewish race due to the Nazis 6 million killed
Hiroshima + Nagasaki
First ever atomic bombs dropped here causing the end of the war
Pearl Harbor
Unexpected attack on Hawaii from Japan causing the US to join the war
Winston Churchill
Military officer that became prime minister of UK from 1940 to 1945
Italian Campaign
A series of operations invasion of Italy through Sicily reaching Rome killing Mussilini
Rape of the Nankings
Caused by the Japanese soldiers affecting women all over Asia
Created during the war for aircraft allowing them to see each other giving Germans a disadvantage
Swing Kids
Movie based on characters in Germany leading up to the war
Mackenzie King
Canadian prime minister during the second world war who only allowed conscription on the homefront
Where D-day was fought Canadians came in through beaches of France taking back Europe
Largest concentration camp to be run based in Poland
Where Germany trapped the allied forces on a beach in France forcing surrender
Korean War
War between North Korea and South Korea the North was supported by Soviets and South the UK
Hydrogen Bomb
Developed by the USA and Russia and was even stronger than the atomic bomb
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets placed missile aiming toward the USA from Cuba
October Crisis
Political crisis involving the kidnapping of two government officials James Cross and Pierre Laporte
Quiet revolution
Shift from church dominated society to modern more developed one
The first official satellite to orbit Earth launched by the soviets
Avro Arrow
Fastest military plane on Earth at the time developed by Canada
Berlin Wall
Separated East and West Germany one side run by Soviets and the other by Allied forces
Charters of rights and freedoms
First amendment freedom of religion and speech
A direct vote for a specific issue in this case conscription
Cold war
Rivalry between the USA and Russia
Prime minister of the Soviet Union was the first communist party
Baby Boom
A spike in the amount of babies born after the war ended
Women marrying soldiers quickly before they left for war
The co-existance of different cultures within the same society
United Nations
An international organization with 51 countries helping to keep world peace
Efforts made by NATO to keep the world in peace
Pier Trudeu
Changed Canadas influence on politics was prime minister for 15 years
Just society
A project aimed to improve equality helps fix human rights
The ability to speak two languages Canada is a bilingual country speaking english and french