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political action committees
organizations that raise money to elect and defeat candidates and may donate money directly to a candidate’s campaign, subject to limits
soft money loophole
Buckley v. Valeo
linkage institutions
channels that connect individuals with government, including elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media
26th Amendment
15th Amendment
19th Amendment
17th Amendment
24th Amendment
voter turnout
political efficacy
political mobilization
registration requirements
Motor Voter Law
absentee ballots
rational choice voting
retrospective voting
prospective voting
party-line voting
Electoral College
winner-take-all system
swing states
Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
Federal Election Campaign Act
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
Citizens United v. FEC
super PACs
forms of political participation for citizens beyond voting in elections
how various demographic factors impact voter turnout
institutional factors/restrictions that contribute to the US having lower turnout than most other democracies
the challenge candidates face as they transition from winning the nomination to the general election
the arguments for and against the Electoral College
the reasoning for and against the court’s ruling in the Citizens United case