A mental disorder characterized by a struggle between what is real and what is not, typically onset in adolescence or adulthood, involving altered perception, unusual thoughts, and odd behavior.
Positive symptoms
Behaviors or experiences associated with schizophrenia that are new to the person, including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, catatonia, and disorganized behavior.
Negative symptoms
Behaviors associated with schizophrenia that involve a “lack” of symptoms, such as flat affect, lack of meaningful speech, social withdrawal, avolition, and anhedonia.
Premorbid functioning
Abnormalities that occur before the actual onset of schizophrenia symptoms, including impairments in verbal reasoning, cognitive tasks, and an inability to reason things out.
Personality Disorders
Chronic mental health conditions are characterized by maladaptive patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. I cause more stress to others than to themselves. Diagnose just to 18 or older. At least 6 months in DSM-5.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
A personality disorder characterized by a consistent disregard for societal rules, lack of empathy, impulsivity, and a tendency to violate the rights of others.
Don’t experience anxiety when violating rights of others.
with subtypes including Psychopath and Sociopath.
Delusional Disorder
A mental health condition where individuals have delusions but not as severe as in schizophrenia,
lasting at least 6 months without hallucinations, with types like Erotomania, Grandiosity, Jealousy, Persecution, and Somatic delusions.
Brief Psychotic Disorder
A condition with a sudden onset of schizophrenia symptoms lasting less than a month, often triggered by severe stressors.
Symptoms of schizophrenia lasting more than a month but less than 6 months.
Schizoaffective Disorder
A condition combining symptoms of schizophrenia with mood disorder symptoms like depression or bipolar disorder.
Major Depressive Disorder with psychotic features
A condition where a patient exhibits symptoms of depression along with delusions and hallucinations.
Brief psychotic disorder
A mental health condition characterized by delusions, hallucinations, social withdrawal, and inappropriate speech or behavior lasting for a short period, typically less than a month.
What is the difference between Delusional Disorder and Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia are more bizarre.
Psychopath (type of anti-social personality disorder)
Tend to be unemotional and cold-hearted.
Lack of conscience, empathy, and autonomic nervous system arousal (don’t feel the alarm of adrenaline).
Little empathy.
Sociopath Anti-social personality disorder
More likely to blend in with society.
Less severe than a psychopath
less aggressive.
under interrogation they will get anxiety.
What are causes of Schizophrenia
Biological (embalace of dopamine) —> too much dopamine in the brain.
one parent = 15% chance of getting it
two parents= 50%
Neuroanatomy - A large ventricles (open spaces or cavities) in the brain mean less cortex.
Prenatal conditions - If mother has infection it increases the probability to develop schizophernia
What are treatment for Schizophrenia?
Psychotherapy and medication
Anti-Psychotic (Neuroleptic) → lower dopamine
Typical Anti-psychotic (Haldol, Thorazine)
Side effect: Tardive Dyskinesia
Atypical Anti-Psychotic
Block dopamine but increase serotonin.
less likely to produce dyskinesia and less likely to produce side effects.
Good results working with negative symptoms
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (not FDS- approved)
How the Anti-Psychotic Neuroleptics works?
It lower Dopamine
What is called when a patient has all symptoms of depression and some delusions + Hallucinations?
Major Depressive disorder with psychotic features
Person is suffering from delusion, hallucination, social withdraw, inappropriate reasoning and speech for 3 weeks. Diagnostic>
Brief psychotic disorder
 mistrust and suspiciousness regarding other motives.
Very distant from others
Don't confide in others;
interpret random events to give persona meaning
Form of projection. They probably don't like themselves.
Very detached from others people
Emotionally could
socially isolated
no desire to have close relationships
very little pleasure in their lives. (anhedonia)
What is the difference between Schizoid and Schizophrenia
Schizoid have more sense on what they say. Don't have delusion. No magical off thinking.
They do have desire to relationship
But they have the discomfort in interacting with others, not a lack of desire.
peculiar thoughts/behaviors
No illusion and hallucination.
Magical thinking that doesn't make sense.
Somebody over dramatic or emotional who when you interact with them, is performing.
purpose to seek attention
A person needs to be the center of attention in any group of people they interact with. When the focus is not them, they become uncomfortable.
Tend to flirtation but emotionally shallow. They tend to act seductively to focus on them.
More women were diagnosed than men.
Women tend to have fewer close girl friends.
Relationships are thought to be more intimate than they are.
Cases of Histrionic
Genetics could cause you to have inherent emotional excitability and overarousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
A person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
Strong sense of entitlement; Think things should go their way because of who they are.
They are very arrogant and have a lot of fantasies of power and wealth.
It is very important to be in position of power. Often, let you and others know how wonderful you are.
Overestimate ther talents -they tend devalue their partner or put them down.
Low on empathy
They tend to be in relationship where they can control the person
Causes of Narcissism
Not muh validation or acknowledging themselves.
not much bonding with parents, the only way to get validation was doing well - also, too much validation from siblings and parents' family
Borderline Personality Disorder
A person who has intense and unstable fluctuation in mood, a history of unstable relationships, a hard time regulating their emotions, and a hard for them to soothe (acalmar) themselves.
Very impulsive and strong fear of abandonment.
Life is viewed as meaningless unless connected to others.
They have a overactive amygdala.
Develops a lack of stability in the attachment; bounding was inconsistent - sense of emptiness. Never learned how to self-soothe. Being around other people is their only way of self-soothing.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Fear of rejection
very hesitant to enter into a relationship
very shy, sense of inadequacy
would like to connect with others, but the fear of being rejected is too strong
Overly reliant (dependente) on others
Lack self- confidence
Overly clinging to someone else
see themselves as inadequate and have no belief that they can make the situation better.
Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder
Someone who is extremely orderly
have a lot of focus on detail and rules, perfectionistic,
 someone who believes there is a wrong and right way to do things
Very rigid
Would label soups and stuff in cabinet perfectly ordered
Cause of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Right and wrong ways can be a way to fight against anxiety. They feel as though structure helps anxiety.
Symptoms of schizophrenia that last more than a month, but less than 6 months
When assessing suicidal patient, what are some indicators?
Check if they are giving away personal things and having specific plan to end
What are the main differences/similarities between Bipolar Disorder?
Borderline: emptiness/ unstable relationship
similarities = unstable mood
How would you diagnose someone with suicidal thoughts everyday for 10 days?
Traits of MDD (because 2 weeks)
IS electroconvulsive therapy (increases the production of neurotransmitters) used today?
yes with severe depression
Person has been experiencing homelessness, sadness, worthlessness, no pleasure, every day for 3 months. My favorite uncle died 6 months ago.
Major depressive disorder.
(If died 12 months ago Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder)
What is the treatment for a person who is diagnosticated with MDD with seasonal patterns (DSM5)?
Expose to daily light therapy, such as fluorescent lights.
What is the diagnosis for a 52-year-old male, for the last 6 years, a tax account. the first two weeks of April and October suffered from episodes of MDD?
Major depressive disorder (No seasonal because it is not related to sunlight)