Chemistry - Fuels and Earth Science

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What is fractional disillation?

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What is fractional disillation?

Separating crude oil into different useful substances by evaporating it and cooling it up a tower

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Why do different substances come out at different levels of a fractional distillation tower?

They have different boiling points

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What is a complete combustion?

When hydrocarbons are burned and the only products are carbon dioxide and water

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What is an incomplete combustion?

Hydrocarbon burns in a limited supply of oxygen

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What determines a hydrocarbon’s properties?


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What are the properties of small hydrocarbons?

  • Lower boiling point

  • Easy to ignite

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What is a pollutant?

Toxic substances that are produced when burning fossil fuels

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What can be used as a clean, renewable fuel?

Hydrogen gas

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What are the pros of using hydrogen gas as a fuel?

  • Clean

  • Renewable

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What are the cons of using hydrogen gas as a fuel?

  • Expensive

  • Manufacturing it often uses energy from another source

  • Hard to store

  • Not widely available

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Give examples of pollutants?

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Sulphur dioxide

  • Oxides of nitrogen

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What does sulphur dioxide cause?

Acid rain

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What can oxides of nitrogen contribute to?

Photochemical smog

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What is photochemical smog?

Air pollution that can cause breathing difficulties

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What is cracking?

Splitting up a long chain of hydrocarbons

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What is a theory about how the atmosphere might have evolved?

  1. Volcanoes gave out steam and carbon dioxide

  2. Plants evolved and produced oxygen

  3. Ozone layer allows evolution of complex animals

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How does human activity affect the earth?

As the population increases, carbon dioxide increases, as more are respiring. Therefore, the earth is getting warmer

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How does the greenhouse effect make the earth warmer?

Sun gives out electromagnetic radiation, which is absorbed by the earth

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What causes climate change?

Increasing greenhouse gases

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How is methane produced?

Digestive processes of livestock

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What does the increase of methane cause?

Global warming

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