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Muscular System
Responsible for all types of body movement.
Three basic muscle types
Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle, Smooth muscle.
Skeletal muscle
Attached to bones or some facial muscles, striated and voluntary.
Cardiac muscle
Found in the walls of the heart, branched and involuntary.
Smooth muscle
Found in walls of hollow visceral organs, fusiform shape and involuntary.
Muscle cell
Also known as a muscle fiber.
Movements within muscles responsible for contraction and shortening.
Prefixes myo- and mys-
Refer to 'muscle'.
Prefix sarco-
Refers to 'flesh'.
Skeletal muscle fibers
Most are attached by tendons to bones.
Skeletal muscle cells
Large, cigar-shaped, multinucleate, and striated.
Voluntary muscle
Muscle tissue subject to conscious control.
Connective tissue that encloses a single muscle fiber.
Connective tissue that wraps around a fascicle (bundle) of muscle fibers.
Covers the entire skeletal muscle.
Connective tissue on the outside of the epimysium.
Cordlike structures mostly made of collagen fibers.
Sheet-like structures that attach muscles indirectly to bones or connective tissue.
Cigar-shaped muscle cells
Describes the unique shape of skeletal muscle cells.
Striated muscle
Another name for skeletal muscle due to its obvious stripes.
Branches in cardiac muscle
Indicates the branching patterns of cardiac muscle cells.
Uninucleate muscle cells
Refers to cells having one nucleus, as seen in cardiac and smooth muscles.
Multinucleate muscle cells
Refers to cells having multiple nuclei, as seen in skeletal muscles.
Hollow visceral organs
Structures where smooth muscle is primarily found.
Involuntary muscle
Muscle that operates without conscious control, like cardiac and smooth muscles.
Muscle fiber
Another term for muscle cell.
Connective tissue in skeletal muscle
Bundles and surrounds muscle fibers.
Visible bands found in skeletal and cardiac muscles.
Intercalated discs
Specialized connections between cardiac muscle cells.
Fusiform shape
Describes the elongated, spindle-like shape of smooth muscle cells.
Cyllindrical muscle cells
Describes the structure of skeletal muscle fibers.
Tissues that connect bones to other bones.
Aponeurosis examples
Tissues that attach muscles indirectly, such as palmar aponeurosis.
Facial muscles
Some skeletal muscles attached to skin.
Collagen fibers
Protein fibers that provide strength and support to tendons.
Muscle contractions
Result from the movement of microfilaments.
Muscle terminology
Includes specific prefixes like myo-, mys-, and sarco-.
Location of smooth muscle
Found in the walls of hollow visceral organs excluding the heart.
Muscle movement
Function of all muscle types relying on muscle contraction.