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occurs frequently and most commonly in the latent phase
increase in resting tone to >15mmHg
Risk factors
nulliparous women are more subject to abnormal early labor
colicky uterus
hyperactive lower uterine segment
cockily uterus
incoordination of the different parts of the uterus in contraction
Hyperactive lower uterine segment
dominance of the upper segment is lost
Clinical Picture
Prolonged labor
irregular and more painful uterine contrsctions
slow cervical dilation
premature rupture of membranes
fetal and maternal distress
Nursing actions
promote rest to try to break the pattern of frequent but ineffective uterine contractions
promote uterine rest
How to promote uterine rest
administration of pain medication
promotion of relaxation
warm shower or tub bath
quiet environment
minimal interruptions to allow for long period of sleep
More Nursing actions
hydrate the woman with IV or PO fluids if tolerated
assess FHR and UCs
evaluate labor progress w sterile vaginal exam
Inform woman and family of the progress of labor and explain interventions
inform the care provider of the woman’s response and progress in labor
medical management
evaluate labor progress
evaluate cause of labor dysfunction
hydrate to improve uterine perfusion and coordination of UCs
provide pain management to allow the woman to sleep and prevent exhaustion