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  • the rise of being a military focused country

  • the idea of having a standing military to unify a country

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  • Alliances

  • the complicated alliances made it so that if two countries went to war, lots of others would also

    • made it very easy to have a world war

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  • imperialism

    • each country wanted colonies

      • for resources and more markets

      • to make sure other ocuntries wouldn’t get the land

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  • the idea that a person's country is the best and can do no wrong

  • each country believed they were the best and that they were going to come out on top in the war

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  • gavrillio princep killed franz ferdinad and then austria hungary and serbia went to war

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  • a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country of territory.

  • They used national flags, shared governments, a military and common enemies to enhance the idea of a national identity.

  • became the political model of how country should work by late 1800s

  • idea of nation state became a thing in 1840-1850s

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henrick von trienchke

  • germans are superior to other countries and should teach other countries their ways

  • power is linked to the past present and future of a country

  • only powerful states should exist not small weak ones

  • peace is an illusion only the weak have

  • did not like jews and england→ negative integration

  • mlitant nationalism

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fredrich fabri

  • England has surpassed Germany in terms of colonies so Germany needs to step up their game

  • should learn from England and start colonies

  • in the past Germany has been the strongest and Germany now also needs to be

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positive integration

  • building a community based on acts of sharing values and building consensus among citizens

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negative intergration

  • building a community or nation by finding enemies or targeting certain categories of individuals to become the enemy.

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otto von bismark

  • the prime minister of Prussia and then the advisor to Wilhelm the second of Germany

  • he wanted a united Germany that was powerful

  • used war against other countries as a uniting power for germans

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  • the biggest section of germany

  • had a strong military

  • otto von bismark is from there

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  • the politics of reality

  • iron and blood over treaties and discussion.

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archduke franz ferdinand

  • the archduke of austria hungary was assainated because he was in the way of serbian unity

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gavrillo princep

  • killed franz ferdinand and wanted serbians to unite

  • He viewed Austria Hungary as. the enemy to serbian unity

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black hand

  • terrorist group that was part of the asasination of archduke franz ferdinad

  • puopuse was to unify all serbians to make serbia greater and austria hungary was in the way

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triple entente

alliance between russia france and england. formed through three different alliances.

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central powers

alliance between italy germany and austria hungary showed the power of nation states

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World War 1 propaganda influenced communities by using emotions, dehumanization, manipulation of facts, and religious appeals. It justified the war, guilted people into joining, and made individuals feel special to gain support (three cultures 1 empire). It portrayed countries as victims and ignored their role in starting the war.

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western front

  • trenches ran from english canals to switzerland

  • between 1914 and 1918 battle lines stayed stationary little land was gained or lost

  • Italy joined the allies and left the central powers alliance.

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eastern battle front

  • fluid battle lines

  • austria and germany invaded serbia romania and albania

  • russia and the prussia region were in a constant battle for control of the region

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trench warfare

  • primarily in western europe was the defining war tactic of ww1

  • complicated system of paths leading from front to back

  • rats disease and not much sleep

  • bad food

  • used so that if there was a casualty in one section in would be isolated and not kill everyone

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ww1 weapons and pourpose

  • poison gas

    • developed chlorine gas would drown soldiers from inside out

    • mustard gas rotted people from inside out took twelve hrs to show symptoms

  • barbed wire

    • used to stop soldiers from crossing the no man's land

    • based on americans ways of confining cattle

  • tanks

    • british invention

    • used to attack opposing trenches

    • were not extremely useful

  • airplanes

    • used for spying

    • dog fighting

  • machine guns

    • could fire a hundred rounds a minute

  • submarines

    • germans used them to attack the allies when they shipped products

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no mans land

  • and between opposing trenches

  • constant gunfire between the trenches so was a very dangerous place to be

  • considered a suicide mission

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Schlieffen Plan

  • german plan to avoid war on two fronts

    • defeat France

    • defensive actions against Russia

    • plan had logistical issues and caused the war to further greatly

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pal’s battalion

  • britain didn't have a conscripted army so they used pal battalions to raise conscription rates

  • could fight with your friends family and community

  • most units took heavy causality and most pals did not survive

  • propaganda used to help advertise

  • disaster

  • human element

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colonial experince of ww1

  • was still a racial hierarchy

  • worried if poc got trained they would fight against white people

  • only indian troops were allowed to fight in europe

  • colonies were divided into violent and non violent races

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tokugawa Bakfu

the government when the shogun was the ruler. it means the tokugawa government

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Emperor Mutsuhito

was the emporer of japan during the meji period

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Meiji restoration

returned power to the emporer instead of the military led to lost of advances. constitutional monarchy

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Commodore Matthew C. Perry

he attacked edo and forced japan into unfair treaties and trade agreements. Led to collapse of the tokugawa bakfu and the previuos governments and systems.

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The minority ethnicity of China who ruled the country during the Qing dynasty. They did what popular opinion wanted to stay in power.

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Middle Kingdom

China believed they were the most important country, the center of the world. They believed they were self-sustainable and didn't need anything else from anybody.

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The philosophy that led China for a very long time. It had set relationship standards and brought all of China together when it was falling apart.

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Qianlong and Macartney

Qianlong denied Macartney's request for more ports for British use of trade or for free trade in China.

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Cohong system

The thirteen approved companies that western traders were allowed to trade with under imperial rule in China before the Treaty of Nanjing.

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Silver bullion

The British paid for their tea using silver bullion and realized their coffers were dwindling. They started selling opium to gain more silver to buy more tea.

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An addictive opiate that England sold to China in exchange for silver bullion. It caused many issues for the Chinese government and people.

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Lin Zexu

An important figure in the Chinese government tasked with stopping the opium trade. He wrote a letter to Queen Victoria asking for Britain's help in stopping it.

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The Opium War

China banned opium, which England needed to sell in order to afford things like tea and porcelain. Britain attacked China to create a treaty that allowed them to continue selling opium.

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Unequal treaties

The Treaty of Nanjing was the first of many treaties that took away Chinese power and gave it to foreign western powers.

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Treaty of Nanjing

Gave Singapore to England for 100 years, opened 5 new ports for British use, gave British people exemptions from laws, allowed them to open embassies in China, allowed Christian missionaries to go anywhere in China, and legalized the opium trade.

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Taiping Rebellion

Hong Xiuquan believed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ and led a rebellion against the Manchus. It became the base idea for communism and resulted in the death of millions of people.

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Self-Strengthening Movement

China tried to adopt Western thinking and blended it with Chinese Confucianism. It aimed to modernize the military and education system but faced many issues.

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Spheres of influence

Other countries claimed territory in China to be under their influence and control.

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Hundred Days Reforms

Radical changes to the way China functioned, including modernizing the military and education system, attempting to establish a constitutional monarchy, and encouraging Western influence.

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Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao

Scholars who created the 103-day reform plans but had to escape to Japan when the emperor rejected the reforms.

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Boxer Rebellion

An uprising against Westerners that was started by the poor people in China. It resulted in violence towards Westerners, capture of churches, and destruction of embassies, and led to the downfall of the Qing dynasty.

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Paid more than farm jobs, unsafe conditions people working in factories worked 6 days a week, common injuries due to machinery. Where children grew up working.

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Child Labor

The cheapest labor available, children worked in poor conditions. They were often injured by machinery or foreman. it was hard to breathe and there were long hours. the justification was that it kept children out of trouble.

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Labor/ trade unions

unions of people were formed to advocate for the rights of workers. They bargained with managers of factories for less hours, safer working conditions, or better pay. Fought backlash from British government when it was first created.

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The rise of living in cities instead of rural areas. Cities grew rapidly and it didnt give time for planning or public safety precautions. Over crowded, disease spread fast through slums. Average life span was exceptionally low.

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Industrialization refers to the process of developing machine production of goods, which requires new resources and laborers in factories. It involves the shift from manual labor to mechanized production methods. Big impact on social, economic, and conditions in society

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middle class

developed during the industrial revolution, included doctors, lawyers, managers of factories, and tool makers. Middle class women started going to college, work as teachers and nurses. men were supposed to be bread winners. Stricter family hierarchy.

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communist manifesto, marx, and Engles

the idea that property and factories will be owned by the people and there will be no private property. thought that the industrial revolution had made social classes worse. believed growing tensions would lead to communism.

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the aquisation and exploitation of land by a foriegn power for its benefit.

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the idea of exerting influence in economic, cultural, or political ways over other societies. An array of policies that powerful countries use over weak ones. Colonoalism is a form of this.

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scientific racism

the idea that a persons race determines their potential and a persons race defines their charecteristics. asians smart africans unitelligant europeans superior. belived white was more evolved. pseudoscience

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race as a social construct

the idea certain races were superior to others. Not a real exists beacasue society makes it a a thing. Minimal difference but society catagorizes us

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scramble of Africa

in 20 years europe had claim to all but 2 countries. When all european countries were trying to grow theri claims partly so other countries would get it.

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berlin confrenece

a confrence of european powers to figure out how to split up africa. Made it so europeans had to occupy territory to claim it and signed treties were a claim to land.

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“the haves” middle and upperclass people who had money and recources

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“ the have nots” lower class did not have money and recources

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maxim gun

COLONISTS COULD KILL PEOPLE FASTER (TEH POEPLE BEING COLONIZED) first fully autamatic machine gun. how small groups of people could kill africans and colonize faster

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indirect rule

relied on existing rulers to handle managament of colonies and they were trained in the way of the colonizing country. england used

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direct rule

viewed colonies as not being able to rule themselves. provided for needs but did not give rights, brought in rulers from colonizing country to be incharge. france used

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the idea that a colony would adapt to the ruling countries way of life and and become like them. Would model society in colonies after society in ruling country. france used

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white mans burden

a poem that said it is the white mans duty to teach and to nurture poc because they don’t know better and need to be taught. used christanity as a way to cilivize poc.

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ruyard kipling

the author of the jungle book and white mans burden wrote racist things about white superiority.

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henry morton stanley

an adventurer who went to Congo and wrote about their “violent ways” cementing the idea that they were “savages” in his readers heads. Competing narratives

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king machemba

if you want friendship sure, if you want to be my ruler no because we are both created by god and equals. he resited by openly disagreeing with the european powers that were trying to make him less than

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  • owned by king leopold then becasuse he treated them so badly the colony was given to belgian government

  • borders for congo split up tribes, laws prevernted travel so they could get across border → divide and rule

  • physical punishmets and harsh workign conditions

  • segregated and very very racist

    • primary sources

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chief mojimba

The king in the Congo who Henry Morton Stanley wrote about, he thought the explorers were allies but they then started shooting at them. wrote an aucount about what happened years later. competing narratives

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colonialism vs. imperalism

colonialism impies taking over the land and claiming it as part of your own country while imperialism is exeriting influence in things like culture economics or politics. Colonialism is a form of imperailsm.

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divide and rule

a strategy employed by colonial powers to maintain control by creating divisions and conflicts among the african populations

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missionaries spread schirtiansity to civilize africans and were used as a way to assimilate and control colonists. they ran schools clinics and oversaw work

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a form of poer for big counries, the ygot to extended their power and have new markets and labor.

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  • french colony for trade and spread of french culture

  • considred a part of france like a state

  • turned muslims into second class citizens until they started acting french

  • harsh punishments and laws for algerians

  • algerians were poor farmers

  • french thought they were superior

  • algerians eanted independence and fought violently for it

  • algerian war pitted frnch agaisnt algeria

    • algeria set off bombs and disturbed country

    • france held executions and torture

  • french won originally but in teh end algeria won its indpendence

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ghana/ gold coast colony

  • an example of indirect rule

  • Britain formed a protectorate and later made it. a colony so they could trade in area

  • asante resisted british control

  • people formed groups and wrote newspapers to show dissent as well as political orginizations

  • after ww2 ghana revolted and eventually became an independant state

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woodrow wilson

President of the united states during world war one. He originally stated that America would not be joining war but later decided to join the war. Wrotw wilsons 14 points and was in favor of self determintation and not making germany less than other countries. joined because countries owed america money and they wouldnt get it if ther ocuntries were destroyed.

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Wilsons 14 points

no secret allies, no attacks in international waters, people in colonies get a voice in who rules them, leave russians alone, belgium must be rebuilt, french gets land, italy needs clear borders, self determination, poland, creation of league of nations, germany equal not less than

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unrestricted submarine warfare

German tactic for sinking passanger and merchant ships without warning, leading to innocent civilians being killed. Led to the United states joining the war

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A british passenger ship in irish water with american citizens on it. Germany attacked it without the warning required leaglly. Led to turn in attitude towards joining the war

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zimmerman telegram

a proposal from germany to mexico to join central powers if the U.S. joined the war on the side of the allies, mexico was promised american land. Mexico said no after U.S. joined the war

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paris peace confrence

a confrance of the winners that occured to discuss the ramifications after the war and draft the treaty.

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dictated peace

Germany was forced into signing the treaty and had no choice in any of the reperations they had to pay.

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treaty of versailles

limited german military, land and allyships with other former countries in the central power (austria-hungary). Germany had to pay reperations and give up colonial land. They also had to give coal mines to france and alcas lorraine.

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self determination

the ability for people to choose what country they are a part of. America is a big supproter becuase it is agianst the colony system and america didnt have any

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league of nation

international security organization thats pourpose was to maintain world peace to make sure another world war didn’t happen. America wanted it to be a thing and then didn’t join. Relied on collective security and vowed to go to war for other countries in the leauge.

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covenenant of league of nations

The covenent required all countries to reduce weapons, all go to war if one did, if a member disregards a law they will be ousted, will try to have good conditions for workers, be good to colonial subjects, will try to make world safer

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peace of might

A letter written by a german delegate to clemancue the leader of the paris peace confrence that what they were doing to germamny was unfair and germany was not the only cause of the war.

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mandate system

a new title for colonialism where European countries mentored a foriegn country until they decided the country was civilszed enough to stand on their own. White mans Burden.

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social darwinism

took darwins ideas of survival of the fittest and evolution and used them for racist agendas

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shogun (ate)

the supreme militray commander who was the leader of japan for a long time.

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the original warriors that protected japan, they were the elite class.

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the ruling/ noble class in japan. Were on top.

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Fukuzawa Yukichi

he learned english and ventured in the first mission to America. Promoted western government and argued for equailty in japan.

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Ito Hirobumi

left japan 4 times to go abroad. Studied foreign consititutions and affairs. Used the german constitution as a basis for the japanese governing documents.

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The Diet

the two ruling houses, noble and elected, below monarch

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