Radiographic Exposure
binary number (0 to 1)
8 bits
Digital radiography
uses reusable electronic detectors that acquire attenuation information and display it as binary numbers on a computer where it can be manipulated
Computed Radiography (CR)
a digital imaging process that uses a PHOTOSTIMULABLE PLATE to produce images
What is CR composed of?
europium-doped barium fluorohalide crystals
CR PSP layers
protective layer
phosphor layer - active layer with barium fluorohalide crystals
support layer -coated with active crystals
conductive layer - increases sharpness by absorbing light
CR is approximately equal to a _____ combination.
200 speed F/S
CR phosphors give off _____ through _____ absorption of x-ray.
DQE (detective quantum efficiency)
the input squared to output squared signal from the IR
K-shell absorption edge means absorption through _____ processes producing _____.
characteristic radiation
Latent image formation (2 things):
x-ray hitting plate causes photoelectric interactions
photoelectrons EXCITE electrons
The latent image loses _____ of its energy after 8 hours.
The “F” Trap
a location in the CR phosphor crystal that holds elevated electrons
The “F” Trap: X-ray causes electrons to elevate from _____ energy band to _____ energy band.
Electronic flat panel detectors contain
DEL’s (detector elements)
REMEMBER: DEL size has the most dramatic effect on resolution of any variable
Indirect Digital Flat Panel Components use two things:
What does a scintillator do?
convert x-ray to light
What does a photodiode do?
converts light to an electrical signal
What is a scintillator composed of?
rare earth phosphors and cesium iodide (CsI) crystals
Photodiode is composed of what?
Amorphous silicon (converts light to electrons)
Thin Film Transistor (TFT) (4 steps):
x-ray strikes the scintillator emitting light
light is picked up by photodetector (photodiode) and changed to an analog electrical signal
the electrical signal is picked up by a flat panel detector and sent to the ADC (analog-to-digital) of the computer for active readout
the analog electrical signal to histogram
A charged couple device is an indirect system composed of what?
tiled silicon chips
Process of charged couple devices (3 steps):
fiber optic cables focus light from the scintillator on the CCD chips where electron holes are created in the silicon representing the image
the electron holes are held as electronic charges
the charges are read out row-by-row by applying small voltages to reach DEL and sending them via TFT’s
What do Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductors (CMOS) IR’s do (5 things)?
uses a scintillator
light is captured by capacitors
transistors used to switch and amplify the charge
light photons converted to electrical charges
an ADC turns pixel’s value into digital value
Photoconductor and what does it consist of?
changes x-ray to analog signal
amorphous selenium
Detector elements with thin-film transistors
act as storage area and electronic gates to transfer electrical signals for processing
Fill factor
the percentage of the DEL dedicated to photon absorption
Direct capture process (4 steps):
prior to exposure a high voltage is applied to the top of the selenium plate
radiation striking the selenium causes the release of electrons in relation to the exposure received
the electrons are captured by charge collection electrodes at the base of the selenium
the charge is located by the TFT and sent
Power of 2 is used to designate what three things?
image size
dynamic range (shades of grey)
storage capacity
CR image processing: the _____ converts the analog latent image to a digital manifest image
image plate reader
Placement of collimated fields of CR should include
4 collimated edges (3 at min.)
Sampling frequency determines the _____ of digital images & _____.
contrast resolution
spatial resolution
Nyquist criterion says digital images must be sampled _____ for each analog voltage cycle.
improper sampling caused by the spatial frequency exceeding the Nyquist frequency
The maximum sampling frequency depends on the _____ of CR or the _____ of digital flat panel detectors.
sampling pitch
DEL pitch
Fixed sampling
maintains a fixed sampling frequency to maintain fixed spatial resolution regardless of IR size
Fixed matrix size
spatial resolution changes based on the size of the IR
The histogram is representative of _____ and _____ for an exam.
specific anatomy
process of assigning a digital number to each pixel to represent brightness levels in the image
The number of brightness levels represents various _____ values of anatomy. The _____ the number of shades of gray that can be displayed by the computer, the _____ the gray-scale bit depth.
Digital systems can display as many as
2^14 (16,384) bit depth
The histogram shows _____ on the far left with soft tissues and ______ on the right with raw radiation on the extreme far-right spike.
aerated lung
The far right shows
Pre-processing and 3 examples
occurs automatically prior to original image being displayed
field uniformity corrections
histogram analysis
rescaling of image
Post-processing and 3 examples
occurs after image is displayed
Fourier transform changes information in the _____ and converts it to the _____.
spatial location
frequency location
Point processing operations is performing operations on each _____ based on _____ location.
individual pixel
Grayscale processing is one example of _____ where a histogram is created and compared to a look-up table in order to adjust the image brightness and contrast
SLIDE 70 & 71
point processing
Local Area Processing is the application of _____ that are applied to small _____ of pixels.
High-pass filtering (edge enhancement):
Edge enhancement whereby low spatial frequencies are removed by Fourier transform to produce sharpened or enhanced edges
Low-pass (smoothing):
filtering removes excessive image noise and
intentionally blurs the image (may result in some loss of image detail)
Un-sharp masking
Subtracts a low-pass filtered image from the original image to produce a new subtracted and sharper image
Spatial location filtering (convolution)
Applies a kernel across all pixels
to apply a coefficient across the entire matrix. Can be used to hide dead pixels
Geometric processing
A type of processing that changes the position or
orientation of pixels in the entire image - Examples include rotation, magnification,
flipping (mirroring)
What is a kernel?
a submatrix that is passed over a larger matrix that executes some mathematical function
The kernel then indexes _____ to _____, repeating the calculations until the _____ image is covered.
left to right
High pass filtering (edge enhancement)
a filtering technique that improves image contrast by bringing out high frequencies in the image
Over-use of edge enhancement can result in an increase in _____ and _____.
image noise
“halo-effect artifacts”
Low-pass filtering (smoothing)
a technique to remove noise from the image
Smoothing Kernel
represented by kernel A where all values hold the same value
Edge-enhancement kernel
represented by kernel B where the cells sum to “1”