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cocaine is a
a stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant; euphoria producing stimulant that speeds up messages traveling between the brain and the rest of the body
all coroners’ in pennsylvania are allowed to
issue death certificates
the most important prerequisite for photographing a crime is
MUST always be taken before the scene is altered in any way; taken with a scale then at medium range then close up; should not get caught up in capturing injuries—photos should also be taken of areas where injuries aren’t apparent
gamma-hydroxyburate GHB
available in an odorless, colorless liquid form or as a white powder material, is taken orally, frequently being combined with alcohol
depressant to relax body
euphoria and relaxation
used for fat reduction and body building
used at raves or dance clubs
ketamine has
PCP; used for anesthesia; used in vietnam war because it caused less damage to organs
all jail deaths must be reported to
the medical examiner; majority will need autopsy
the ME/coroner must?
the ME is appointed; position to be held by licened physician in that state; usually physicians specialize in forensic science; requirements of particular state, city, or county
the coroner must obtain state mandated week long class; pass test or lose job; only need to be registered to vote to be qualified
crime laboratories solve crime
investigators solve crime
witnesses solve crime
interviews solve crime
confessions solve crime
if a scene is photogrpoaphed by a forensic photographer, the detective’s rough sketch is?
a hand drawn diagram of the crime scene, including the location of evidence and key measurements, created at the scene before a more detailed finished sketch is produced; essentially a preliminary visual record of the scene
the crime scene should be secured by?
police officers; CSI
common types of physical evidence found at the scene would include?
blood, semen, saliva
firearms and ammunition
organs and physiological fluids
petroleum products
plastic bags
plastic, rubber, and other polymers
powder residue
tool marks
vehicle lights
wood and vegetative matter
to be a medical examiner in the state of pennsylvania?
need to be a licensed physician
this test is?
evidence sent in for hair and fiber analysis
trace evidence?
hair is composed of?
the shaft—composed of three layers— the cuticle, cortex, medulla
cuticle- the scale structure covering the exteriror of the hair
cortex- the main body of the hair shaft
medulla- a cellular column running along the hair
an example of impression evidence is?
tire markings, shoe prints, depressions in soft soils and all other forms of trackss
the transition period between the anagen and?
catagen- roots take elongated appearance as the root bulb shrinks and is pushed out of the hair follicle
telogen- when hair growth ends, the telogen phase begins and the root takes on a club-shaped appearance; 2-6 months, hair is pushed out of follicle, causing the hair to be naturally shed
pubic hairs are subject to much more change than?
than scalp hair; pubic hairs are more short and curly and have wide variations in shaft diameter; scalp hairs show little diameter variation and have more uniform distribution
pubic hair samples should contain?
minimum 25 full length hairs, including the root
hair color is provided by pigments produced by?
cortex; derives its major forensic importance from the fact that it is embedded with the pigment granules that give hair its color
humans have a medullary index of?
generally less than 1/3
sex cannot be determined from a forcibly removed hair
no it cant; but can help with race/ethnicity or if it’s from humans or animals
steroids also reduce the activity of the immune system
increase the production of proteins; reduce recovery time by blocking the effects of cortisol
drugs are?
substances of natural or synthetic origin which can alter the emotional state, perception, body functioning or behavior of an organism
forensic science is?
the application of science to LAW; does NOT solve crime
cocaine is?
narcotic drugs; implies a state of lethargy or sluggishness
cause of death?
the underlying medical condition, disease, or injury that initiates the chain of events that leads to death
most alcohol is oxidized in?
about 90% must be metabolized through the liver; remaining 10% is eliminated through the lungs and urine
processing the crime scene
protection of overall scene and the body are of most importance
documenting and photographing undisturbed scene
collecting physical evidence
attempting to determine time of death
determining locations of premortem and postmortem
the ordinary compound microscope was essential
to view small samples that can’t be seen with the naked eye; to illuminate objects under investigation and passes the light through a series of lenses to form an image of the specimen on the retina of the eye
the active ingredient of marijuana is known as?
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)
if the ME/coroner’s office refuses to do an autopsy,
they will release it back to the family, and the death could possibly be ruled as “undetermined”, but the family could choose to get a private autopsy
family dose not need to be forcibly responsible to claim a body; pauper’s grave; if family doesn’t claim, the county takes care of it
normal beer decreases the speed of absorption of alcohol
yes, due to its lower alcohol content and larger volume—so the body takes longer to process it
forensic odontology is
the use of dental evidence in legal cases
who can sign a death certificate?
medical examiner
manner of death
relates to the circumstances that led to fatal results and is the culmination of the complete investigation, including determination of cause of death
homicide, suicide, accidental, natural, undetermined
an expert witness could be
the only witness, in a court case, that is allowed to give opinion on their specialty
anabolic steroids
induce weight gain and increased muscle mass; testosterone
glass, as evidence, is
any glass particle or fragment that may have been transferred to a person or object involved in a crime
range of drugs that stimulate, or speed up, central nervous system
-amphetamines, crack cocaine
any substance can be toxic if?
if the dose is high enough or if exposure is prolonged
among women and men who use sedatives,
women are more likely to be prescribed sedatives and use them to self medicate, while men are more likely to use them recreationally
cocaine has been found
from the coca plant; native to south america; blocks pain sensation and stimulates the central nervous system; producing sudden increase in heart; temperature; blood pressure
heroin is produced from?
not a natural product; diacetylmorphine; more potent than morphine
heroin use?
abusers will be drowsy for several hours
mental function is clouded
cardiac functions slow
breathing is also severely slowed, sometimes to point of death
withdrawal can happen within a few hours after use
the district attorney’s office is mandated by law to immediately hold a trail to?
the material collected during a legal search of a suspect’s premises
the original freebase cocaine is?
cocaine without its water soluble component or “base”; prepared by dissolving cocaine hydrochloride with strong alkali; drawing out a “pure”; kept exploding, very dangerous to make