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Some state or value that belongs to a particular object.
Surface within window where drawing takes place.
Control Flow
For Loop
Statement in python for convient repetition of statements in the body of the loop.
Loop Body
Any number of statements that are nested in the loop. Nesting is indicated by indentation under the loop statement.
Loop Variable
Variable used as part of a for loop. Assigned a different value each iteration of the loop.
Object of certain type/class . Ex. alex is a different instance of the class turtle.
Function that is attached to an object. Invoking/activating the method makes the object to respond. (Ex. forward is the method when we say turtle.forward(100)).
Invoke means to activate the method. Done by putting () after method name with arguments. (Ex. turtle.forward() is the invocation of the forward method)
File containing Python definitions/statements make for use in other programs. Only avaliable after using import statement.
Something to which a varialbe can refer to (screen window, a turtle, etc.)
Built-in function in python for generating sequences of integers. Useful when we write a loop executing a fixed number of times.
Terminating Condition
Condition which causes a loop to stop repeating its body. When there are no more elements to assign to the loop variable.
Group of consecutive statements with the same indentation.
Block of statements in a compound statement following the header.?????
Boolean algebra
Rules for rearranging/reasoning abt Boolean expressions.
Boolean expression
Expression that is either true or false.
Boolean value
True and False. Values result when expression is evaluated by the interpreter.
One of the possible paths of the flow of execution determined by conditional execution.
Chained conditional
Conditional branch with more than two possible flows of execution. Written with if…elif…else…statements.
Comparison Operator
==, ≠, >, <, >=, and <=. Used to compare 2 values
Boolean expression in a conditional statement determining which branch is executed.
Conditional Statement
Statement controlling flow of execution depending on some condition. if, elif, else.
Logical operator
Operator combining Booleans: and, or, not.
One program structure within another, like conditional statement inside a branch of another conditional statement.
Visual cue telling user that the system is ready to accept input. The flashing thingy.
Truth table
Concise table of Boolean values that can describe semantics of an operator.
Type Conversion
Explicit function taking the value of one type and computing corresponding value of another type.
Step-by-step process for solving a category of problems.
Statements inside a loop.
Slang for increment
Continue statement
Statement causing remainder of current iteration of a loop to be skipped. Flow of execution goes back to top of loop, evaluates condition, and if true, next iteration will begin.
Variable used to count smth, usually incremented with a loop.
Invisible marker keeping track of where the next character is printed.
Decrease by 1
Definite Iteration
Loop where there is an upper bound on the number of times the body will be executed. Usually best coded as a for loop.
Escape Sequence
Escape character, \, followed by printable characters to designate a nonprintable character.
Increase by 1.
Infinite loop
Loop where terminating condition is never satisfied so never ends.
Indefinite Iteration
Loop where we just need to keep going until a condition is met. While statement is used.
Gives variable an initial value so it can be used later.
Repeated execution of a set of programming statements.
Construct allowing us to repeatedly execute a statement or group of statements until a terminating condition is satisfied.
Loop Variable
Variable used as part of the terminating condition of a loop.
Extra symbols/notation helping describe other notation. [], …, italics, bold, etc. to describe python syntax.
Middle-Test Loop
Loop executing some of the body then testing exit condition and can execute some more of the body. While and break.
Pre-Test Loop
Loop that tests before deciding whether to execute its body.
Causes cursor to move to the next tab stop on current line.
Seeing which expressions numbers make true: a<b, a>b, a==b.
Follow flow of execution of a program by hand.
Boolean Function
Function returning a Boolean value. True or False.
Chatterbox Function
Function interacting with the user (print or input) when it shouldn’t. Silent functions converting input arguments into outputs are better.
Calling one function from within the body of another or using return value of one function as an argument to the call of another.
Dead Code
Part of the program can never be executed, often because it appears after a return statement
Fruitful Function
Function that yields a return value instead of none
Incremental development
Program development plan intended to simplify debugging by adding and testing only a small amt of code at a time.
Special python value. One use in python is that it is returned by functions that do not execute a return statement with a return argument.
Return value
Value provided as the result of a function call
Code used during development used to help debugging and development.
Temporary Variable
Variable used to store intermediate value in complex calculation