Quantitative + Qualitative approaches

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routes of simplification

(Social world is very complex with many instances and variables)

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Quantitative methods

  • many instances, few variables

  • large N methods

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Qualitative methods

few instances, many variables

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Aim of quantitative

perform causal interference by means of cross case analysis

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Approach - Quantitative

collect (quasi) experimental numerical data on few variables from many instances

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Form - Quantitative

experimental + quasi experimental studies

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Aim of qualitative

reconstruct causal pathways in individual cases

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Approach - qualitative

in depth study of many variables in few instances

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form - qualitative

case study method

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Qualitative methods pros

  • well suited for hypothesis generation

  • in depth knowledge of a few cases allows us to reconstruct causal pathways

  • basis for tentative(unconfirmed) generalization

  • heuristic value in exploratory research

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Qualitative methods cons

  • less suited to test hypothesis

  • single cases is poor basis for judging validity of a general hypothesis

  • vulnerable to criticism of cherry picking

  • falsification scarcely applicable

  • danger of selection bias

  • difficult to generalize

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Quantitative methods pros

  • better suited for hypothesis testing

    • good Hypothesis will predict a certain correlation in data

    • prediction effectively studied by quasi experimental study

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Quantitative methods cons

  • not well suited for hypothesis generation

  • poor basis for reconstructing causal pathways

  • unable to say which causes produced observed effect or how

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causal interference

the process where causes are inferred from data

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direction of causal interference : Quantitative

forward causal interference

-reasoning from causes to effects

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direction of causal interference : Quantitative

reverse causal interference

-reasoning from effects to causes

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Case- Study Method

  • intensive study of a single case

Purpose: shed light on a larger class of cases

  • used in qualitative research

  • more about hypothesis generation and explorative research

  • not abut hypothesis testing or confirmation

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Case - Study Method procedure

  • note an outcome in case under exam

  • try to ascertain what causal factor acting was responsible for outcome

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Single Unit Study

(part of case study method)

  • formulate multiple Hypothesis

  • unlikely to adopt or reject a Hypothesis on basis

  • history, sociology, political science etc.

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Internal Validity

  • degree to which a study’s findings are warranted for the case studied External Validity

  • degree to which a study’s conclusions are generalizable

  • qualitative = high internal validity, low external

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Trade off between forms of validity

measures taken to enhance internal validity and vice versa

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  • methodology more complex

  • emphasis productiveness of integrating both methods

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