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Systems Integration
Process, approaches, drivers, tools and techniques required for successful SI, critical success factors, and best practices.
Systems Integration
It addresses the System Integration problem using architectures as the basis and then addresses the evaluation of the architectures in terms of the capabilities they provide.
T or F: There is need to have architectural view of the system as a priority to help in the design to avoid the likeliness of system failure.
Systems Integration
The theory and practice of business process integration, legacy integration, new systems integration, business-to-business integration, integration of commercial-off the-shelf (COTS) products, interface control and management, testing, integrated program management, integrated Business Continuity Planning (BCP).
An array of components designed to accomplish a particular objective according to plan. Many sub-systems many be designed which later on are combined together to form a system which is intended to achieve a specific objective which may be set by the Project manager.
Systems thinking
Is a way of understanding an entity in terms of its purpose
The three major steps followed in systems thinking
Identify a containing whole (system), of which the thing to be explained is a part.
Explain the behavior or properties of the containing whole.
Explain the behavior or properties of the thing to be explained in terms of its role(s)or function(s) within its containing whole
System Integration
Is the combination of inter-related elements to achieve a common objective (s).
System Architecture
Defines its high-level structure, exposing its gross organization as a collection of interacting components.
Properties and Styles.
Elements needed to model a software architecture
A temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique product or service
Attributes of projects
unique purpose
require resources, often from various areas
should have a primary sponsor and/or customer
involve uncertainty
IS development projects come from?
May either be current, suspected, or anticipated.
Are undesirable situations that prevent the business from fully achieving its purpose, goals, and objectives (users discovering real problems with existing IS).
Is a chance to improve the business even in the absence of specific problems. This means that the business is hoping to create a system that will help it with increasing its revenue, profit, or services, or decreasing its costs.
Is a new requirement that is imposed by management, government, or some external influence i.e. are mandates that come from either an internal or external source of the business.
T or F: Projects must operate in a broad organizational environment
T or F: Project managers do not need to take a holistic or systems view of a project and understand how it is situated within the larger organization
Are the people involved in or affected by project activities
the project sponsor and project team
support staff
opponents to the project
Stakeholders include?
Executive support
User involvement
Experienced project manager
Clear business objectives
Minimized scope
Standard software infrastructure
Firm basic requirements
Formal methodology
Reliable estimates
According to the Standish Group’s report “CHAOS 2001: A Recipe for Success,” what are the following items help IT projects succeed? (in order of importance)
4 frames
Structural frame
Human resources frame
Political frame
Symbolic frame
Structural frame
Focuses on roles and responsibilities, coordination and control. Organizational charts help define this frame.
Human resources frame
Focuses on providing harmony between needs of the organization and needs of people.
Political frame
Assumes organizations are coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups. Conflict and power are key issues.
Symbolic frame
Focuses on symbols and meanings related to events. Culture is important.
T or F: Many Organizations Focus on the Structural Frame
3 basic organizational structures
Organizational Structures
Helps define the roles and responsibilities of the members of the department, work group, or organization.
Organizational Structures
It is generally a system of tasks and reporting policies in place to give members of the group a direction when completing projects.
T or F: Organizational structure does not depend on the company and/or the project.
The four general types of organizational structure are?
Functional Structure
People who do similar tasks, have similar skills and/or jobs in an organization are grouped into a functional structure.
Functional Structure
The advantages of this kind of structure include quick decision making because the group members are able to communicate easily with each other.
Functional Structure
People in this structure can learn from each other easier because they already possess similar skill sets and interests.
Divisional Structure
In this structure, the company will coordinate inter-group relationships to create a work team that can readily meet the needs of a certain customer or group of customers.
Divisional Structure
The division of labor in this kind of structure will ensure greater output of varieties of similar products.
Divisional Structure
An example of this structure is geographical, where divisions are set up in regions to work with each other to produce similar products that meet the needs of the individual regions.
Matrix Structure
— are more complex in that they group people in two different ways: by the function they perform and by the product team they are working with.
Matrix Structure
In a —— structure the team members are given more autonomy and expected to take more responsibility for their work. This increases the productivity of the team, fosters greater innovation and creativity, and allows managers to cooperatively solve decision-making problems through group interaction.
Project Organization Structure
In a —- structure, the teams are put together based on the number of members needed to produce the product or complete the project.
Project Organization Structure
The number of significantly different kinds of tasks are taken into account when structuring a project in this manner, assuring that the right members are chosen to participate in the project.
Project life cycle
Is a collection of project phases
Project phases
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Is a framework for describing the phases involved in developing and maintaining information systems
Systems development projects can follow (models)
Predictive models
Adaptive models
Predictive models
The scope of the project can be clearly articulated and the schedule and cost can be predicted.
Adaptive models
Projects are mission driven and component based, using time-based cycles to meet target dates.
Predictive models
Waterfall model
Spiral model
Incremental release model
Prototyping model
RAD model
Waterfall model
Has well-defined, linear stages of systems development and support.
Spiral model
Shows that software is developed using an iterative or spiral approach rather than a linear approach.
Incremental release model
Provides for progressive development of operational software.
Prototyping model
Is used for developing prototypes to clarify user requirements.
RAD model
Is used to produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality.
Adaptive models
Extreme Programming (XP)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Developers program in pairs and must write the tests for their own code. XP teams include developers, managers, and users.
Repetitions of iterative development are referred to as sprints, which normally last thirty days.
Teams often meet every day for a short meeting, called a —-, to decide what to accomplish that day. Works best for object-oriented technology projects and requires strong leadership to coordinate the work
Difference between Project Life Cycles and Product Life Cycles
The project life cycle applies to all projects, regardless of the products being produced, while product life cycle models vary considerably based on the nature of the product.
Project life cycle
Applies to all projects , regardless of the products being produced
Product life cycle
Models vary considerably based on the nature of the product
Management reviews
Also called phase exits or kill points
T or F: Management reviews should occur after each phase to evaluate the project’s progress, likely success compatibility, and with organizational goals.
7 phases of the SDLC
Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives
Determining information requirements
Analyzing system needs
Designing the recommended system
Developing and documenting software
Testing and maintaining the system
Implementing and evaluating the system