Reasons for high birth rate (12) (Two Angry Ants Always Hide All Precious Little Rock’s Down Every Inch)
Traditional beliefs and customs
Absence of old age security
Adherence to religious doctrine
Agrarian based economy
High infant mortality rate
Absence of family planning programmes
Political (govt inducements)
Low family planning
Rural setting/environment
Disempowerment of illiterate women
Early marriages
Increase in land productivity and food
Traditional or religious beliefs and customs (HBR)
To have a male heir to carry on the family name
Daughters are seen as a liability (giving of dowry) and for added status in the community
Absence of old age security (HBR)
People are not looked after through pensions to health services
The children are viewed as security when parents reach old age
Adherence to religious doctrine (HBR)
Some in the Muslim and Roman Catholic religions oppose artificial birth control
Agrarian based economy (HBR)
Children are viewed as assets - they help out on the farm, earn money for the family and take care of aged parents
Low cost of child dependency years
High infant mortality rate (HBR)
Medical and health services are poor
Parents give birth to as many children as possible to ensure some of their children will survive to adulthood
They end up having more than expected
Absence of family planning programme (HBR)
No investment in sex education
Lack of information about birth control/family planning
Political (govt inducements) (HBR)
Government offer inducements and concessions to encourage large families
Low family planning (HBR)
Ignorance or lack of education on family planning
Low social awareness
Little opportunity for employment
Limited choice of action
Rural setting/environment (HBR)
Availability of space to carry a large family
Low expenses of upbringing children as cost of living is low
Disempowerment of illiterate women (HBR)
They neither have high aspirations nor are career-minded
They are family bound, their lives revolve around the family
Early marriages (HBR)
Women have a longer reproductive span / child bearing years
Increase in land productivity and food production (HBR)
Employment of scientific methods of cultivation has alleviated starvation and famine
Reasons for high death rate (6) (Daily Focus Prevents Lazy Work Nights)
Disease and plague
Famine, uncertain food supplies, poor diet
Poor hygiene; no piped, clean water and no sewage disposal
Little medical science; few doctors, hospitals, drugs
War and ethnic cleansing
Natural disasters