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what is the purpose of building dams
prevents flooding
generates electricity
what are negative consequences of dams to an ecosystem
flooded permanently, fish need to migrate through
what does upstream mean
where the river starts
what does downstream mean
where the river goes towards
how are salmon related to the environment?
when bears eat salmon they don’t eat it all so when they throw them to soil, the carcass decomposes for nutrients for trees
why are dams removed
because of the negative impacts they’ve had on the environment
point source pollution
pollution from a single source (from a factory for ex)
non point source pollution
pollution that comes from many different sources, often hard to identify
chemicals added to roads, water run-off, etc.
why are oil spills bad
starts on the surface of water
if oil sinks it can kill benthic organisms
if oil washes up on beaches it causes economic consequences for fishing and tourism
what are endocrine disruptors
chemicals that can interfere with the endocrine system of animals
what do POPs stand for
persistent organic pollutants
what are POPs
carbon-based pollutants that dont break down in the environment easily
what is acid rain
when nitrogen/sulfur oxides from fossil fuel emissions mix with water vapor
what is thermal pollution
temperature increase in a body of water due to heated water (caused by power plants) and results in mass fish die offs
light pollution
alters circadian rhythms of organisms which regulates sleep/waking patterns