Nuclear arms race between US and Soviet Union
Lasted from 1945 to early 90s
Tried to get the rest of the world to side with them
Nuclear arsenals became large enough to wipe out the whole world
Future security - both wanted their worldview to dominate
US: capitalism, democracy
USSR: communism/totalitarianism
Communist leader of millions of peasants to drive KMT out of China into Taiwan
Implemented Great Leap Forward by creating communes (local governments) to achieve a Marxist state - they couldn’t keep up with their agricultural quotas, so they lied about it causing starvation of over 30 million Chinese people
Military became his focus and capitalism was implemented into economy - Mao didn’t like it
Soviet communist regime in North Korea and US democracy in South Korea
North Korea attacked South Korea in 1950 to unite the two countries - United Nations, under General MacArthur, supported South Korea and China supported North Korea
armistice didn’t happen until 1953
Vietminh nationalists fought France until it was agreed to split the nation into two
Communists - North under Ho Chi Minh and Democrats - South under Ngo Dinh Diem
Soon war broke out between them - France and US supported South, but eventually the South was taken over by communist Viet Cong fighters, which looked very bad for US
Communism took over Cambodia and communist faction Khmer Rouge took over the government
goal to get rid of professional class an religious minorities led to 2 million deaths by the government
Fidel Castro leads peasants to overthrow the Cuban dictatorship
Castro promoted democracy but immediately established a communist dictatorship instead, so the US imposed economic bans on trade with Cuba
strengthened Cuba’s ties with Soviets instead
Soviets response to US Bay of Pigs Invasion was to install their missiles in Cuba
US found out and established a navel blockade around the island
Soviets eventually backed down when US agreed to not invade Cuba - closest brush with nuclear war
US’s capitalistic destruction of resources in Latin America stirred radical political parties in Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil
Only in 2000 did Mexico have first multi-party election - opposition
Reliance on export economies has resulted in poor domestic economies and debt
A Solidarity movement under Lech Walesa brought thousands of workers wanting reform of communist economic system
Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Solidarity member, became PM in first open elections
Communism fell in 1990, Lech Walsea become president, and economy improved swiftly
Decline of communism in Soviet bloc led to East Germany cutting ties with Soviets
Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989 and East and West reunified
Germany now focused on peace and economic reform instead of violence
Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1986 and urged restructuring of Soviet economy - elements of private ownership instituted, nuclear arms treaties with US
When Poland and other former Soviet nations separated from USSR, Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991
Russian president, took over from Boris Yeltsin in 1999
former KGB agent
Has caused significant unrest in relations with other nations
Britain granted independence to India after WWII
separated the subcontinent into three parts: India (Hindu), and Pakistan (Muslim) in two parts
Many died by religious persecution as they migrated across religious lines - created international conflict between Pakistan and India
1923: segregation established and enforced
1926: Black people banned from certain occupations
1948: system of apartheid (racial separation) established - Black people forced into the worst parts of the country and city slums
leader of African National Congress in 1950s determined to abolish apartheid
jailed in 1964 due to protesting
released in 1990 - first president elected in a free and open election
Before Revolution, Westernization was introduced to the nation and rights of women increased drastically which angered Islamic fundamentalists
Fundamentalists ousted the current shah and went back to a strictly conservative theocracy
Human rights advancements were reversed and women went back to traditional roles