Unit 1.2 + 1.3: Biomes

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The plants and animals found in a region based on yearly temp. and precipitation. (example: tropical rainforests and tundras)

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The distance of an area from the equator. This determines temp + precipitation.

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Tropical Rainforest

  • Locations: Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Bolivia, Peru, and Madagascar.

  • Hot and wet all year.

  • Most nutrient-poor soil of all the biomes. Rapid decomposition and quick uptake of nutrients due to the high temp and rainfall.

  • Most productive land biome.

  • Deforestation causes the following: loss if habitat + biodiversity, soil erosion, climate change, destruction of Indigenous cultures and loss of potential medicine.

  • Vegetation: Borad-leaved evergreen trees, ferns, large woody vines, climbing plants, orchids, etc.

  • Animals: Sloths, cobras, chimpanzees, toucans, and beetles.

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Boreal forest/Taiga

  • Nutrient poor soil. Low temp and low decomposition rate.

  • Locations: Maine, Minnesota, Mongolia, Russia, Canada, and Norway.

  • Long, cold winters, Short, mild summers. Moderate precipitation + high humidity.

  • Only in the northern hemisphere. Low precipitation.

  • Affected by mining, oil extraction, logging, and hydroelectric development.

  • Vegetation: Spruce, fir, small, berry-bearing shrubs, and broadleaf trees.

  • Animals: Canadian lynx, gray wolf, river otter, wolverine, and grizzly bears.

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Temperate rainforest

  • Locations: Washington, Oregon, Argentina, Australia, Tasmania, Taiwan.

  • Mild temperatures and abundant precipitation during fall, winter, and spring. Relatively cool, dry summers.

  • rocky, acidic soils.

  • Coastal biome, oceans moderate temperature and provide water vapor for precipitation.

  • 12 month growing season with low nutrients in soil because of rapid decomposition.

  • Human impacts: logging mills, coastal fisheries, recreation and tourism.

  • Vegetation: Douglas fir, western hemlock, redwood, ground layers of mosses and ferns.

  • Animals: Cougars, elk, porcupines, tree frogs, and muskrats.

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Temperate Seasonal Forest

  • Locations: Indiana, Vermont, Japan, China, Germany, and France.

  • Cold to moderate winters, warm summers, and precipitation year round.

  • Fertile soil, lots of organic material from leaf decomposition.

  • Long growing season with moderately high productivity.

  • Humans use land for agriculture, development and industry.

  • Vegetation: Broadleaf trees, some conifers (type of tree), flowering shrubs and herbs.

  • Animals: Bald eagle, coyote, black bear and white-tailed deer.

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Freshwater wetlands

  • Swamps, marshes and bogs.

  • Locations: Found everywhere.

  • High productivity/soil nutrients.

  • Has buffer zones, filters, and places for migration/breeding.

  • Stores excess water during storms.

  • Area with soil submerged/saturated in water for at least part of the year, but shallow enough for emergent plants.

  • Vegetation: Lily pads, cattails, and reeds.

  • Animals: Muskrats and great blue herons.

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Areas where rivers empty into the ocean. They have a mix of fresh & salt water and also have high productivity due to nutrients in sediments deposited in estuaries by rivers.

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Salt marsh

  • Estuary habitat along the coast in temperate climates.

  • Breeding ground for many fish + shellfish species.

  • Helps with filtering + breeding organisms

  • High productivity and nutrients

  • Created when freshwater rivers meet a river

  • Salt tolerant animals + non-woody, emergent vegetation

  • Water is considered brackish (a mix of freshwater and saltwater)

  • Human impacts: Coastal development, filling in land, and dredging (cleaning mud, weeds and rubbish with a dredge)

  • Also called estuaries

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Mangrove swamps

  • Estuary habitat along the coast of tropical climates

  • Mangrove trees stabilize shoreline, provide habitats for species if fish + shellfish

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Coral reef

  • Most diverse marine biome on Earth

  • Warm shallow waters beyond the shoreline

  • Mutualistic between coral (animals) and algae (plants)

  • Coral takes CO2 out of the ocean to create the reef and to give CO2 to algae

  • Algae live in the reef and provide sugar (energy) to the coral through photosynthesis

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Intertidal zones

  • Narrow band of coastline between high and low tide, everywhere the ocean touches the land

  • Organisms must be able to survive crashing waves + direct sunlight/heat during low tide

  • Shells + tough outer skin can prevent drying out during low tides

  • Low tide is the harshest time on the intertidal zone

  • Direct sunlight keeps temp high and causes dessication (little water and high oxygen)

  • Human impacts: Urbanization, coastal development, recreational uses, and plastic/oil pollution

  • Animals: Barnacles, sponges, algae, mussels, crabs, and sea stars

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Open Ocean

  • Algae + phytoplankton produce a lot of oxygen and absorb lots of atmospheric carbon dioxide

  • Low productivity, algae and phytoplankton only survive in the photic zone (area where sunlight can reach, photosynthesis)

  • Has an aphotic zone, area too deep for sunlight to reach

  • Main producers are different types of algae

  • Only 7 oceans can be open

  • Human impacts: oil extractions, oil spills, and climate change

  • Animals: Crustaceans, jellyfish, squid and fish

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  • Locations: Alaska, Russia, Canada, Sweden, Finland, and Greenland

  • Short + soggy summers, long, cold and dark winters

  • Found in high latitudes and longitudes

  • Short growing season + low productivity

  • Low precipitation, low soil nutrients, low temp, and low decomposition rates

  • Permafrost and poorly developed soils

  • Human impacts: Climate change, human development and oil/gas pipelines

  • Vegetation: Mosses, lichens, sedges, short grasses, and shrubs

  • Animals: Caribou, arctic fox, snowy owl, musk ox, and ermine

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  • Locations: Southern California, Nevadam Australia, Spain, Chile, and South Africa

  • Hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters

  • Thin, nutrient-poor soil because of leaching from winter rains

  • Climate is described as Mediterranian

  • Periodic wildfires

  • 12 month growing season

  • Human impacts: Human ignited wildfires and vineyards

  • Vegetation: Woody evergreen shrubs with small, leathery leaves, fragrant, oily herbs that grow during winter and die in summer, drought resistant plants, Yucca, Sagebrush, and Scrub Oak

  • Animals: Bobcat, Jackal, Javelina, Cactus wren, and roadrunners.

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Temperate grasslands

  • Locations: South Dakota, Oklahoma, Kansas, Hungary, Uruguay, and Ukraine

  • Warm to hot summers and cold winters. Moderate/seasonal precipitation

  • Fertile soils (pampat, praries and steppes

  • Dry and windy conditions cause wildfires, preventing tree growth and productivity

  • Human impacts: agriculture, grazing, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, hunting and poaching

  • Vegetation: lush, perennial (short/tall) grasses and herbs. Most are resistant to drought, fire, and cold.

  • Animals: Prairie dog, badger, Prairie vole, Fox Squirrel, Mink

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Tropical Seasonal Forest/Savannah

  • Locations: Zimbabwe, Indochina, Bolivia, Tanzania, Namibia, and India

  • Warm temperatures and seasonal rainfall

  • Fertile soil is compacted by grazing animals

  • Seasons due to moving ITCZ

  • Human impacts: Conversion to land for agriculture and grazing, hunting, poaching, mining, recreation, and tourism

  • Vegetation: tall, perennial grasses and some drought-tolerant and fire resistant trees/shrubs

  • Animals: African elephants, Black mamba, Baboon, Emu, and Mongoose

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Subtropical desert

  • Locations: Arizona, Egypt, Angola, Mexico, Iran, and Saudi Arabia

  • Low precipitation and varying temperatures, but it stays hot

  • Soil is rich in minerals but poor in organic materials

  • Low resistance, low resilience, low diversity and very low productivity

  • Good decomposition

  • Seasons based on ITCZ

  • Human impacts: Using ATVs, military exercises, drilling for oil, mining, and nuclear waste disposal

  • Vegetation: cacti and other succulents, creosote bush and other plants with short growth cycles

  • Animals: Armadillo, Jackrabbit, Gila monster, Kangaroo rat, and Fenne fox

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Lakes and Ponds

  • Locations: Lake Michigan, MI

  • Standing water that could be to deep to support vegetation like algae or cattails

  • Distributed on every continent and very depending on national standards.

  • Most are fresh water but their are some that could be salt water

  • Human impacts: Coastal development, recreational activities, chemical pollution and retention uses for natural resource extraction

  • Animals: Fish, frogs and migratory birds

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  • Stands for Inter Tropical Convergence Zone

  • A belt of low pressure which circles the Earth near the equator

  • This is where the trade winds of Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together