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climate factors, earthquake storms, pandemic disease, "natural cycles" of state formation
Minoan city, most well-documented palace in the Bronze Age, representative of palace-states in the Bronze Age
amorite king, a part of scribal culture, tells us a lot about culture
mode of production
the typical belief that there's a set way that societies grow more complex over time
amarna archive
evidence of correspondence btwn Bronze Age powers
the gods of Mesopotamia
using science to do better archeology
charismatic power
controlling people through how much they like you
types of power
administrative, sovereign, charismatic
represents a stage at which humans intervene into the lives of non-humans in order to bend them to human ends
temple-state used it to track shit, starts as very pictographic but evolves
writing balls
species can no longer reproduce or survive without human intervention
earthquake storms
maybe caused the Bronze Age collapse
substances that create spiritual or religious experiences
when people sing songs to encapture the spirit of their societies
cognitive revolution
appearance of new ways of thinking about 30,000 to 70,000 years ago
culture hero to king, king of Uruk
grain core
a fundamentally compact region that is administered by the temple-state and produces massive amounts of grain
the Tel that Troy is built on
Hydraulic despotism
admin controls the irrigation to control how much grain will grow and then they control how much they portion back to everyone
pro-agricultural goddess in Gilgamesh, the goddess of Mesopotamian culture, goddess of sex, love, and war
intermediary period
no king in the land, the poor thrived, epic poems and culture was great
one of the first documented cases of a rise of a new god
Mohenjo Daro
in India, linked to sumer through trrade, ritual purity, city is layed out very intentionally
New Stone Age
oracle bones
chinese, a form of divination, you burn a bone, the way it craks is an answer to the quesiton you have, earliest surviving form of writing from China
the study of old seeds
you have a herd and follow them around to live off their bounty
primitive matriarchy
society is ruled by a council of older women
proto indo europeans
first people to travel with their horses across Eurasia w/ their herds
Gilgamesh's friend, represents how agriculturalists viewed pastoralists
one god is better than others
Sargon of Akkad
creates the first territorial state, pastoralists, conquerer
scribal culture
ppl who write shit down, manages bureaucracy
sea peoples
Unknown group of strong warriors who crushed the Hittites and destroyed cities in southwest Asia, who fought the Egyptians for 50 years. perhaps caused the Bronze Age collapse
transformation of one's mental state
the study of rock layers and the sequence of events they reflect
signs representing syllables
a mound of successive layers of habitation
a case of early urbanization, central control, pyramids are burned, overthrow of the elite, tried to ban writing
The largest city of ancient Mesopotamia, people work for the temple which is run by admin who follow priestess
uluburun shipwreck
found off the coast of turkey, a way for us to see the trading networks of the late bronze age and the wealth that goes along with it
oracle bones
chinese, a form of divination, you burn a bone, the way it craks is an answer to the quesiton you have, earliest surviving form of writing from China