include all government laws, planning and actions involving internal issues of national importance, including:
Takes resources away from all groups to solve a common problem
Example: places restrictions on high pollution vehicles to improve air quality
Utilizes a cost/benefit analusz ro see if change makes sense
Goal of insuring uninsured
Affordable Care Act, 2012
Based on need like food stamps or medicaid.
Controversial due to philosophical differences
Deserving Poor vs Undeserving Poor
Social Darwinism vs Cyclical / Structural Poverty
Income threshold below which people are considered poor
1 person = 11,170
4 person = 23,050
43.6 million, about 14.3%, officially poor in 2009
Progressive Tax: bigger % from rich
Proportional Tax: same % from all
Regressive Tax: bigger % from poor
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): refundable credit for working people who earn low incomes
Elderly: well-organized with high amount of resources which is successful
Poor: vote less, less money, few organizations which is less effective
1789-1935: parents care for children who take care of parents as they age
1935: Social Security Act created as part of FDR’s New Deal
Money for retired and disabled
Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
1964: LBJ’s “War on Poverty”
1980s: De-funding of social welfare programs under Reagan
1996: Welfare Reform Act, WJ Clinton
Must find work within 2 years
Total of 5 years welfare
AFDC changed to TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
Key Indicator = Infant Mortality
U.S. spends more, as a % of GDP (gross income products), than any other nation (17%)
Even though we spend the most per capita per nation, we do not live the longest.
Overbuilt medical facilities
Few incentives to be efficient
No ‘single-payer’ system, government, private insurance, and individual out-of-pocket
New Drugs and Technology
Malpractice lawsuits, insurance and Defensive Medicine
Uninsured and Underinsured
Income: 25% of those are less than $25,000 per year, uninsured
31% of Latinos
19% of African Americans
Twice infant mortality of whites
15% of whites uninsured
5+ years of life expectancy over African Americans
Age: 7 million children uninsured; 18-29 year olds
WWII: wage freezes led to healthcare benefits being added to employment as an incentive for hiring
Medicare: about 43 million people or 14 %
Medicaid: about 43 million people or 14%
Children’s Health INsurance Program (CHIP): 11 million
Implemented many policies for conservation of the national environmental features
Encouraged the Newlands Reclamation Act
The 1970's hippie era had a major contribution to environmental policies through advocating for more environmental regulation and protection.
Environment Protection Agency
Nation's Largest Regulatory Agency
Environmental Impact Statements
Clean Air Act
Water Pollution Control Act
Endangered Species Act
Global Warming
Difficulty to find or access
Pipeline Issues
Public Lands
Offshore Drilling