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Contextual Theories
Theoretical frameworks focused on how people’s
general physical, social, and/or cultural
surroundings support and influence their learning,
development, and behavior
Basic Assumptions
Brain collaborates closely with the body
Situated cognition= knowledge/skills often tied
to specific contexts
Distributed cognition= learners perform better
when offloading cognitive load
Social constructivism= learners co-construct
meaning through collaboration
• Sociocultural theories= guidance from
knowledgeable individuals helps learners benefit
from cultural wisdom
Interactions With More Advanced Individuals
Benefits of interaction with advanced learners:
Teaches cognitive and metacognitive strategies
Mediated learning experience= connects observations to
concepts, principles, and theories
Guided by more advanced individual
Interactions With Peers
Research suggests sharing ideas with peers is effective
in learning
Benefits of peer collaboration:
Clarifies/organizes thoughts
Encourages elaboration on learning
Exposes diverse perspectives
Identifies/reflects on inconsistencies
Models effective thinking/studying strategies
Develops reasoning, argumentation, and social
Fosters advanced epistemic beliefs
Community of Learners
All students participate and discuss/share to
acquire knowledge
Use of diverse resources
Diversity in students is respected & valued
Coordination between teachers and students
Process as important as product
Learned behaviors and beliefs that are passed
from generation to generation
Facilitates survival and progress
Aspects of culture can be concrete or abstract
Most people are involved in multiple cultures
Always changing
Schemas and Scripts
Culturally influenced schemas and scripts help
organize knowledge of the world
Organized set of facts about a specific topic
Type of schema; predictable sequence of
events related to a common activity
Ex: dining at a restaurant
Beliefs about how the world works
Culturally transmitted and often implicit
Shapes meaning-making processes
May conflict with academic content
Students learn more when teachers acknowledge
and value students’ worldviews
Examples of Worldviews
Humans have free will
The world is fair and just
Consciousness survives death
Anyone who works hard can be success and make
a lot of money
Humans should not consume animals
Government should provide resources for
individuals/families who live in poverty
Communities of Practice
Groups of people who:
Share common interests and goals
Regularly interact and coordinate efforts
Adhere to shared standards
Transmit knowledge of acceptable behaviors
Introduce newcomers through legitimate
peripheral participation
Begin with simple, low-risk tasks work
with experts on complex tasks
A large, enduring group that shares social and
economic structures
Collective institutions and activities
Influences learning through:
Provided resources
▪ Distributed knowledge is a resource
Supported activities
– Communicated messages
Authentic Activities
Real-world classroom tasks/assignments
Promote meaningful learning & complex
Encourage resource utilization for better
Facilitate knowledge transfer to new situations
Boost motivation through relevance
– Problem/Project-based learning
▪ Design a board game
– Service learning
▪ Community garden
Technological (Digital) Innovations
Digital technologies= allow electronic storage,
manipulation, and transmission of information
Access to distributed knowledge
Integrates media and pedagogical strategies
Distance learning
Individualized instruction
Enables data manipulation with manageable
cognitive load
Easy access to diverse knowledge
Facilitate communication/collaboration
Supports authentic, real-world activities
Blends “work” and “play”
Using Technology Effectively
Use technology to enhance learning, not just for its own
More technology isn’t always better
Ensure tech enhances learning and thinking
Apply traditional instructional principles to tech-based
• Structure activities to reduce distractions
• Teach appropriate social etiquette and technological