Chapter 28 - World War I (Section Three)

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The Allies = ?

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This section is WAY LONG in the textbook. I shortened it down a bunch. Let's hope I covered everything.

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The Allies = ?

France; Great Britain; Italy (who joined in 1915); and Russia (who left in 1918).

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The Central Powers = ?

Germany; Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire; and Bulgaria.

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The Schlieffen Plan = ?

  • A war strategy that German General Alfred von Shlieffen drew up.

  • Believed that the Germans could reach Paris and defeat the French within six weeks and then move on to the Eastern Front and fight against the slower Russian forces.

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What were the two problems the Schlieffen Plan encountered?

  1. A German commander led his troops through an area of Belgium that proved to be heavily fortified and refused to detour through the Netherlands.

  2. The Russian army mobilized far more quickly than estimated, necessitating the movement of two German divisions to the Eastern Front.

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Commander Helmuth von Moltke = ?

The German commander who led his troops through an area of Belgium that proved to be heavily fortified and refused to detour through the Netherlands.

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The Battle of Marne = ?

  • France succeeded in pushing the Germans back from Paris by bombarding them.

  • The French army requisitioned several hundred Parisian taxis to funnel more soldiers into the Western Front.

  • Signified the abandonment of the Schlieffen Plan and made clear the fact that neither side was capable of a swift victory.

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The Russians invaded ____ Prussia, which diverted German troops from the Western Front to the _______ Front during the first critical weeks of the war.

^ East

^ Eastern

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The Race to the Sea = ?

When the German and the Allies began a series of battles attempting to reach the North Sea first and outflank the other.

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Belligerent = ?


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Nations needed what to support the war effort?

Ships; Guns; Food; Ammunition; Medicines; and Civilians.

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Propaganda = ?

Ideas or rumors used to harm an opposing cause.

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War of Attrition = ?

(HINT: The Western Front turned into this.)

A battle tactic in which each side tries to wear down the other side with constant attacks.

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Trenches = ?

Ditches used to protect camps from bombshells.

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No-Man’s-Land = ?

The desolate area that separated two trenches. If a soldier entered, they would be showered with heavy artillery and machine guns.

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The Germans introduced ________ warfare to the world by using poisonous _______ gas in the battlefield.

^ Chemical

^ Chlorine

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The Battle of Verdun…

  • When the Germans try to take Verdun, General Pétain says, “Ils ne passeront pas!”

  • The combat was so intense that corpses, instead of being removed, were covered in lime to control decay.

  • Both sides suffered more than half a million casualties.

  • The German assault failed.

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List the casualties of The Battle of the Somme:

  • 500,000 German soldiers died.

  • 400,000 British soldiers died.

  • 200,000 French soldiers died.

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Tank = ?

An armored vehicle introduced during the Somme.

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Winston Churchill = ?

Favored opening an offensive on the Dardanelles Strait, which the Ottoman Empire controlled. He hoped to seize Constantinople and possibly take the Ottoman Empire out of the war.

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The Allies, heeding Churchill’s advice, launched a failed attack on the peninsula of _________ before withdrawing their troops because they were consistently driven back by the Turks.

^ Gallipoli

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The British, being the most dominating power on the seas, were determined to ______ the transportation of war materials to the Central Powers.

^ Hinder

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Germany had to receive most of its supplies from _______ countries.

^ Neutral

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Contraband = ?

Prohibited goods.

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U-boats = ?

German submarines.

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German submarines originally only struck warships, but they eventually began to strike civilian and commercial ships. Two examples of these ships would be:

  1. The Lusitania

  2. The Sussex

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President Woodrow Wilson [in response to the deaths of American citizens aboard vessels sunk by Germany] threatened what?

To sever diplomatic relations with Germany if it did not agree to stop attacking passenger and freight vessels.

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The Sussex Pledge = ?

Stated that the Germans would not sink a ship without warning and that the U.S. would not join the war.

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The United States entered the war when?

After four merchant ships were sunk, despite the Sussex Pledge existing.

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American public opinion was _______.

^ Divided

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Americans were ___ ready to take an active role in the war.

^ Not

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Arthur Zimmerman = ?

A German foreign minister who sent a message to his ambassador in Mexico promising that, in turn for Mexican support in the war, Germany would help Mexico regain New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.

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Newspapers printed the _________ telegram after the American government released it. This heightened anti-______ attitudes in the United States.

^ Zimmerman

^ German

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