Foundations Final Study Guide

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Which Doctrine and Covenants section is the great revelation on the three degrees of heavenly glory?

Section 76

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What is a central message of section 76?

We believe by the Grace of Christ all of mankind will go to a kingdom of Heaven except the sons of perdition D&C 76:40-43

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What are the general descriptions of who enters the celestial, terrestrial, telestial degrees of heaven, and outer darkness?

Celestial - obey the gospel (faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, enduring to the end); made perfect through Christ

Terrestrial - refuse to obey the gospel; don’t want to make the covenant or keep the covenant 

Telestial - not good and honorable. Whoremonger, makers or lies and wicked. Deliberately rebellious. 

Outer darkness - deny the Son after the Father has revealed him; they shall go away into everlasting punishment

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Which Doctrine and Covenants section teaches that Christ continued from grace to grace until He received a fulness?

D&C 93

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How do we grow from grace to grace so we can also receive a fulness?

Section 93 - keep the commandments, receive light and truth

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What is the eternal nature of the mind/spirit?

We are challenged to become something; we will perfected long after the grave 

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What theology does D&C 88 and D&C 137 teach about final judgment?

Every kingdom has a law- he who cannot abide the law of the celestial kingdom cannot have a celestial kingdom 

Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence 

The Lord will judge all men according to their works and the desire of their hearts

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When was the first “endowment” given in this dispensation?

June 1831 conference at the Isaac Morley schoolhouse

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What was the purpose of the original School of the Prophets?

To prepare a group of men to receive a spiritual endowment of power

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What holy practices were implemented in the School of the Prophets to help accomplish its objective?

Washing of their whole body, putting on clean clothes 

The ordinance of anointing our heads with holy oil

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What is a doctrinal definition of endowment?

The power and capacity to overcome the world, enter the presence of God, and receive a fulness of His exalted blessings

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What activities and experiences constituted the Kirtland “endowment”?

Washing and anointing, blessings, teaching and learning, covenanting to be righteous, attending solemn sacred meetings, praying with uplifted hands, and experiencing heavenly revelation with divine manifestations such as beholding angels and even God.

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Why was the Word of Wisdom given in historical context?

Given in the context of the School of the Prophets and endowment 

Is a holiness code, not merely a health code

Its purpose is to try to help us achieve endowment 

Keeping the Word of Wisdom is meant to mark you as covenant children of Israel - distinct outward indicators of your faith

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What does the Word of Wisdom prohibit from consuming, and what does it encourage?

Avoid wine and strong drink (alcohol), tobacco, hot drinks (coffee and tea), harmful purposefully taking in to the body (drugs), harmful or habit-forming substances 

Eat wholesome herbs, fruits, flesh of beasts and fowls of the air (with thanksgiving and sparingly), all grain is good

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How and when did the Word of Wisdom become a binding commandment?

The Word of Wisdom became a binding commandment at the end of the 1800s, to the beginning of the 1900s 

Coincides with prohibition in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s

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What was the Kirtland Safety Society?

The bank set up by Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon

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What was the Kirtland apostasy and its main causes?

Kirtland high council excommunicates 28 people, those dissenters form their own church 

200-300 people leave the church (10-15%)

All three of the 3 witnesses leave the church

A meeting to vote out Joseph Smith

Main causes:

Kirtland was cash-strapped

The church set up its own bank - the bank cannot redeem its notes 

Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were fined 

Members of the Quorum of the 12 declare charges against Joseph Smith 

People don’t like the mix of church and state, mix of church and finance

Misunderstanding of the role of the prophet - What is the role of a prophet?

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Who was sent on the mission to England to help save the church?

Brother Heber and members of the Quorum of the 12 (something must be done for the salvation of the church)

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Where was the Church headquartered in 1838 after the Saints left Kirtland, Ohio?

In Missouri, northern Missouri 

Caldwell county, Carol county, Daviess County

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What were the “Salt Sermon” and the “July 4th Oration,” and who gave them?

Salt Sermon - internal apostates 

  • Coming from the book of Matthew, sermon on the mount

  • Aims it at dissenters in far west Missouri

  • If the salt has lost its savor, it is good for nothing 

  • Excitement was produced in the church - dissenters fled 

July 4th oration - external mobs 

  • We are weary of being smitten 

  • We warn all men to come on us no more forever

  • It shall be a war of extermination, citing section 98 - warn your enemy

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What was the Missouri “Mormon War” of 1838?

Missourians and Mormons fighting, three Mormons killed, one Missourian killed

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What were the "Danites"?

Gideonites (named after Gideon Carter) - The people who drove away the dissenters and their families 

Church pretenses to warn people out - they felt it was their job to protect the church and the First Presidency

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What happened at Gallatin, Missouri, related to the Missouri extermination?

People are barred from voting because they are Mormon

Missourians and Mormons become armed and drive each other out

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What happened at Hawn’s Mill?

Massacre at Hawn’s Mill - 19 innocent killed 

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What is the Missouri extermination order, and who signed it?

Governor Boggs writes that Mormons are an enemy to the state and must be driven out or exterminated

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Where did the Saints flee when they were expelled from Missouri?

Fled eastward to Quincy, Illinois 

The saints are refugees (for every 1 Quincy resident, three refugee saints)

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What is the great chain or network of the priesthood?

We all need to be connected to Adam and Eve, in the royal priesthood lineage and heirs of exaltation

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Who was called as the assistant president of the Church in Nauvoo?

Hyrum Smith

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Who was first baptized for the dead, and who witnessed?

Jane Nyman was baptized for the dead by Harvey Olmstead, Vienna Jaques was the witness

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What is the modern offering of the sons of Levi?

A book containing the records of our day - offering of names to the Lord

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What is the central premise of the King Follett discourse?

The nature of God, becoming like God 

God became God - you can become like God 

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What were some early spiritual practices in the Relief Society?

A school of prophetesses, caring for the poor and the needy, prophesy, talk about visions, heal one another, speak in tongues 

Counseling about matters, 

Prophesy, speaking in tongues and interpretation

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What is the history of women giving healing blessings of faith?

She was healed, exercising gifts of the spirit and gifts of faith to give healing 

The laying on of hands for healing 

1830-1930 women give blessings 

Calling upon the powers of heaven to accomplish the work of salvation 

Strengthen, comfort, heal, offer relief

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What is the “School of the Prophetesses”

Righteous, worthy, covenant keeping women

 A temple preparation for the women 

How the sisters would come into the blessings of the priesthood 

The keys of the kingdom are given to them, rend the veil, the blessings of heaven will flow down, come into the presence of God

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Where was the temple endowment introduced in Nauvoo?

Upper floor of the redbrick store 

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What are the apostasy and adoption theories regarding the relationship between Freemasonry and the source of the temple endowment ceremony?

March 1842 - Joseph Smith becomes a mason

May 1842 - first presentation of the endowment 

Apostasy - masonry tapped into ancient orders and rituals, symbols and ceremonies; Joseph restored it to its ancient spiritual order. Joseph is restoring it 

Adoption - Joseph learned all of these principles over a decade, adopted and adapted it to fit the higher purposes

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What does the endowment ceremony symbolically represent?

The Order of the Son of God; capacity to become like God

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What are the five major laws we covenant to live in the endowment ceremony?

Obedience, sacrifice, gospel, chastity, consecration

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What is the Church’s doctrine on Mother in Heaven?

We have a Mother in Heaven

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What is the definition of the “new and everlasting covenant of marriage”?

New and everlasting covenant: The fulness of the gospel with all ordinances and covenants; the covenant is new in this dispensation, everlasting because of eternal consequences

New and everlasting covenant of marriage: When a man and a women enter into an eternal sealing by the power of the holy priesthood and are sealed up

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What ordinances are required for exaltation and to become like God?

Exaltation is predicated on sealing between a man and woman, a husband and wife

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What is meant by “eternal increase”?

Having children after the resurrection, increase and have children in the celestial glory 

The continuation of the seeds forever 

The creative powers inherent in the combination of male and female

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What are 3 types of marriage described in D&C 132 and their heavenly results?

Non eternal marriage, marriage in the world, choose not to accept eternal marriage - they are not married in heaven, but are appointed angels in heaven, ministering servants 

Covenanted for eternity, but not faithful or loyal to that covenant - not valid when out of the world, it cannot be received there

Faithful eternal marriage - come forth in the first resurrection, inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths, exaltation and glory in all things, glory shall be a fullness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever, then shall they be Gods, have all power

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What are the Church’s teachings related to those people who don’t have the opportunity to marry in this life?

Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness ensures that all His children will have the opportunity to accept His gospel and receive His greatest blessings

All who make and keep covenants with God can experience joy and peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come 

God’s promise of eternal life includes eternal marriage, children, and all other blessings of an eternal family

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What is the historical context of Doctrine and Covenants 132 (who was it given to and why)?

Address Emma Smith’s concerns, some marriages Emma knew about, others she didn’t

Hyrum takes it to Emma, Emma was upset

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What is the basic summary of Joseph Smith’s practice of plural marriage (when it began, angel with drawn sword, how many wives he apparently married, the ages of and types of relationships with those wives, etc.)?

Revealed in 1831

At times revelation became a burden as well as a blessing, at no time more than when plural marriage was revealed. Plural marriage was the final component of the logic of restoration

He went about it carefully, one woman at a time, usually approaching her relatives first and going through a prescribed wedding ceremony. During his lifetime, he was married to approximately thirty women. 

About 30 women 

Average age was 28 

Ages 14-56

20 reminisces of an angel coming with a flaming sword

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According to Doctrine and Covenants 132, what are three reasons why the Church practiced plural marriage during the 19th century?

#1 The Lord commanded it - the Lord gives the law

#2 Part of Joseph’s appointment to restore all things 

#3 Multiply and replenish the earth, raise up seed unto God

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What are some of the theological concepts associated with plural marriage, including dynastic sealings?

If you have the power on earth to seal, you should be crafty

Seal all you can 

Seal up as many people as possible - sealing horizontally

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What is the Church’s standing law of marriage?

Monogamy is God’s standard for marriage

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Why was Joseph Smith killed? (five factors from John Taylor’s 1854 talk.)

  1. Plural Marriage

  2. Apostate Dissention

  3. Religious Suspicion

  4. Political Power 

  5. Wicked Men

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Who was John C. Bennett and what role did he play in the martyrdom?

Politician, talented, helped them get the Nauvoo charter, helped financially, advisor to the First Presidency

Immoral person, seduces women, spiritual wifery 

Excommunicated, tips the public opinion against the church

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Who were the Laws, the Fosters, and the Higbees, and how were they connected to the martyrdom?

They proactively meet and conspire about how Joseph is a fallen prophet and how they can remove him 

They organize their own reformed church 

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What was the “Voice of Innocence” document?

In March 1844 Emma Smith, using her position as Relief Society President, mounts a direct effort to oppose her husband and the practice of plural marriage. 

She approved, amended, assembled the RS in four meetings, read, and had the RS adopt a document known as the “Voice of Innocence” which renounced all forms of “immorality” including “polygamy, bigamy, fornication, adultery, and prostitution”

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What was the Nauvoo Expositor?

A newspaper that prints a litany of charges against Joseph Smith

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Who was Thomas Ford, and what was his role related to the martyrdom?

Governor of Illinois, represents Pontius Pilate, he allowed Joseph Smith to be killed 

Governor Ford had the power to protect him, but allowed the mob to attack

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On what legal charges was Joseph Smith incarcerated in Carthage Jail?

Destruction of property and inciting a riot 


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What was the succession debate of 1844, and who were the two key players?

Brigham Young and Sidney Rigdon 

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What were Brigham Young’s key theological claims to authority?

  1. The Keys of apostleship and of all the priesthood ordinance

  2. First presidency dissolved and quorum of 12 was the leading body

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What is the Church's process of prophetic succession today?

When the president of the church dies, first presidency dissolves, quorum of the 12 becomes governing body, motion is made that the president of the 12 becomes president of the church, second-longest serving apostle becomes president of the 12

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What is the RLDS Church/Community of Christ and their origins?

Saints who didn’t go west, stayed in the midwest, Emma Smith is part of them 

Joseph Smith III as the prophet and successor of the church

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Who oversaw the completion of the Nauvoo temple and administering of the endowments therein?

Brigham Young

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What was the Council of Fifty?

The Council put in charge of leading the kingdom of God, looked for other places to settle

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Where did the Church look to settle when fleeing Nauvoo, including which other country?

Rocky Mountain Valley 

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When and where did the Church begin to do vicarious endowments?

January 11, 1877 in the St. George temple

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Second only to Brigham Young, who was the person largely in charge of making temple worship central to the Saints?

Wilford Woodruff

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In conjunction with sealings, what is the law of adoption and how and when did it end?

The Law of Adoption/Dynastic Sealing is when it was common for a person to be sealed or adopted to a high-ranking Church leader to join the sealed or linked family of God. It stopped on April 8, 1894.

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What is the name of the federal law that disenfranchised the Church and seized its assets?

Edmunds-Tucker Act 

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What was the Great Indignation Meeting?

5,000-6,000 women gathered to oppose unconstitutional laws against religious freedom that were trying to end plural marriage

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When was Official Declaration 1 released, and who issued it? 

September 25, 1890, issued by Wilford Woodruff

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Did plural marriage end abruptly or slowly after O.D. #1?

Slowly, a process

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What was the Second Manifesto, and Final Manifesto?

Second manifesto - attaching penalties to entering into plural marriage; the Final manifesto denounced fundamentalists

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What is the Church’s doctrine regarding race?

God loves all of His children and makes salvation available to all. God created the many diverse races and ethnicities and esteems them all equally.

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What were the names of some of the Black men who were ordained to the priesthood during Joseph Smith’s time?

Elijah Abel, Q. Walker Lewis,

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When and by whom did the priesthood and temple restrictions for Black Africans begin?

In two speeches delivered before the Utah territorial legislature in January and February 1852, Brigham Young announced a policy restricting men of black African descent from priesthood ordination. 

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What are three events that potentially contributed to the restriction on members of Black African descent and the priesthood?

  1. The apostasy of Black convert, William McCary

  2. The interracial marriage of Walker Lewis’s son 

  3. The passing of slavery legislation in Utah Territory

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Where are prophets infallible?

One aspect where prophets are infallible is in their witness of Jesus Christ as Lord, our Savior and Redeemer, and to follow his gospel

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What is the conceptual difference between prophets leading the Church astray and making mistakes?

Prophets can make mistakes but the Lord will not allow the prophet to lead us astray

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What have we been promised that the prophets will never lead us astray from?

the gospel of Jesus Christ and the ordinances and covenants that bind us to God.

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What is a “counterbalance” that ensures the Church will not go astray?

Prophets must seek the united voice of the 1st presidency and 12 apostles for sustaining significant revelations, teachings, policies.

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What does it mean that prophets have “agency” in their calling related to “the bold doctrine”?

Prophets are authorized as agents to act in the name of the Lord and represent Him and can create laws on earth and in heaven.

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What is the difference between the church of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God?

This earth will become the kingdom

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When will the Restoration be complete (the Restoration continues…)?

The Restoration is Jesus & The Future - The Restoration is not done. The Restoration of the church has happened. The Restoration of the Gospel is not completed.

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How can we participate in the ongoing Restoration (let us continue in it!)

  1. 1) Keep the new covenant, and pass on the new covenant 

  2. 2) Everything you do in your stewardship to help the Lord’s will be done on earth contributes to the ongoing restoration

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