Positioning and supporting the body so that all body parts are in the correct anatomical position.
The state of inability to feel sensation, especially the sensation of pain.
Bed Cradle
A device placed on a bed to keep the top bed linens from contacting the legs and feet.
Devices applied to hold dressings in place, provide support, apply pressure, or limit motion.
A rubber, metal, or other type of tube that is passed into a body cavity and used for injecting or removing fluid.
Clean Catch (Mid-Stream) Specimen
A urine specimen that is free from contamination. Have patient void in toilet, then catch urine (mid-stream) after the first amount of urine is wasted in toilet.
Closed Beds
bed that is made following the discharge of a patient.
An artificial opening to the colon, allows for evacuation of the feces
Complete Bed Bath (CBB)
A procedure where the patient’s whole body is bathed while confined to the bed**.**
Tightening or shortening a muscle (we learned this in Anatomy class 😊)
positioning the patient in a sitting position with his or her feet and legs over the side of the bed prior to ambulation
to evacuate fecal material from the bowel; to have a bowel movement
Insufficient amounts of fluids in the tissues.
Swelling; excess amounts of fluids in the tissues
Fan folding
folding in accordion pleats; done with bed linens.
A surgical opening connecting the ileum (small intestine) and the abdominal wall.
Intake and Output (I&O)
Record that notes all fluids taken in or eliminated by a person in each period.
Mechanical Lifts
Special devices used to transport patients.
emptying the bladder.
Mitered Corners
used to hold the linen firmly in place, they are a special folding technique that secures the linen under the mattress.
Montgomery Straps
adhesive strips applied when dressings need to be frequently changed at a surgical site.
Occult Blood
hidden blood that is within the intestinal tract.
Occupied Bed
A bed occupied by a patient.
Open Bed
A bed not occupied by a patient.
Operative Care
Care that is provided before, during and after surgical procedure.
Oral Hygiene
Care for mouth and teeth
Surgical procedure that creates an opening in your abdominal wall.
Partial Bed Bath
Are given daily to maintain personal hygiene, it includes washing face, underarms, arms, and hands.
Personal Hygiene
care of the body including bathing, hair, and nail care, shaving and oral hygiene.
Postmortem care
care given to the body immediately after death.
Postoperative Care
post=”after”, care provided to patients after surgery
Pre-operative Care
pre= “before”, healthcare provided before surgery. This is a time when a pre-surgical checklist may be completed on the patient. Provider should be aware of any labs, medications, dietary restrictions needed prior to surgery.
Pressure Ulcer
A pressure sore; a bedsore.
Restraints in a medical setting are devices that limit a patient's movement.
Sequential Compression Device (SCD)
SCDs are a form of mechanical thromboprophylaxis (prevention of blood clots) with inflatable sleeves that are connected to a machine.
any opening in the body
Stool Specimen
feces specimen examined by the laboratory, usually to check for ova and parasites and the presence of fats, microorganisms, and other abnormal substances.
Surgical (elastic) hose
elastic or support hose used to support leg veins and increase circulation.
24-hour urine specimen
A simple lab test that measures what’s in your urine over a 24-hour period. This is used to check kidney function. A special collection container is used for the full 24 hours.
To drain the urine from the kidney to inside the bladder, an opening is made in one of the two ureters, where the ureter is then brought to the surface of the abdomen and urine begins to drain from the stoma [opening].
Urinary-drainage unit
A plastic or rubber closed unit that attaches to the catheter to keep microorganisms from entering the catheter and prevent infection.
to expel urine from the bladder
Urine Specimen
Common specimen, used for a variety of laboratory tests such as urinalysis.
To empty the bladder; urinate.
Wound VAC
A medical device that applies negative pressure to a wound to promote healing and prevent infections.