The Hapsburgs
The name of the family that held power in Spain and the Holy Roman Empire
Philip II
Ruled Spain for 42 years, considered a bad decision maker. Showed favoritism to Castile. Established his capital in Madrid. Attempted to make Netherlands Catholic.
The Spanish territory Philip II showed favoritism towards
The new capital of Philip II was established here
The Spanish Armada
Spanish force that attempted to invade England in 1588
Charles II
The last Spanish Hapsburg to rule over Spain
Henry VII
The first Tudor monarch to rule over England
Philip II of Spain
Who did Mary Tudor (“Bloody Mary”) marry in 1554?
1) Virgin Queen. 2) Pinchpenny. 3) Fairy Queen
Nicknames given to Queen Elizabeth I of England
1) Sell royal land 2) Collect custom taxes 3) Sell licenses 4) Sell royal offices
Methods Elizabeth used to raise money for her kingdom
Poor Laws
A series of laws that established the responsibility of local areas for their respective poor populations. By Queen Elizabeth I
France and Spain
The two powerful European nations posing the largest threats to England.
James I
The new monarch of England after Elizabeth died
Stuart Dynasty
The dynasty created by James I
Henry IV
Became king of France in 1589
Bourbon Dynasty
Dynasty created by Henry IV
Edict of Nantes
Issued by Henry IV to end religious feuds in France. Gave partial religious freedom to Protestants by allowing them to worship as long as the majority of their area was also Protestant.
Prompted Protestants to start creating their own fortified cities. Fights decreased, but Catholic and Protestant cities built respective militaries.
What did the Edict of Nantes cause?
Cardinal Richelieu
Under Louis XIII, who actually ruled over France? (after overthrowing his mom)
He took power away from the nobles and Protestants (who were fortified). Destroyed nobles’ castles until they gave up their power. Kept Edict of Nantes, but removed the right to fortify towns.
How did Richelieu attempt to establish an absolute monarchy in France?
Military grew powerful, economy strengthened, French Academy created to teach people French culture (especially proper language)
What are some positive impacts France received from Richelieu?
French Protestants
Louis XIV
The arrogant son of Louis XIII who took the throne at the age of five (with his mom Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin), becoming independently king at 23 years old in 1661
72 years
How long did Louis XIV rule over France?
The “Sun King”
What was Louis XIV nicknamed?
Where did Louis XIV build his palace?
Very inefficient. The poor paid heavy taxes, while the nobles, clergy, and government officials paid none at all.
The tax system of France under Louis XIV
Repealed the Edict of Nantes in 1685, fearing the Huguenots would attempt to overthrow him. Schools were Catholic - many Protestants left France due to this.
The changes Louis XIV made in religion
War of Spanish Succession
War lasting from 1701 to 1713 declared by Louis XIV to expand France
Louis XIV, his grandfather, convinced Charles II to leave the Spanish throne to him.
How did Philip of Anjou become king of Spain?
Charles’ Hapsburg cousins in Austria were angered that the throne was left to a Frenchman. Most of Europe was also against this.
What was the effect of Philip V (Philip of Anjou) taking over Spain?
The two sides in the War of Spanish Succession
Treaty of Utrecht, 1713
What was the treaty the War of Spanish Succession ended with?
Both England and the Dutch accept Philip V as king of Spain, but France and Spain could NOT be united under one king.
What did the Treaty of Utrecht do?
France was left financially weak after the war, especially after the death of Louis XIV. The nation was revolting by the later years of the century.
Describe post-war France during the 1700s.
German Hapsburgs attempting to create their own absolute monarchy, provoking conflict between the Catholics and Protestants.
Cause of the Thirty Years’ War
All European nations EXCEPT England
Who fought in the Thirty Years’ War?
Ferdinand of Syria
The new ruler of Bohemia. He was a devout Catholic who wanted to help the Hapsburgs create an absolute monarchy in the Holy Roman Empire
Ferdinand of Syria took away the religious freedom of the Protestant Czechs living in Bohemia. They rebelled.
How did the Thirty Years’ War begin?
Ferdinand ended the rebellion in 1620, but the war was continued by 1) other parts of the Holy Roman Empire and 2) other European nations
What happened to the Protestant Czechs in Bohemia who rebelled?
Protestant, joined against Catholic Hapsburgs, hoping to gain German land in the process. They were defeated.
What was the position of Denmark in the Thirty Years’ War?
Protestant, joined against Catholic Hapsburgs, hoping to gain German land. Not defeated.
What was the position of Sweden in the Thirty Years’ War?
Catholic, BUT joined AGAINST the Catholic Hapsburgs. Richelieu was afraid to have a powerful nation on France’s borders.
What was the position of France in the Thirty Years’ War?
Treaty of Westphalia
Ended the Thirty Years’ War
Added Calvinism as a recognized religion in the Holy Roman Empire. Holy Roman Empire remained divided into 300 states. Hapsburgs, ultimately, did not create their absolute monarchy.
What did the Treaty of Westphalia (result of the Thirty Years’ War) do?
Maria Theresa
Became the new ruler of Austria in 1740 at 23 years old. Clever and resourceful leader, strengthened the Austrian government.
Which became the most powerful state in the HRE?
Pragmatic Sanction, created by Charles VI (Theresa’s father) in 1713
Which document allowed Maria Theresa to rule?
1) Made the rulers of Europe to promise not to divide up Hapsburg lands. 2) Allowed women to rule Austria
What did the Pragmatic Sanction do?
Frederick II
Also known as “Frederick the Great.” Became ruler over the state of Prussia in 1740.
He wanted to expand.
What did Frederick II of Prussia want to do?
He seized Silesia in Austria, breaking the Pragmatic Sanction. (meaning Maria Theresa’s right to rule is unprotected.)
What did Frederick II do in Austria?
Frederick II’s invasion of Austria
What caused the War of Austrian Succession? (1741-1748)
The states of Austria and Prussia
What were the sides of the War of Austrian Succession?
England and the Netherlands
Whom did Austria receive help from? (WAR OF AS)
France and Spain
Whom did Prussia receive help from? (WAR OF AS)
Treaty of Aix la-Chapelle
What treaty ended the War of Austrian Succession?
Frederick keeps Silesia, and Maria Theresa was allowed to continue her rule
What did the Treaty of Aix la-Chapelle do?
Maria desired the land of Silesia to be returned
What caused the Seven Years’ War? (1756-1763)
France! and Russia (enemy to Prussia)
Who did Maria Theresa ally with in the Seven Years’ War?
The New World
Aside from Europe, where was the Seven Years’ War fought?
The French and Indian War
What is another name for the Seven Years’ War? (the New World portion, specifically)
Land conflict in the New World between France and England
What was the additional motive in the Seven Years' War?
Who won the French and Indian War?
Treaty of Paris
What treaty ended the Seven Years’ War (and its French and Indian War?)
Allowed Frederick to keep Silesia (once again), but Maria kept the rest of Austria ←- Nothing really changed here. England received Canada and all land East of the Mississippi River. England also became the leading power in India.
What did the Treaty of Paris do?
It was being erased by powerful monarchies
What was happening to feudalism in the 16th and 17th centuries?
Holy Roman Empire
The Spanish Hapsburgs were cousins to the Hapsburgs who controlled the…
Spain, Netherlands, Milan (in Italy), Burgundy, parts of Portugal, New World
The Hapsburg family controlled…
Statute of Apprentices (1563)
A policy established by Elizabeth stating that labor was a social and moral duty