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China (Map)
Got nukes in 1964. Attacked Taiwan
India (Map)
Got nukes 1974 for protection against Pakistan
Japan (Map)
only country to get nuked
North Korea (Map)
Most recently got nukes
Russia (Map)
Cold war enemy
Taiwan (Map)
we protected against china
Iran (Map)
about to get nukes
Israel (Map)
have but not publically exposed
Pakistan (Map)
Did not sign NPT - A Q Khan give info
Syria (Map)
opperation orchard.
Berlin Airlift
Enemy: Soviet
Winner: United States
Why: Kept West Berlin Capitalist
Description: Soviet blocked entracnces into Berlin and we airlefted food and other items into berlin.
Korean War
Enemy: North Korea
Winner: United States
Why: armistice signed
Description: Brinkmanship helped lead to the armistice to stop fighting. The US backed South Koera as North Korea tried to invade and take over.
Taiwan Straits
Enemy: CHina
Winner: United States
Why: China stopped attacking
Description: Fear that Mao was invading Taiwan when bombed islands.
Checkpoint Charlie
Enemy: Soviet
Winner: United States
Why: Berlin Remains Capitolist
Description: Lined up along line in Berlin, slowly backed away. Very close to all out war
Cuban Missle Crisis
Enemy: Soviet
Winner: United States
Why: Soviets publically withdrew
Description: Soviet put missle in cuba pointed at US.
Vietnam War
Enemy: North Vietnam
Winner: North Vietnam
Why: Did not sign treaty until it was on their terms
Description: US proposed treaty but they didnt take it until it was on their terms
Yom Kippur War
Enemy: Soviet
Winner: United States
Why: Soviets stayed out of middle east
Description: ended up being a proxy war between US and USSR
Strategic Arms Limitations Treay (SALT)
froze levels
US wins
Why: does not count warheads - we have more
Intermediate-range Nucler Forces (INF)
US wins
soviets elminiate 1,000 more than us
Strategic arms reduction treaty 1 (START I)
eliminated warheads
neither won
we both cut to 6,000
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II (START II)
eliminated warheads
neither won
both sides cut to 3,000
Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty (SORT)
eliminated warheads
neither won
why: reduced warheads to be between 1,700 -2000 by 2012
New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START)
neither won
why: reduced to same level
US leader
North Korea leader
kim jong un
Chine leader
Xi jingping
India Leader
Shri Narendra Modi
Japan Leader
Shigeru Ishiba
Russia leader
Taiwan leader
Tsai Ing-wen
iran leader
ali khamenei
A Q khan
Gave info to other countries on how to make nukes
pakistan leader
Asid ali zaedari
syria leader
ahmed al-sharaa
US-Iranian Relations helped
Iran Contra Scandal (we aided them and gave weapons
Organized Northern Alliance (helped fight al qaeda)
Obama-Rouhani phone call (started connections for the first time in many years)
US with drew from JCPOA (we broke treaty)
US-Iranian Relations Hurt
Operation AJAX (we overthrew their democratic eleceted president)
Iran-Iraq war (we tilted toward suporting iraq)
Shot down Iran Air flight 655 (we killed innocent civivlians
Axis of evil (put them on “nautghyt list’ and inposed sanctions)
Operation Olympic Games (cyber warfare)
Us-North Korean relations helped
Agreed Framework ($4billion in nuclear reactors and oil)
6 party dissarment talks (millions in fuel + agreed to disarm)
Leap day agreement (240 thousands tons of food for disarment)
Singapore summit (agree to demilitarize korea)
DMZ Summit (U.S. Sitting pres in NK)
U.S. - North Korea relations hurt
Axis of evil (we put them on watch list)
withdrew from NPT (became untrustworhty again)
Sony hacked by Guardians of Peace (message sent in retaliation for how Kim Jung Un was portrayed in a movie)
North Korean Blackout (we turned NK off to show power and threaten them not to do anythig after movie relase)
Death of Otto Warmbier (college student arrested and killed for taking a poster)
Yongbyon facility
North Korean Nuclear facility. Not very threateneing- not much was there
Agree Framework (1994)
North Korea:
Freeze and dismantel nuclear bomb maiking and permit inspectors
$4 billion in aid, 10 years worth of oil, 2 lightwater nuclear reactors
Albright Official Visit
Secretary of State officially visited North Korea. She was the highest ranking official at the time to go.
6 party dissarment talks agreement
North Korea: agreed to shut down nuclear progrm by 2007
Other nations: 100,000 tons of fuel
Sinking of Cheonan
North Korea sank South kean boast and then “Saved passanegrs”
Leap Day Agreement
North Korea:
suspend enrichment of urnanium
kill long rnge nuclear tests
restart 6 party talks
timline for inspectors
United States:
Send food for children
Sony Hack
Done by Guardians of Peace
North Korean Blackout
We got rid of North Korean internent access for 10 hours to show strength
US-China sanctions
On North Korea goods that upper class use and individual companies
SIngapore Summit
First time meeting in awhile and talked about dissarming Korean penisulla
Hanoi Summitt
US North Korea talks - not getting anywhere - trump walked out and it ended prematurley
DMZ Summitt
First sitting US president in North Korea
College Student Killed in North Korea
Otto Warmbier
Operation AJAX
We overthrew the iranian democraticaly elected President and put he shah in charge
Iranian hostage crisis
Americans held for 444 days while carter was president
Iran contra scandal
dealt with arms trafficing that indirectly sent arms to Hezbolla a terrorist group
Orgnaized Northern Alliance
helped organize the nrothern allaiance which was to fight al qaeda. US jets could use iranian bases.
Axis of evil
Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria, Libya, Cuba
Natanz Nuclear Facility
First nuclear facility in Iran
Oporation olympic games
cyber ttacks aimed at destroying nuclear program
Killing Iranian scientists
we killed to prevent them from etting nukes
Ahmadinejad’s 9/11 comments
said we attacked out own country
US Iran bank sanctions
we tried to hurt economy through sanction
We withdrew because trump did not like
Joint Commprehensive Pan of actin
eliinate all medium enriched uranium and low uranium
reduce centrifuges
build no heavy water reactors
relief from sanctions
Maximum Preasure
added more sanctions and hurt economy
The Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
What countrys are in the NPT
US, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China
Countrys that have Nukes
US. China, North Korea, Russia, Israel, United Kingdom, France India, Pakistan
who left the NPT
North Korea
What countries had nukes but gave them up
South Africa
Leader of Russia during Berlin crisis