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Located in exterior
w/ fingers raised: has surplus
w/ pressing down : its insufficient
w/ pressure released it regains full strength
‘feels like a piece of wood floating on water’
located near bone
cannot be detected w light or moderate pressure, only can be felt w heavy pressure
pulse beats below 60 BPM or less than 4 beats per breath
pulse beats above 90 BPM or more than 5 beats per breath
Vacuous : Xu Mai
a slow, large, floating, forceless pulse image.
generalized term for various types of forceless pulses
Replete : Shi mai
long-bodied, wiry, large, hard and replete pulse that has surplus either floating or deep
generalized term for various types of forceful pulses
Scallion Stalk
Floating, soft, large bodied, but empty centre.
this pulse can be felt superficially
Soft and large
when pressure applied it disappears rapidly and completely
This pulse is fine, long, has strength, and feels like a lute string under fingers
Large, floating,
comes on exuberant but departs debilitated
traditionally likened to a wave coming on shore w force but retreating without force
Faint Pulse
insufficient, extremely fine, soft, barely palpable
sometimes felt sometimes lost
Long Pulse
can be felt beyond its own location or range
can be felt further than usual up the forearm
Short pulse
does not reach its location or range
pulse only reaches distally to the guan position (not to first/cun position)
Slippery pulse
“feels smooth like pearls rolling in a dish”
this pulse comes smoothly slowing and uninhibited
Choppy pulse
“feels like a knife scraping across bamboo”
slow, relaxed, stagnant, fine, small and short
may lose a beat but then recovers,
is not smooth flowing
aka 3/5 pulse
Tight pulse
Tight, has strength and feels like a taught rope
Moderate pulse
can be normal pulse
as disease image; relaxed, loose, slack
on verge of being slow, coming in at abt 60bpm
Hidden Pulse
this pulse is difficult to feel, not obvious
its under the sinews and requires heavy pressure to bone to obtain
pulse is deeper than deep pulse
Thready pulse
feels like a silken thread
weak, without force but persistent
(very common in females)
Bound pulse
slow, relaxed and stops at irregular intervals
Weak Pulse
deep, fine and soft like a thread
Soft pulse
floating, fine, relatively forceless.
can be felt w light pressure but cannot be obtained w deep pressure
Regularly interrupted pulse
comparatively relaxed and weak pulse that stops at regular intervals
both intervals and pauses may be strikingly long
Drumskin Pulse
floating, wiry, large with empty centre
outside is tight, inside is empty
Confined pulse
when pressed superficially or moderately, does not respond
can only be obtained by heavy pressure
when found, its large wiry, forceful and long
Scattered pulse
floating, large, without root,
with light pressure, easily changeable- becoming scattered and chaotic
heavy pressure leads to its absence
Stirring Pulse
mostly felt in guan position
slippery rapid, wiry, forceful
feels like jumping bean
Skipping Pulse
mainly felt in cun position
rapid and irregularly interrupted
Racing Pulse
very rapid, over 120 BPM pr 7-8 beats per breath