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How many proteins coding genes do humans have?
How many ft of DNA do humans have?
Only about ____ percent of human DNA encodes proteins and functional RNAs
ā¢About _____ percent of human DNA is derived from mobile DNA elements, genetic symbionts that have contributed to the evolution of contemporary genomes.
the entire nucleic acid sequence that is necessary for the synthesis of a functional gene product (polypeptide or RNA) - protein coding, enhancer, and promoter regions
Solitary genes
ā¢25-50 percent of the protein-coding genes in multicellular organisms are represented only once in the haploid genome.
solitary, gene family
ā¢Protein-coding genes may be _____ or belong to a ____
simple transcription unit
ā¢A monocistronic region extending from the 5ā² cap site to the 3ā² poly(A) site with introns removed that encodes one protein
Complex transcription units
Primary transcripts can be processed in alternative ways:
Retrotransposons, transposons
ā¢Promote the generation of gene families by gene duplication
Duplicated genes: ____ common in higher eukaryotes
Lower eukaryotes have a _____ density of protein-coding genes without introns.
duplicate gene retains its function and increase basal transcript levels
ā¢duplicated genes tend to accumulate mutations faster and these mutations may result in new and different functions.
ā¢Mutation in both copies of the gene lead to functionality of the original gene become distributed among the two copies.
gene loss or pseudogene
The extra copy of the gene may be lost over time due to not being needed, or it may become a __ (the copy of the gene is retained but mutations lead to nonfunctionality).
homologous genes
all evolved from common ancestor
orthologous genes
ā¢same function but differ as a result of speciation
paralogous genes
differ as a result of gene duplication
Majority of genes are of _____ function
DNA wrapped around the histone octamer
10nm nucleosome filament
"beads on a string": nucleosomes linked together by DNA strand
Nucleosome, 10nm nucleosome filament, 30 nm fibers, supercoiled DNA loops, condensed mitotic chromosome
Order of chromatin condensing
-The protein component of chromosomes include ____ a group of highly conserved proteins.
Histones are what charge
chromatin fibers
ā¢Chromosomes consist of _____, composed of DNA and associated proteins.
linker DNA
ā¢Each nucleosome is joined by a short stretch of ____ Length varies up to about 80bp
histone octamer
ā¢Each consists of eight histone subunit proteins: the _____
ā¢And 147bp of DNA that makes ____ turns around this core histone assembly
Histone octamer
ā¢2 molecules each of histone H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 that adopts a disc shape around which the 147bp coil always in a left-handed turn
H2A, H2B, H3, H4
4 major subunits that are duplicated in histone octamer
ā¢All 4 histone proteins are small with a large number of positively charged _____ residues that promote tight association with the negatively charged DNA sugar-phosphate backbone
N-terminal amino acid tail
ā¢Each histone has a long, unstructured ____ that extends out from the nucleosome
histone H1
-A 30-nm filament is another level of chromatin packaging, maintained by ____
ā¢DNA and histones are held together by _____ bonds.
____bonds between negatively charged phosphates of the DNA backbone and positively charged residues of the histones.
Chromatin-remodeling complexes
ā¢Hydrolyze ATP and use this energy to slide DNA associated with octamers in order to regulate compaction
Histone code
specific post-translational modification combinations in different chromatin regions specifically influence chromatin function by creating or removing chromatin-associated protein binding sites
Acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ubiquitination
4 key histone tail modifications
Acetylation of lysines
ā¢for example, neutralize their positive charge, weakening histone/DNA associations, thereby making DNA more accessible
will prevent acetylation, resulting in more compact DNA not as accessible for transcription.
ā¢Most highly condensed interphase chromatin is called ______ - essentially inactive and without transcription
centromere, telomeres
Heterochromatin is Concentrated around the center (____) and termini (-____) of chromosomes. With variable regions interspersed along the length.
Euchromatin, active
ā¢Variable state of decondensed chromatin, some more relaxed than other, transcriptionally _____ regions of chromosome
Methylation of lysine 9 in histone H3 (H3K9me) is principle factor establishing _____
regulation depends on factors other than DNA sequence
Epigenetic modifications
can be transmitted from parent to progeny cells and regulate gene expression without altering nucleotide sequence
X chromosome inactivation
Example of epigenetic inheritance
ā¢Most cells of humans are diploid: contain one maternal and one paternal copy of each chromosome: _____ chromosomes
ā¢The _____ is located at the site markedly indented on a chromosome.
constitutive heterochromatin
centromeres contain ______
ā¢The end of each chromosome is called a _____and is distinguished by a set of repeated sequences.
ā¢New repeats are added by a _____ a reverse transcriptase that synthesizes DNA from a RNA template.