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Right Atrium
The heart structure that functions as the initial receiving chamber is the:
Valves in the Veins
The most important factor in the return of blood flow back to the heart is __________.
Gas and nutrient exchange between circulation and the tissues occurs at the:
Senatorial Node (SA Node)
Specialized muscle tissue that sets the pace for the conduction of electrical signals throughout the heart is known as the:
Capillary Beds
The juncture of the arterial and venous systems is found in the
The symbiotic microbes that help nourish a ruminant live mainly in specialized regions of the:
Which of the following is an essential amino acid?
Which digestion hormone is secreted by adipose tissues, suppresses appetite, and increases metabolic rate?
During swallowing, which structure is “tipped” downward by the upward action of the larynx?
When a bolus of food enters the esophagus, which mechanical action pushes the bolus down to the stomach?
When a cow is getting ready to regurgitate, the cud enters which chamber before exiting through the mouth?
When a cow is getting ready to regurgitate, the cud enters which chamber before exiting through the mouth?
Salivary Amylase
Which of the following is a secretion of the parotid gland?
Small Intestine
The pancreas connects to which part of the alimentary canal?
Enzymatic action in a cow’s stomach occurs in the:
Absorption in the small intestine is increased by:
Villi Present + Microvilli on cells of Villi
Water Absorption
The main function of the colon is:
Helicobacter pylori which erodes the mucus coating in the stomach
Ulcers occur in the stomach as a result of:
Example of Incomplete Digestive System
A condition of malnourishment which is mainly characterized by an overall caloric deficit and manifests itself as emaciation, is best know as:
The folds in the stomach that allow the stomach increased surface area for expansion and holding of food are called:
Apoplastic + Casperian Strip
When dissolved solutes travel via the cell wall of plants, we call this the ___ route; but once they reach the ___, specific solutes may be able to enter into the vascular tissue cells.
Hormones or other compounds made by the plant and that need to travel long distances on a regular basis and which bind to receptor proteins on the cell membrane usually follow which route?
Casparian Strip
When toxic molecules travel through the apoplastic route, which structure ensures that they do not pass into the vascular tissue of the plant?
2: Source —> Sink
In plants, sugar compounds move in ___ direction(s) from ___ to ___:
Sugar moves in the plant via the:
Close Stomata for Water conservation
If a plant is exposed to high temperatures and drought, it will have to:
The exudation of water droplets, caused by root pressure that can be seen in the morning on the tips of grass blades is known as?
Carnivorous plants eat small insects to obtain:
water, co2, photosynthesis
Involves leaves of a plant
Artery (main)
Vena Cava
Main Vein in Body
Net Primary Production (NPP)
The energy that goes to the production of new tissue or growth by autotrophic organisms and becomes available to higher trophic levels is termed:
How Populations Evolve
Which of the following is not a focus of ecosystem studies?
Algal Blooms, O2 depletion, Eutrophication, Fish Deaths
Aquatic phosphorus pollution can result in:
Tropical Rainforest
Home to greatest concentration of biodiversity
The idea that protist diversity came about as a result of unicellular organisms engulfing other cells which then became organelles is known as which theory:
A taxonomic group which contains a common ancestor but not all of its descendants is known as
The evolutionary history of a species or group of species is known as:
An organism which may be shaped like a rod, sphere, or spiral, moves by taxis, has a ring of DNA, and causes disease belongs to the group:
Deuterostomes, Coelomates, have a Notochord, Bilateral Symmetry
Which of the following is true about chordates?
A unicellular organism that is considered phytoplankton and has a true nucleus belongs to which group?
Aquatic organisms similar to amoebas, but with thread-like pseudopodia which extend from the center belong to which group?
An earthworm is a segmented worm and belongs to which of the following groups:
What image is pictured
A membrane-bound Nucleus
The most fundamental difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotes have:
Crotalus horridus (the timber rattlesnake)
Example of Correctly Written Name
What is the tangled mass of branched filaments that typically forms the fungal body?
An organism which uses a flagellum to move, has a membrane-bound nucleus, is photosynthetic, and causes sleeping sickness, belongs to which group:
You find an organism that looks like a mushroom. Upon closer inspection, you notice that it has gill-like structures underneath its mushroom cap. You decide that this organism belongs to the fungal group known as:
Porifera; no symmetry or tissues
The sponge belongs to the phylum ____ and has_____.
Protostome Example
Squid and octopus are classified into which of the following invertebrate phyla?
A crayfish belongs to which phylum?
In the image shown, “A” represents which of the following?
Which of the following illustrates the type of locomotion associated with ciliated protists such as Paramecium?
The type of locomotive structure shown in “B” allows the organism to find nutrients using which of the following for locomotion?
Generally, within a lineage, the largest number of shared derived characters should be found among two organisms that are members of the same:
Playhelminthes, Rotifera, Nematoda
Organisms that do not have a true coelom
Notochord, dorsal (hollow) nerve chord, post anal tail, pharyngeal slits
characteristics that all chordates have at some point in development
organisms that are triploblastic
When considering fungal phylogeny, which of the groups listed below would be considered the outgroup
Which of the following includes organisms such as jellyfish and hydras?
4-Chambered Heart
What is the shared derived characteristic for the crocodile?
Perch, salamander, lizard, crocodile, pigeon, mouse, chimpanzee
If considering the entire cladogram, what is the ingroup?
Interference AND interspecific competition
A clan of spotted hyenas in Ngorongoro Crater (Africa), gobbling down the carcass of a zebra from which they have chased a lone lioness, exhibit successful:
Population is increasing and growth rate ( r ) is positive
If the number of births in a population is greater than the number of deaths, which of the following is correct?
Climate and Weather
Which of the following factors is least likely to influence population size in a density-dependent way?
Population Numbers will decrease
Assuming that birth rate and death rate for a population were equal, what would happen to population numbers if emigration exceeded immigration?
A population of spider mites whose population numbers double every two weeks for the course of the summer
example that illustrates the principle of exponential growth
Birth and Immigration
Which of the following processes would contribute to an increase in population size?
prey around, some lynx will switch from prey like grouse to snowshoe hares numbers increase, the increased food available to lynx will increase lynx numbers by increasing their birth rate
As the size of a snowshoe hare population rises, the number of deaths due to predation by lynx often also rises because __________.
the competitive exclusion principle
No two species can occupy the same ecological niche in the same place at the same time. This statement is known as:
If we catch 50 sunfish and mark them with colored fin tags. A week later, we return and catch 40 fish and five of them are previously tagged fish. What is the estimated population size?
The number of surviving individuals of a particular age class and Fertility for specific age classes
A life table usually contains information about
aposematic coloration
A poisonous frog with bright and colorful body markings is an example of __________.
In succession, when the early colonizers provide the right type of environment for subsequent colonists moving into a community, this is referred to as:
Large areas and High evapotranspiration
Species richness tends to be highest in ecosystems with:
This population is in decline
If the net reproductive rate is equal to 0.5, what assumption can we make about the population?
Resource partitioning
Various species of lizards live along a fence in different areas, for example, on the post—closest to the ground, on the post—closest to the top, on the pickets, or in crevices. This is an example of:
Ants, which live in the hollow thorns of the acacia plants and defend the plant against predators in exchange for sweet droplets of food, display which type of species interaction?
Destroying the seaweed cover
The following shows the effects of various organisms on seaweed cover. Based on the data represented, the sea urchin is?
elephants in a national park
If you were to keep records on a cohort of wild animals for the purpose of developing a life table, you would be most successful if you chose to keep records on
Iteroparous - K selected
Which pair of terms most accurately describes life-history traits for a stable population of wolves?
An insect that has evolved to resemble a plant twig will probably be able to avoid:
King penguins on South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean often exhibit the pattern of dispersion pictured below as a result of aggressive interactions between neighbors. Which pattern of dispersal best characterizes this example?
Interspecific interference
An ornithologist has observed two species of nuthatch that appear to live in similar environments: both species forage for insects on the same trees. When encountering food in the same part of the tree, one species has an aggressive display to discourage the other species from pursuing its prey. This is an example of which type of competition?
During succession, when soil is not available, which of the following would be more likely to colonize the area first?
When a single species is transformed into a different species over the course of many generations, this is most accurately referred to as:
Adaptive radiation
Hawaiian plants, known collectively as the “silversword alliance,” are all descended from an ancestral tarweed that arrived on the islands about 5 million years ago from North America. Members of the silversword alliance have spread into many different habitats on the islands, evolving into distinct forms through allopatric and sympatric speciation. This best describes:
Sympatric speciation
Adjacent populations that produce hybrid offspring with low reproductive fitness may be undergoing:
Convergent evolution
The Australian wombat and the American badger both have adaptations for burrowing—
sturdy snouts and strong forepaws and claws. Both of these animals live in similar environments but are not related. This would be an example of:
Background information, a statement of hypothesis, and a purpose for the study are usually found in which part of a scientific paper?
based on data over a long time and that attempts to explain natural phenomena.
In science, the term theory generally applies to an idea that is
Runners in a race are ranked according to their placing, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place, etc. These ranking data are best considered?
An organism that is multicellular and belongs to the kingdom Plantae, is in which domain?
Of the following, who believed that organisms changed their behavior in response to environmental change; in turn, that behavioral change modified traits and those traits were inherited by offspring?
Whose work did Darwin read to lead him to the observation that all species populations have the reproduction potential to increase exponentially over time?
Which of the following elaborated John Ray’s work on the classification of animals and plants?