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legal family
relationships through blood ties, adoption, guardianship, or marriaage
biological family
genetic biological networks among and between people
sociological family
groups of people living together with or without legal or biological ties
psychological family
Groups with strong emotional ties ex. friends
coronary artery
obtuse marginal artery
left ant descending artery. very significant aka widow’s maker
left circumflex artery
right coronary artery
coronary artery bypass grafting
family as context
family serves as context for the individual as either a stressor or resource to the indivs health and wellness. asking the pt
family as a client
Nurse is interested in how the health event affects every one in the family. asking the family
family as system
focus bw family members becomes the focus for nursing interventions. family is assessed as a whole. asking about relationships
family as component of society
fam is viewed as an institution within a society which interacts with other institutions. community health nursing. asking about community
entering into a relationship
getting into sync wit the family; noticing, unconditional positive regard
being in a collaborative relationship
nurse and family
who is the family, what is meaningful to them
follow their lead
sensitivity, listening, following their cues
being aware of your own perspective
collaborative knowledge development
family (experiential, sociocultural) and nurse (ways of knowing)
pattern recognition
noticing experiences and responses
naming and supporting
look beyond the surface to recognize their verstion of the issue, their strengths
roles of the family nurse
health educator, care provider + supervisor, family advocate, case finder + epidemiologist, reseacher