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transtheoretical stages of change theory
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
care continuum for substance abuse
detox, rehab, halfway house, other housing, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, AA, relapse prevention
achieve psychological stability, provide an empathetic, supportive environment, promoting safety and sleep, reintroduce good nutrition and hydration, support for self care, exploring harmful thoughts and spiritual distress
screening tools
alcohol systemic effects
peripheral neuropathy, alcoholic myopathy, cardiomyopathy, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, esophagitis, gastritis and pancreatitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, cancer
alcohol minor withdrawal symptoms ( 6-8 hours)
n,v, shaky, jitters, HA, mild perceptual changes
alcohol moderate withdrawal symptoms (8-10 hr)
psychotic and/ or perceptual symptoms begin (hallucinations), can lead to seizures, delirium or unconsciousness
alcohol severe withdrawal symptoms (12-24 hr)
seizures (generalized and tonic- clonic
delirium tremens
medical emergency; causes physiologic problems; delusions and hallucinations; pts are danger to self
tobacco cessation
patches, lozenges, gum, hypnosis, bupropion, varenicline
disulfiram (antabuse)
only for AUD. used in adjunct to treatment of chronic alcoholism
antabuse action
blocks enzyme involved in processing alcohol which creates severe discomfort and is a deterrent to drinking
antabuse se
severe n, v, chest pain, tachycardia, flushing, dizziness
antabuse nursing
never use with any alcohol containing products, carefully check labels of all liquid medications, avoid breathing fumes of paints, stains, stripping compounds
first line treatment for OUD and AUD.
naltrexone action
binds to the endorphin receptors and blocks effects of opioids
naltrexone po
reduced tolerance for opioids, taking the same or even a lower dose of opioids used in the past can cause OD
naltrexone AUD- must have withdrawn from alcohol
reduces alcohol cravings and amount of alcohol consumed, must maintain sober
IM naltrexone- vivitrol q 28 days
must wait at least 7 days from last opioid use for short acting and 10-14 after long acting
long acting full opioid agonist and schedule 2 controlled medication. helps achieve and sustain recovery
methadone nursing
taken daily for >12 months, medically monitored daily, low dose for pregnancy, can also be addictive
1st opioid use disorder medication that could be prescribed in the dr’s office. makes it easier for people to seek treatment
buprenorphine route
buprenorphine/ naloxone sublingual films (suboxone), buprenorphine extrende release injection (sublocade)
inability to consistently abstain from a substance or activity
under the influence, varying levels
builds up. higher doses required for effect
physiological symptoms occur when a person stops using
advanced practice interventions
psychotherapy or consultation, holistic approach, cognitive behavioral therapy
caffeine intoxication s/s
restlessness, nervousness, flushed feeling, GI upset, tachycardia
caffeine withdrawal s/s
HA, drowsiness, irritability, poor concentration
cannabis intoxication s/s
heightened senses, depersonalization, derealization, delirium
cannabis withdrawal s/s
irritability/ anger, restlessness, anxiety, gi upset, fever, chills
cannabis treatment
abstinence, ssri’s
hallucinogen intoxication s/s
paranoia, impaired judgement, derealization, pupil dilation, tachycardia, tremors
hallucinogen withdrawal s/s
re- experiencing s/s, can last weeks, mnths, yrs
hallucinogen treatment
reassurance of safety, benzodiazepines, restraints
inhalants intoxication s/s
disinhibition, euphoria, illusions, hallucinations, nystagmus, n, v, decreased reflexes
opioid intoxication s/s
constricted pupils, drowsiness, slurred speech, impaired memory and attention, psychomotor retardation, respiratory arrest
opioid withdrawal s.s
mood dysphoria/ anxiety, n, v, d, diaphoresis, hyperreflexia
stimulants intoxication s/s
elated, euphoric, hypervigilant, anxious, dilated pupils, wgt loss, seizures, chest pain, arrhythmias
stimulants withdrawal s/s
tiredness, insomnia, vivid nightmares, depression, suicidal, paranoia, irritability
stimulants treatment
inpatient (amphetamines), outpatient (cocaine), antipsychotics, diazepma
expression of stress through physical s/s that are often manifestations of psychological and emotional distress
somatic symptom disorder
>6 months, excessive thoughts, anxiety and behaviors around symptoms or health concerns, high level of functional impairment, often resistant to seeking psychiatric assistance
illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriac)
preoccupation with having serious illness for >6m, high anxiety about health, excessive health related behaviors or maladaptive avoidance
conversion disorder
presence of deficits in voluntary motor or sensory functions
conversion disorder s/s
paralysis, blindness, movement and gait disorders, numbness, paresthesia, loss of vision or hearing, episodes resembling epilepsy
factitious disorder
psychiatric disorders in which people consciously pretend to be ill to get emotional needs met
malingering factitious disorder
Conscious fabrication of illness or exaggerating symptoms for secondary gain such as insurance fraud, prescription medication, avoidance of prison or military service
factitious disorder by proxy
Rare condition wherein a person intentionally causes or perpetuates the illness of a loved one. Most commonly parent to child
psychoanalytic theory- freud
psychogenic complaints of pain, illness, or loss of physical function is a cover up for conflicted feelings and/or unwelcome experiences
behavioral theories
communication of helplessness, attention seeking
cognitive theories
negative, distorted, catastrophic thoughts, focus on body sensations and misintherpret their meaning, responding with excessive alarm
cognitive reframing
questioning client to determine other potential causes of feared disease