state the location of the Congo Basin Rainforest
Equatorial Guinea
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Central African Republic (CAR)
Republic of Congo
state the size of the Congo Basin Rainforest
500 million Ha
state what % of the world’s rainforest does the CBR make up
state how many people live in the Congo Basin
75 million
state the number of ethnic groups living in the Congo Basin
state the name of the hunter-gatherer people living in the Congo Basin
Ba’Aka people
describe the climate of the Congo Basin
rainfall - 2,000mm annually
temperature range - 20-27 degrees C
describe the interdependency of climate and vegetation in the CBR
temperature humidity and rainfall
create conditions for plants to grow
describe the interdependency relationships of strangler fig in the CBR
strangler fig seeds are deposited by mammals/birds
strangler fig needs trees to grow around
strangler fig provide niche food sources to invertebrates, bats, reptiles and birds
strangler fig provide figs for bonobos
describe the interdependency relationships of the Congolese people in the CBR
Congolese people are reliant on bush meat (e.g. bonobos)
Congolese people use trees for traditional medicines
describe the interdependency relationships between the moabi trees and elephants in the CBR
elephants use moabi as a food source
moabi use elephants for seed dispersal
describe the value of the CBR to humans (MEDICINE)
International Cancer Institute (ICR) has identified 1,400 tropical forest plants with potential to fight cancer
Moabi trees alone make over 50 traditional drugs
describe the value of the CBR to humans (NATURAL RESOURCES)
the CBR contains lots of desirable natural resources, such as tin, diamonds and copper
the CBR contains 80% of the world’s supply of coltan
the CBR is energy resource rich - oil and high potential for HEP and solar
the CBR contains US $20 trillion in untapped mineral deposits
describe the value of the CBR to humans (PEOPLE)
Indigenous tribes, such as the Ba’Aka, follow hunter-gatherer lifestyle in the CBR
the CBR provides freshwater, food and shelter for 75 million people
the CBR is a place of refuge in times of strife (e.g. civil war)
describe the value of the CBR to humans (TOURISM)
the CBR is home to rare wildlife which can be a magnet for tourists
tourists can kickstart local multiplier effects in economies
describe the value of the CBR to the planet (FAUNA)
400 mammal species
1,000 bird species
50% of continent elephant populations
mountain gorillas, forest elephants, bonobo and okapi (ENDANGERED)
describe the value of the CBR to the planet (FLORA)
10,000 plant species
30% of these plant species are unique to the region
describe the value of the CBR to the planet (CLIMATE REGULATION)
CBR exchanges water and energy with the atmosphere
controlling local and regional climates
deforestation would reduce water/energy flows by ~50%
describe the value of the CBR to the planet (CARBON STORING)
20 gigatonnes of carbon is stored in the DRC
state the 3 reasons why the CBR is deforested
describe the logging in the CBR
government permission was given for 50Ha to be logged
much more logging is done illegally
some estimate ~90% of logging in the CBR is illegal
describe the rate of deforestation in the CBR
0.2% per year
30% gone by 2030
state how logging has affected endangered species in the CBR
there are now 190 critically endangered species in the CBR
describe how palm oil has affected the CBR
palm oil is more intensive than any other crop
there is 3 million Ha of palm oil in the CBR
describe how rural populations affect the CBR
60% live in rural areas
this lead to heavy reliance on subsistence farming
state what is exploited in the CBR
blood diamonds
state the name of the process whereby the surrounding area doesn’t benefit from resources, even though it should
resource curse
describe how mining is a threat to biodiversity
mining means areas are deforested
environmental degradation occurs in proximity to the mines
access roads to mines split up the CBR, preventing migration of species and damaging habitats
describe the volume of poaching in the CBR
2 million tonnes of bushmeat per year are harvested
mainly antelope, monkey and wild boar
describe the impact of poaching in the CBR
elephant population declined by 60%
ivory exports have increased - particularly to the booming middle class in China - which has increased poaching
500 gorillas poached per year
guards killing protecting animals
state the economic positives of the Virunga National Park (VNP)
increased tourism to VNP means more jobs for local people
60,000 new jobs created
state the social positive of the VNP
improved drinking water, health and education are all part of the VNP plan
state the environmental positives of the VNP
ranger force has improved surveillance to hugely decrease illegal logging and poaching
state the economic negative of the VNP
it costs a lot of money to run and employ 700 park rangers
state the social negative of the VNP
VNP has management problems and now being managed by an external organisation
state environmental negatives of the VNP
the VNP plan cannot stop all poaching
2007 - an illegal charcoal mafia a family of mountain gorillas
state the economic positive of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
saves rainforest for long term sustainable use
state the social positives of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
SFC criteria includes whether the rights of local and indigenous people are respected and whether there are safe working conditions
the FSC trains local communities, which increases buy-in
the FSC is internationally renowned for transparency and quality of work; they are independent and thus free from corruption
state the environmental positives of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
the FSC focuses on saving high conservation value areas
5 million Ha of rainforest have been SFC certified
state the economic negative of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
the FSC lacks large spatial impact
FSC only has 10,000 product lines
Tesco alone have 100,000 product lines
state the social negative of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
independent audits of the FSC saw them to mismanage much of the donated money
state the environmental negatives of the sustainable forest certification (SFC) from the forest stewardship council (FSC)
the FSC gives countries a 5 year grace period when they join when there is still no punishment for illegal logging
GTFN only monitors logging, doesn’t prevent logging
state the economic positive of World Bank Funding
$40 million funding for 120,000 people makes a big impact in country where average wage is less than $500 per person per year
state the social positive of World Bank Funding
improved quality cooking stoves for people in Kinshasa means fewer health issues due to respiratory problems
state the economic negative of the World Bank Funding
money may be better spent on education or healthcare
state the social negatives of World Bank Funding
money is channelled through the government which has a poor record for corruption
focus is on Kinshasa (urban), whereas 60% of the DRC lives in rural areas
state the environmental negative of the World Bank Funding
kerosene still produces harmful emissions