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When was the question of Mary's marriage first raised by Simon Renard
29th July 1553
What did Mary say that she had previously thought about marriage
She had never wanted to marry before she was queen and that her mother had warned her against it
Who's advice did Mary agree to follow when it came to her marriage
Charles V, HRE
When was Mary's coronation
1st October 1553
When was the hand of Philip II of Spain offered to Mary
10th October 1553
How did Mary feel about the proposal
she was thrilled but said she did not know how the people of England would take it
Which two courtiers were the main proponents of Philip
William Paget and Simon Renard
Which major figure at court opposed the Spanish marriage
Gardiner who feared that England would be a dependency of the Hapsburgs
When did members of the court approach Mary to warn her of the dangers of making a foreign marriage
20th October 1553
What did the anti Spanish marriage courtiers say to Mary
Gardiner stressed that the country would never abide a foreigner and the others raised issues about what would happen to the line of succession
When did Mary inform the council that she planned to marry Philip
27th October 1553
when did mary inform Simon Renard that she had chosen philip to be her husband
29th October 1553
What happened on 16th November 1553
Deputation of 20 from the commons went to see Mary to try and dissuade her from marrying Philip
How did mary respond to the deputation from the commons
she said that it was not parliament's place to pick her husband and that if she was forced to marry against her will she would die within three months and have no children... parliament left speechless
What happened in late November 1553
Wyatt plotters meet and formulate their plan for a four pronged attack, the deposition of Mary and replacement with Elizabeth married to Edward Courtenay
when was the marriage treaty presented to the council
7th December 1553
when were the terms of the marriage treaty officially proclaimed at Westminster
14th January 1554
when did Renard claim that there was a french fleet assembling on the normandy coast and what was mary's response
18th of january, mary responded by ordering troops to be raised and an oath of loyalty to be administered to each member of the royal household
When did courtenay admit his role in Wyatt's rebellion and who to