Mass Movements
Downward movement of rock, soil, and debris under gravity, distinct from erosional processes.
Soil Creep
Slow movement (
Faster soil movement (5cm-1m/year) in cold regions with frozen sub-terrain, leading to solifluction lobes.
Water-saturated masses moving downhill rapidly for up to 1km, triggered by factors like heavy rainfall or stream erosion.
Rapid, less viscous flows on lower slopes than earthflows, triggered by heavy rainfall or volcanic ash mixing with water.
Rapid sliding of earth, rock, or regolith, with planar or rotational types, triggered by factors like water lubrication or overloading.
Rock Falls
Free-falling of material along steep slopes or cliffs, triggered by earthquakes, weathering, wave erosion, or excessive rainfall.
Sudden downhill movement of rock, snow, and ice at high speeds, caused by factors like heavy snowfall or deforestation.
Overland Flow
Unconcentrated water movement on slopes, leading to sheet wash or rills, influenced by factors like soil infiltration and slope shape.
Slope Forms
Resulting from various processes, including waxing slope, free face, debris slope, and pediment slope, influenced by rock type, structure, and climate.