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A narrative in which the characters, behavior, and even the setting demonstrate multiple levels of meaning and significance. Often a universal symbol or a personified abstraction
The sequential repetition of a similar initial sound, usually applied to consonants, usually in closely proximate stressed syllables
A literary, historical, religious, or mythological reference in a literary work
The regular repetition of the same words or phrases at the beginning of a successive phrases or clauses
A term identifying the diction of the common, ordinary folks, especially in a specific region or area
The juxtaposition of sharply contrasting ideas in balanced or parallel words, phrases, grammatical structure, or ideas
A concise statement designed to make a point or illustrate a commonly held belief
Appeals to… authority, emotion, logic
Rhetorical arugments in which the speaker claims to be an authority or expert in a field, or attempts to play upon the emotions, or appeals to the use of reason
An address or invocation to something inanimate
The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, usually in successive or proximate words
A syntactical structure in which conjunctions are omitted in a series, usually producing more rapid prose
The sense expressed by the tone of voice or the mood of a piece of writing; authors feelings toward his or her subject, characters, events, or theme. It might even be his or her feelings for the reader
Begging the question
An argumentative ploy where the arguer sidesteps the question or the conflict, evades or ignores the real question
That which had been accepted as authentic
A figure of speech and generally a syntactical structure wherein the order of the terms in the first half of a parallel clause is reversed in the second
A comparison of two unlikely things that is drawn out within a piece of literature, in particular an extended metaphor within a poem
the implied, suggested, or underlying meaning of a word or phrase
the repetition of two or more consonants with a change in intervening vowels
an assessment or analysis of something, such as a passage of writing, for determining what it is, what its limitations are, and how it conforms to the standard of the genre
deductive reasoning
the method of argument in which specific statements and conclusions are drawn from general principles; movement from the general to the specific
the language and speech idiosyncrasies of a specific area, region, or group
the specific word choice an author uses to persuade or convey tone, purpose, or effect
writing or speech that has an instructive purpose or a lesson; often associated with a dry, pompous presentation
a poem or prose that laments, or meditates upon the death of a person
in rhetoric, the repetition of a phrase at the end of successive sentences
writing in praise of a dead person, most often inscribed upon a headstone
in rhetoric, the appeal of a text to the credibilty and character of the speaker, writer, or narrator
a speech or written passage in praise of a person; an oration in honor of a deceased person
an indirect, kinder, or less harsh or hurtful way of expressing unpleasant information
the interpretation or analysis of a text. Also, the opening section of a narrative or dramatic structure in which characters, setting, theme, and conflict can be revealed
extended metaphor
a series of comparisons within a piece of writing. If they are consistently one concept, this is also know as a conceit.
figurative language
language with levels of meaning expressed through figures of speech such as personification, metaphors, litote, etc
an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronology of the narration
a type or class of literature, such as epic, narrative, poetry, biography, history
a sermon but more comtemporary uses include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involving moral or spiritual life
overstatement characterized by exaggerated language, usually to make a point or draw attention
any sensory detail or evocation in a work to evoke a feeling, to call to mind an idea, or to describe an object. Involves any or all of the five senses
inductive reasoning
the method of reasoning or argument in which general statementsand conclusions are drawn from specfic principles: movement from the specfic to the general
a conclusion or proposition arrived at by considering facts, observations, or some other specific data. Looking at the clues, learning the facts.
the contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant. The intended meaning is often the opposite of what is stated, often suggesting light sarcasm.
parallel structure in which the parallel elements are similar not only in grammatical structure but also in length
specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group
the location of one thing adjacent to another to create an effect, reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose
a figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by consious understatemnt
loose sentence
a long sentence that starts with its main clause, which is followed by several dependent clauses and modifying phrases