My name is Rebecca Omosebi, and I am sixteen years old.
Is mise Rebecca Omosebi, agus tá mé sé bliana déag d’aois.
I have black hair and brown eyes.
Tá gruaig dhubh orm agus súile donna agam.
I am five foot four inches tall.
Tá mé cúig troithe agus ceithre orlaí ar airde.
I am a funny, clever, and musical person, and I love music – especially punk and indie music.
Is duine greannmhar, cliste agus ceolmhar mé, agus is breá liom ceol – go háirithe ceol punc agus indie.
I listen to artists like Willow Smith, Cigarettes After Sex, and Beach Bunny.
Éistim le ceoltóirí mar Willow Smith, Cigarettes After Sex agus Beach Bunny.
6. I also love Irish musicians like The Cranberries and Hozier.
Chomh maith leis sin, is aoibhinn liom ceoltóirí Éireannacha mar The Cranberries agus Hozier.
I think they represent Ireland beautifully with their unique sound.
Sílim go ndéanann siad ionadaíocht hálainn ar Éirinn lena bhfuaim uathúil.
In fact, we sang ‘Linger’ by The Cranberries at my school, and I really enjoyed it.
Go deimhin, chanamar ‘Linger’ le The Cranberries i mo scoil, agus bhain mé an-taitneamh as.
I love singing because it makes me feel at ease.
Is brea liom a bheith ag canadh mar chuireann sé ar mo shuaimhneas mé.
I started singing when I was very young, and I think that talent came from my mother, who sings as well.
Thosaigh mé ag canadh nuair a bhí mé an-óg, agus sílim gur ó mo mháthair a tháinig an tallann, mar canann sí freisin.
I won second place in my school’s talent show with the song ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus – it was a magical night, and I also won one hundred and fifty euros.
Bhuaigh mé an dara háit i seó tallainne mo scoile leis an amhrán ‘The Climb’ le Miley Cíoras – oíche dhraíochta a bhí ann, agus bhuaigh mé céad caoga euro freisin.
It is a very special memory for me.
Is cuimhne an-speisialta dom é.
Currently, I am preparing for the Leaving Cert
Faoi láthair, tá mé ag ullmhú don Ardteist
It is challenging and stressful, but I believe there is no victory without effort.
Tá sé dúshlánach agus strusmhar, ach creidim nach mbíonn bua gan dua.
I hope to do well with God’s help and my effort.
Tá súil agam go n-éireoidh go maith liom le cabhair Dé agus le mo dhícheall.