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alternative splicing:
assembling subsets of the exons of a gene, which increases the number and diversity of proteins it encodes
amino acid:
a small organic molecules that is a portein building bloock; consisting of an amino group, an acid group, a hydorgen, and an R group
a three-base sequence on one loop of a tRNA that is complementary to an mRNA codon and connects the appropriate amino acid and its mRNA
chaperone protein:
a protein that binds a polypeptide and guides folding
coding strand:
the strand of the DNA double helix for a gene from which RNA is not transcribed
a continous triplet of mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid
the three-dimensional shape of a molecule
a part of a gene and its corresponding mRNA that encodes amino acids
frameshift mutation:
a mutation that alters a gene’s reading frame
genetic code:
the correspondence between specific mRNA triplets and amino acids
part of a gene that is transcribed but is excised from the mRNA before translation into protein
an alternate version of a protein that arises from a certain combination of translated exons
nonsynonmous codons:
DNA triplets that specify different amino acids
open reading frame:
a sequence of DNA that does not include a stop codon
a long chain of amino acids
primary structure?
the amino acid sequence of a protein
an infectious protein
a contorl DNA sequence that signals the start of a gene
a multiprotein cellular structure with a tunnel-like shape thorugh which misfolded or excess proteins pass and are dismantled
quaternary structure:
a protein that has more than one polypeptide subunit
reading frame:
the point in a DNA sequence form which contiguous triplets encode amino acids of a proteins (DNA sequence has 3 reading frames)
ribsosomal RNA (rRNA):
RNA that, with proteins, comprises ribosomes
RNA polymerase (RNAP):
an enzyme that adds nucleotides to a growing RNA chain
secondary structure:
folds in a polypeptide caused by attractions between amino acids close together in the primary structure
synonymous codons:
DNA triplets that specify the same amino acid
template strand:
the DNA strand carrying the information to be transcribed
tertiary structure:
folds in a polypeptide caused by interactions between amino acids and water
transcription factors:
proteins that form a structure that binds DNA at certain sequences, initiating transcription at specific sites on chromosomes