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A location where heat energy can melt rock at the base of the lithosphere
the earth’s crust and upper mantle; this region contains tectonic plates
A solid rock layer beneath the lithosphere
Techtonic Plates
Huge pieces of lithosphere (the entire earth has 7 MAJOR tectonic plates)
Trade Winds
Winds that blow east to west near the equator Tropics +-23 latitude from the equator (sun is directly overhead at these latitudes at some point every day)
Leeward side of island
Away from prevailing winds (tradewinds)
Windward side of island
Facing prevailing winds (tradewinds)
Native Species
A species found in an ecosystem that is present due to natural processes (natural distribution or natural selection). Does not include species that were introduced by humans (ancient or modern).
Indigenous Species
One type of native species; adapted to its environment but exists in multiple places because of high degree of adaptability or natural dispersion.
Endemic Species
A species found only in a specific, unique location. Often highly susceptible to extinction because of its specialized role in an isolated ecosystem.
Introduced species
A wild organism that was introduced to an ecosystem by humans.
Invasive species
An introduced species that causes ecological harm in a new environment where it is non-native.
Ecological succession
A series of progressive changes in the composition of an ecosystem over time
Primary succession
newly-exposed/formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time
Secondary succession:
An area previously occupied by living things is disrupted and then recolonized following the disruption.
A submerged ridge or bar (implies a sandy surface)
A rigid structure located in shallow water or just above the surface.
Coral polyp
tiny animals (~1 mm) in the same phylum as jellyfish. Has body, mouth, and stinging
tentacles to catch food (plankton and small fish)
A colony of coral polyps. Some corals are soft, some are hard (secrete calcium carbonate as an
Coral Reef
A reef composed of hard corals
a dinoflagellate that performs photosynthesis. Some zooxanthellae live as symbiotic
organisms inside the cells of coral polyps
Widespread of Hawaiian endemic forest birds
(Great Frigatebird): Bird with very large (7 ft) wingspan; can remain aloft for hours
Butterfly fish
Broad group of reef fish that are flat (see WWW pg. 184). Carnivores; often eat coral
Yellow Tang (Kona Gold)
Small reef fish. Mostly herbivorous (often eat algae)
Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (Wedgetail triggerfish)
State fish of Hawaii (“trigger-fish with a snout like
a pig”)
Hello, Goodbye, Love, Kindness, Compassion
Hawaiian chiefs
Ancient Hawaiian temples
God of War
Goddess of fertility and agriculture
Harvest festival in honor of Lono
Spiritual power
Sacred, Restricted, Prohibited
Captain James Cook
: British Explorer, first westerner to “discover” Hawai’i
Kamehameha I
First King over all the Hawaiian Islands
Liholiho (Kamehameha II)
Son of Kamehameha I who ended Kapu system
Favorite wife of Kamehameha I and Co-Regent with Kamehameha II; early convert to Christianity
Expansion of power and influence
Capt’ Cook ‘Discovered” HI
Capt’ Cook death
Arrival of the Sandwich Island Mission
Overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy