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opportunistic behavior
taking advantage of someone when circumstances permit; this leads to market failure
market failure
markets aren’t able to allocate resources efficiently
adverse selection (hidden knowledge)
moral hazard (hidden action)
what are two types of opportunistic behavior?
adverse selection (hidden knowledge)
opportunities based on “unobservable characteristics”
happens before the transaction phase
creates market failures by reducing the size of market or in extreme cases by eliminating market
“bad quality drives good quality out of the market”
moral hazard (hidden action)
opportunities are based on “unobservable actions”
happens after entering the transaction phase
adverse selection
Identify the type of asymmetric information problem: adverse selection or moral hazard
“a person in ill health who purchases disability insurance”
moral hazard
Identify the type of asymmetric information problem: adverse selection or moral hazard
“a person who purchases home insurance & then is less careful”
restricting or controlling opportunistic behavior by eliminating the choice for adverse selection
equalizing information
what are two methods to mitigate adverse selection?
uninformed takes the action to collect the information held by the informed
informed takes the action to communicate information with the uninformed
informed takes action to make standardize quality
implementing a method to detect & punish change in behavior
eliminating incentives to change behavior or creating incentives to achieve desired behavior
connecting payoffs to observable factors when actions cannot be observed
what are the methods to mitigate moral hazard?
adverse selection
Identify the type of asymmetric information problem: adverse selection or moral hazard
Suppose a firm offers its workers a cafeteria plan in which it allows workers to allocate a set amount of fringe benefit money toward specific insurance. Mary, who has five kids needing braces, selects the family dental coverage.
moral hazard
Identify the type of asymmetric information problem: adverse selection or moral hazard
The “too big to fail” theory applies to financial institutions, which are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system, and they therefore must be supported by the government through FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). Knowing this, financial institutions engage in a lot of risky loans.
moral hazard
Identify the type of asymmetric information problem: adverse selection or moral hazard
In a television advertisement for AFLAC supplemental health insurance, an ice skater says to his skating partner, “Do you want to try a triple jump?” She responds, “Why not, I have AFLAC.”