Primitive Type
basic data types inherent to java:
int for integers
boolean for true/false values
double for decimal numbers
char for single characters
string for text
Initializing vs Declaring a variable
Declaring a variable means defining its name and type without assigning a value,
while initializing a variable involves assigning a value to it at the time of declaration.
Modulus Operator
written as % or mod and returns the remainder of division between two integers.
Division operator
written as / or div and returns an integer (decimal values are chopped off)
When a calculation relies on a number outside the acceptable number range
allows users to input string/int/double values
the template through which objects are creates. formal blueprint for creating objects
variable of a data type that is user defined. every object has a state and behaviour
A created object with defined attributes
the data that is associated with an object or class at a given time
object oriented programming (OOP)
the use of object and class types in programming
the process of joining two or more strings together to form a single string. Primitives can be concatenated with string types
Truth Tables
used in logic for comparing boolean expressions
Linear search
an algorithm that searches data sets in a sequential order, checking each value from the 0th index to the end of the data to see what index a specific element can be found at
Selection Sort
a sorting algorithm that swaps the smaller value left in an array with the current index value.
Insertion Sort
A sorting algorithm that shifts the already sorted section of an array to place the current array value in the correct index
Network Protocols
Protocols for sharing data on the internet that define rules and conventions for communication between network devices
Data privacy
the appropriate use of data based on circumstances
data security
the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data
an iterative process where a method calls itself
base case
the simplest version of
Binary search
a search that starts at the middle of a sorted array or and eliminates half of the array in teach iteration until the desired value is found or all elements have been eliminated
assumptions we make about what must be true before a method is called
what should be true after a method is called
sequential programming
programs that are executed once through from start to finish without others executing
parallel and distributed programming
completes multiple tasks simultaneously