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Political Revolution
the overthrow of one political system in order to establish another
undergoing ongoing pain, distress, or hardship.
the ability to think, act, and make choices independently
lacking the ability or skill to make meaningful change or progress
Favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms.
A magical-seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty
injustice; serious formal complaint
a person who does farm work for wealthy landowners
a person of high rank by birth or title
A person who makes money by buying and selling goods
A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.
French middle class, incredibly wealthy
King Louis XIV
French king known as the Sun King.
Louis XVI
King of France. In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. Louis and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.
Marie Antoinette
Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)
The First Estate
The first class of French society made up of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Second Estate
The second class of French society made up of the nobility
The Third Estate
98% of the population made up of Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and the Peasant Farmers
The Estates General
An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France.
National Assembly
a French government established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people
The Enlightenment
A philosophical movement which started in Europe in the 1700's and spread to the colonies. It emphasized reason and discusses scientific methods, independence of government from religion, and democracy
French political philosopher who wanted rulers to work with elected governments
French philosopher. He believed that freedom of speech was the best weapon against bad government. He also spoke out against the corruption of the French government, and the intolerance of the Catholic Church.
Believed that society threatened natural rights and freedoms. Wrote about society's corruption caused by the revival of sciences and art instead of it's improvement. He was sponsored by the wealthy and participated in salons but often felt uncomfortable and denounced them. Wrote "The Social Contract."
Writers during the Enlightenment and who popularized the new ideas of the time.
Power should be a check to power
Tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
Man is born free, everywhere he is in chains. Each of us places his person and authority under the supreme direction of the general will.
Medieval fortress that was converted to a prison stormed by peasants for ammunition during the early stages of the French Revolution. A symbolic victory over royal authority.
The Great Fear
A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.
Women's March on Versailles
This was the march by the women of Paris to the home of Marie Antoinette in order to demand action for the ridiculous raise in the price of bread
A machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution.
Food Speculators
People who bought bread, hoarded it, and sold it when the prices rose
Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.
A group of moderates. Felt that the revolution had gone far enough.
A radical group of poorer people who wanted a greater voice in government, to KILL THE KING, lower prices, and an end of food shortages
Citizen Louis Capet
the name of Louis XVI before his execution when nobility titles, such as lord, duke, etc... were dropped and all people were referred to as "citizen"
Committee of Public Safety
Established and led by Robespierre, fixed bread prices and nationalized some businesses. Basically secret police and also controlled the war effort. Instigated the Reign of Terror.
Reign of Terror
This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed.
A French political leader of the eighteenth century. A Jacobin, he was one of the most radical leaders of the French Revolution. He was in charge of the government during the Reign of Terror, when thousands of persons were executed without trial. After a public reaction against his extreme policies, he was executed without trial.
Established after the Reign of Terror / National Convention; an oligarchy of rich people who rolled back reforms for the poor.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Essentially a military dictator.
A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
A belief in the equality of all people
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Motto of the French Revolution
First island in Caribbean settled by Spaniards; settlement founded by Columbus on second voyage to New World; Spanish base of operations for further discoveries in New World.
name of native people who lived in Hispaniola conquered by Columbus
Santo Domingo
Spanish side of Hispaniola, became the Dominican Republic
French side of Hispaniola, became Haiti
Grand Blancs
White plantation owners. Top of the social hierarchy. The grand blancs were the primary opposition to equal right and the abolishment of slavery. They were the primary targets of the revolution.
Petit Blancs
The "little" (or poor) white population of Saint Domingue, which played a significant role in the Haitian Revolution.
gens de couleur libres
Literally, "free people of color"; term used to describe freed slaves and people of mixed racial background in Saint Domingue on the eve of the Haitian Revolution.
New World religion with roots in West Africa; prominent in Haiti and the Haitian diaspora
Dutty Boukman
An escaped slave who held many voodoo services and persuaded slaves to rebel against plantation owners for the first time.
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution. He freed the slaves and gained effective independence for Haiti despite military interventions by the British and French. Died mysteriously in France.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
He was Toussaint L'ouverture's general, and took up the fight for the freedom of slaves in Saint Domingue on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean sea. In 1804, he declared the slave colony an independent country, the first black country to free itself from European control, and named the country Haiti.
Decree of May 1791
Expanded the rights of Gens de Coleur, however sparked the slave revolts
a violent uprising against a ruler
a member of a band of irregular soldiers that uses guerrilla warfare, harassing the enemy by surprise raids, sabotaging communication and supply lines, etc.