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psychological triad
behaviour, thoughts, emotions
characetrstic patterns of thinking, feeling, behaviong together w psychological mehcanisms behind the patterns
unique and relatively consistent patterns
personality psychology
the study of personality → aims to describe the whole person
behavioural genetics
finding genetic basis for difference in behaviour → epigenetics
statistic that estimates degree of variation in a phenotypic trait in a population due to genetic variation
heritability coefficient
heritability coefficient → percentage of the variance of a trait attributed to variance in genes
crude estimate = twice the difference in corellation between mz and dz twins (falconer’s formula)
chemical which sends message between neurons → trigger certain actions
how sensistive someone is to incentives and rewards (higher = more motivation)
socialbility, activity level, novelty seeking
dopamine = extraversion
tied to positive emotionality and openess
seratonin → low levels = irritanility and volatile emotions
role in inhibition (worry, anger, sensistivty)
ssris = more extraverted, less neurotic, happier, less hostile
authoritarian parenting
demanding, not responsive
authoritative parenting
reasonably demanding but responsive
permissive parenting
undemanding, unresponsive (too responsiuve?)
also undemanding, unresponsive
the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
popol vuh
book of the people
latinx Simpatia → agreeableness and avoiding interpersonal conflict - harmonious/group orientation
working fir group of family ratyher than self - Popol Vuh
trait perspective
identifying, describing, measuring specific traits that make up personality
ex. OCEAN approach
biological approach
perosnality comes from genetic predisposityion → sensistivity to neurotransmitters, etc
psychodynamic approach
unconscious mind → early childhood events cause unconscious thoughts etc, causing behaviour
phenomological approach
take human experience or subjectivity as their primary focus. Phenomenological theorists assert that obtaining accurate knowledge of another person requires understanding how that person experiences the world.
learning/cognitive approach
Cognitive theories of personality focus on an individual's self-perception, thoughts, what they value, and attitude toward life events. They assert that a person's thoughts influence emotions and thus are instrumental in the development of personality.