Built Landscape –
Human-made features on land (e.g., buildings, roads).
Sequent Occupance –
Different groups leave their mark on a place over time.
Cultural Landscape –
How humans shape the land around them.
Arithmetic Density –
People per total land area.
Physiological Density –
People per arable (farmable) land.
Hearth –
Where an idea or innovation starts.
Relocation Diffusion –
Ideas spread through people moving.
Expansion Diffusion –
Ideas spread in a growing pattern.
Hierarchical Diffusion –
Ideas spread from authority or influencers.
Contagious Diffusion –
Ideas spread quickly like a virus.
Stimulus Diffusion –
An idea changes as it spreads.
Absolute Direction –
Exact compass directions (north, south, etc.).
Relative Direction –
Directions based on perception (left, right, up, down).
Dispersed –
Spread out over an area.
Scattered –
Spread randomly with gaps in between.
Clustered –
Grouped close together.
Absolute Distance –
Exact measured space between two places.
Relative Distance –
Distance described in terms of time or connections.
Distribution –
How things are arranged on Earth’s surface.
Environmental Determinism –
The idea that nature controls human actions.
Absolute Location –
Exact location using latitude and longitude.
Relative Location –
Location described by nearby places.
Site –
What’s physically there (e.g., climate, landforms).
Situation –
A place’s location compared to others.
Toponym –
The name of a place.
Linear Pattern –
Objects arranged in a straight line.
Centralized Pattern –
Objects clustered in one area.
Random Pattern –
No clear order in arrangement.
Natural Landscape –
Land untouched by humans.
Possibilism –
People can adapt to their environment.
Formal Region –
A region where everyone shares a trait (e.g., language).
Functional Region –
A region centered around a node (e.g., a city’s influence).
Vernacular Region –
A region based on people's perceptions (e.g., "The South").
Scale –
The level of detail shown on a map.
Size –
How big something is.
Accessibility –
How easy it is to reach a place.
Connectivity –
How places are linked together.
Network –
A system of connected places or people.
Distance Decay –
The farther away, the less interaction.
Friction of Distance –
Distance makes interaction harder.
Time-Space Compression –
Technology makes distances feel shorter.
Distortion –
Maps warp reality.
GIS (Geographic Information System) –
A computer system for mapping data.
GPS (Global Positioning System) –
Finds exact locations using satellites.
Grid –
A pattern of intersecting lines (latitude & longitude).
North & South Poles –
The top and bottom of Earth.
Latitude –
Lines that run east-west, measure north-south.
Parallel –
A latitude line.
Equator –
0° latitude, divides Earth into north and south.
Longitude –
Lines that run north-south, measure east-west.
Meridian –
A longitude line.
Prime Meridian –
0° longitude, passes through Greenwich, England.
International Date Line –
Where the date changes by a day.
Maps –
2D drawings of Earth’s surface.
Map Scale –
The ratio of map distance to real distance.
Thematic Map –
Shows specific data (e.g., population).
Statistical Map –
Uses data variations (e.g., rainfall).
Cartogram –
Distorts size to show a theme.
Dot Map –
Uses dots to show frequency.
Choropleth Map –
Uses colors/shading to show data.
Isoline Map –
Uses lines to connect equal values.
Mental Map –
A person’s internal map of places.
Model –
A simplified version of reality for study.
Time Zones –
24 zones that divide the world’s time.
Remote Sensing –
Collecting data from satellites.
Map Projection –
Flattening Earth into a 2D map.
Mercator Projection –
Accurate shape, but size is distorted.
Azimuthal Projection –
Looks like a flat circle from above.
Robinson Projection –
Balances distortion but shrinks landmasses.
Fuller Projection –
Keeps land accurate but removes direction.
Peters Projection –
Keeps land area accurate but distorts shape.
Culture –
The shared knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of a society.
Cultural Trait –
A single element of culture, like a style of dress.
Culture Complex –
A set of related cultural traits.
Independent Invention –
A trait developed independently in different places.
Diffusion –
The spread of a cultural element or phenomenon.
Culture Diffusion –
The spread of culture from its origin to other areas.
Time-Distance Decay –
The decline in the acceptance of an idea as time and distance increase.
Cultural Barriers –
Cultural attitudes that prevent the acceptance of certain ideas or innovations.
Human Geography –
The spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes
Globalization –
The expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to a global scale.
Spatial Perspective
Observing variations in geographic phenomena across space
The geographical situation of people and things
Location Theory –
An explanation of the locational patterns of economic activities and their interrelationships.
Human-Environment Interaction –
The interactions between human society and the natural environment.
Sense of Place –
The emotional and meaningful connection to a place through memories or character.
Perception of Place –
Understanding or beliefs about a place formed through media or experiences.
The mobility of people, goods and ideas across the surface of the planet
Complementarity –
When two regions satisfy each other's needs through trade.
Intervening Opportunity –
A nearer opportunity that reduces the appeal of more distant ones.
Sequent Landscape –
Successive societies leaving cultural imprints on a place.
Equal Area Projection Map –
A map where areas are shown in proportion to their actual size.
Conformal Map –
A map that preserves the shape of small areas.
Cylindrical Projection Map –
A map projection where features are projected onto a cylinder.
Planar Projection Map –
A map projection that shows the globe on a plane.
Conic Projection Map –
A map where features are projected onto a cone.
Oval Projection Map –
A map that shows Earth in an elliptical shape.
Reference Map –
A map showing locations and geographic features.
Flow-line Maps –
Maps showing movement between places with line thickness indicating quantity.
Grid System –
A system used to locate places on a map using coordinates.