Process by which a person or people acquie the social and psychological characteristics of a group and cannot be distinguished from anyone else
Acquiring the social and psychological traits of a group but still retain original uniqueness; often occurs as a result of colonization or immigration
Maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community that are valued and respected for their unique differences
Development of a new cultural trait as a result of the blending of two distinct but interacting cultures
Loss of distinct local features in favor of standardized landscapes which happens as a result of pervasive Ness of pop culture and mass production and availability of a wife variety of consumables
Global culture
Culture traits of large, heterogeneous; urban populations (usually rapidly changing)
Sacred sites
Area/places of religious/spiritual significance, including cathedrals, mosques, temples, and cemetries
Judging another culture based on the values of one’s own culture
Cultural relativism
Thr idea thay a person’s belief, value, and practices should be understood based on that person’s own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another
A group of people who share a common cultural identity
Historical classification that is used to categorize human populations with shared physical traits (not culture)
What are examples of material culture?
Clothing, food, art, architecture
What are examples of nonmaterial culture traits?
Language, religion, education systems, government, music, holidays
Cultural landscape
The combination of physical features, agricultural and industrial practices. Religious and linguistic characteristics, sequent occupancy, traditional and postmodern architecture, and land use patterns
Sequent occupance
The combined imprint on an area when it has been inhabited by a succession of cultures e.g. buildings, transportation systems, farms, irrigation, and recreation facilities
Indigenous communities
The original settlers of an area who have retained their culture apart from the colonizers
Ethnic neighborhood
An area within a city occupied by a distinctive minority culture
E.g. little Italy in NYC
Social and cultural differences between males and females (not biological differences)
Gender role
Learned behaviors that are deemed appropriate to gender as determined by cultural norms
Role of women in workforce
Women engaged in paid work outside the home has increased substantially over 2nd half of the 20th century
Gendered spaces
Areas in which gender expression is either welcome or unwelcome
E.g. Muslims soviety: public space (employment, politics) belongs to men and private space (home) belongs to women
Sense of place
Term used to connote attachment to comfort in a particular place with a strong identity that is deeply felt by inhabitants
Place making
How a culture makes a place fit their identity shaping the landscape to show what they believe and value (buildings, statues, sacred sites, etc.)
Centripetal forces
Forces that unite a country
E.g. common language
Centrifugal petal
Forces that divide a country
E.g multiple languages
Culture is socially constructed
The practices and beliefs that appear to be natural and obvious to people who accept it, but are actually learned behaviors
Cultural change
Occurs through media, technological change, politics, economics, and social relationships
The process of increased interconnectedness among countries most notably in areas of economics, politics, and culture
Refers to the movement of people to towns and the resulting expansion of the rural countryside to absorb increase in people
Time-space compression
Increasing connectivity between cultures that occurs as a result of communication technology
Cultural convergence
Cultures become more alike as their interactions increase
Cultural divergence
The tendency for culture groups to disassociate from others in order to protect or preserve their culture from influence or change
Indinigenous culture
Culture traits of usually small, traditional homogenous
Loss of indigenous language
Consequence of colonialism and policies of assimilation
Lingua Franca
A language mutually understood by people who speak different languages, usually for the purpose of trade
E.g Arabic as language of trade in southwest Asia Or English as language of international business
The blending of European, amerindian, and African cultures in the new world as a result of colonialism to create something new
Examples of relocation diffusion
The spread of Christianity to the new world, spread of Spanish and English to the new world
The policy of acquiring control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically
E.g. Spanish conquistadors landing in america
Cultural imperialism
Dominance of one culture over another, historically, often occurred as a result of colonization
E.g. Spanish and English cultures imposed on the native people in the americas
Local culture
Cultural traits in a specific location
Preservation of indigenous and/or local cultures against the spread of global culture
The process which a product, service or cultural trait is developed and distributed globally but adjusted ro accommodate the tastes and cultural traits of local consumers
E.g different varieties of coca cola sold internationally
People move from place to place around the world as they trade and come into contact with new ideas and cultural practices
Language family
a group of languages with a shared but fairly distant origin
Variant of a standard language along Regional or ethnic lines
E.g. differences in vocabulary or pronounciation
Boundaries between variations in pronunciations or word uses
E.g. coke/pop/soda
Indo-European language family
Family of languages believed to all come from a single language that spread outeard
Universalizing religion
Religions that actively seek converts because they view themselves as offering belief systems of universal applicability and appeal
Ethnic religion
Religions that do not actively seek converts and are generally found near hearth or spread through relocation diffision