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What is the inguinal canal a result of?
descent of gonads
What is the path of the inguinal canals in females?
posterior superior abdominal wall to pelvis
What is the path of the inguinal canal in males?
posterior superior abdominal wall to scrotum
What is the purpose of descending the testes?
What is the likely reason for descent of ovaries?
Where do the gonads develop before descent?
near kidneys
What structure acts as the guidewire for the descent of gonads?
What does the gubernaculum attach to?
the labioscrotal fold in the embryo
What does the gubernaculum pull down?
the gonad, nerves, arteries, and lymphatics
What in adults reflects the gubernaculum?
blood vessels to the testis come off the aorta, testicular cancer can easily spread to lumbar spine, and pain in the testicles can spread to low back
What is the vaginal process?
when the testis is descending it pulls peritoneum with it resulting in this process
What is the tunica vaginalis?
once the vaginal process is closed it is called this
What is the importance of closing the vaginal process?
without it, testis can move back up into abdomen
What are inguinal canals?
the defects in the anterior abdominal walls from the gubernaculum pulling down the gonads
What is transmitted in the inguinal canals in the female?
round ligament of the uterus, tiny blood and lymph vessels, branches of ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves
What is the round ligament of the uterus?
gubernacular remnants
What is transmitted by the inguinal canals in the male?
testicular arteries and veins, testicular nerves, part of genitofemoral and ilioinguinal nerves, ductus deferens and its artery, lymphatic vessels, and the testes (for a period during development)
What is everything in the male inguinal canal transmitted through?
spermatic cord
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
a ring in the aponeurosis left when the spermatic cord is cut
What is the inguinal ligament?
the bottom edge of the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis
What is the function of the cremaster muscle?
contracts to pull tetes closer to body when cold, aroused, scared etc
the ilioinguinal nerve is ___ to the spermatic cord
What contributes to the cremaster muscle?
internal abdominal oblique and sometimes the transversus abdominus muscle
What contributes to the internal spermatic fascia?
transversalis fascia
Where is the deep inguinal ring?
in the transversalis fascia
What contributes to the external spermatic fascia?
external abdominal oblique
What contributes to the tunica vaginalis?
parietal peritoneum
Where is the gubernacular remnant in males?
at the bottom of the testis connecting it to the scrotum
What does the presence of an inguinal canal give rise to?
propensity for herniation
What causes an inguinal hernia?
increased intra-abdominal pressure
Which type of inguinal hernia is more commonly congenital?
What type of inguinal hernia is more common in adults?
Where is an indirect inguinal hernia?
lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
What happens with an indirect inguinal hernia?
re-opens the processus vaginalis and intestines can descend into the scrotum
Where is a direct inguinal hernia?
medial to the inferior epigastric vessels
What happens in a direct inguinal hernia?
pushes directly through anterior wall