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Key Traits
~30,000 species
Triploblast (acoelomate)
Most parasitic; few land-dwelling
Cephalization; excretory flame cells
Key trait: being flat!
Flatworm Body Plan
Cleavage: spiral
Cell Fate: mosaic
Body Complexity
3 germ layers
Bilateral; cephalization
Planarians - incomplete
Pharynx extends
Intestine/gastrovascular cavity branches
Flukes - complete (?)
Mouth anterior
Tapeworms - none
Circulation & Respiration
Across body surface (moist environment required)
Excretion (Osmoregulation)
Flame cells
Nerve cords + nerve net
Sensory: ocelli (light), statocysts (equilibrium), auricles (chemicals)
Rhabdites secrete mucous, move by ciliated epidermis
Dual-glands (secretions to adhere or release)
Reproduction: Asexual & Sexual
Asexual by fission
Sexual = hermaphroditic
Toxins and aposematic coloration
Parasites: “host camouflage” & “distractions”
4 Classes of Platyhelminthes (The Mighty Tiny Critters)
Turbellaria* — planaria; free-living
Trematoda — digenetic (2 hosts) flukes
Monogenea — monogenetic (1 host) flukes
Cestoda — tapeworms
Class Turbellaria
Most: marine or freshwater bottom-dwellers
Move by cilia/mucus
E.g. planaria → carnivorous
Class Trematoda (“flukes”)
~18,000 species
In vertebrate = sexual
In mollusc = asexual
Adaptations for parasitism include:
Enzymes to enter skin; hooks/suckers to attach
Increased # of offspring (100,000x)
Sense organs poorly developed
General Trematoda Life Cycle
Adults in vertebrate sexually reproduce; vertebrate poops zygotes → water
Egg hatches → larva (miracidia)
Miracidium penetrates tissues of snail
Asexually reproduce → cercaria
Cercariae emerge from snail
Ingested by vertebrate → adult
Example: Clonorchis (human liver flukes)
Common in E. Asia
May cause cirrhosis, cancer, death
Life Cycle
Adults in liver; zygote develops in egg → water
Larvae (miracidium) enters snail; develop in snail liver → cercariae
Cercariae exits snail → water; enter fish
Mammal eats raw fish → adult
Example: Schistosoma (blood fluke)
Over 200 million people infested w/ schistosomiasis (common in Africa, South America, and Middle/Far East)
Sexes separate
Life Cycle
Adults in blood; zygote/egg → water
Larvae (miracidium) ingested by snails → cercaria
Cercariae exit snail → contact skin
Pierce skin, enter blood vessels → adult
Class Monogenea (“gill fluke”)
Single host
External parasites of fish, especially gills
Posterior hooks = attachment organ (opisthaptor)
Class Cestoda (tapeworms)
~5,000 species of tapeworms
Most require 2 hosts; infect vertebrates digestive tract
Long, flat body with scolex (anchor) and proglottids (reproductive units) in chain (strobila)
No digestive system (surface of tapeworm covered in microtriches)
Proglottids orginate behind scolex
Cross-fertilize by exchanging sperm
Shelled embryos form in the uterus
Expelled OR whole proglottid shed
Example: Beef Tapeworm
Adult in human intestine; juvenile in cattle muscle
Avoid infection: thoroughly cook meat
Life Cycle
Gravid proglottids in feces
Cattle ingest larvae from grass; larvae burrow through intestine to muscle and encyst
Infected muscle (meat) eaten → scolex attaches to intestine wall
Evolutionary History
“Turbellarians” = paraphyletic
Parasitic = monophyletic
Natural History
Habitat/distribution: all habitats
Biological community: predators/parasites
Aposematic coloration or mimicry or both (??)
Human Interactions
Tolerant of poor habitat (indicator sp.)
Invasive species
Phylum Gastrotricha
~800 species
VERY tiny
Complete digestive tract