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106 Terms

Progressive Era
Era of government reform in which the U.S established a system of "regulated capitalism" Progressive Era began when Roosevelt became president. Era ended after the U.S entered WWI
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Progressive Era Journalist who wrote articles exposing corruption in government and industry. Significant People included Jacob Rils, Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair
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Jane Addams
American pioneer American settlement activist/reformer, social worker, public philosopher. Created the first Hull House.
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Jacob Riis
Early muckraking journalist who exposed the slum conditions in New York City in his book "How the other half lives"
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Upton Sinclair
Muckraking journalist who exposed meat packing.
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Square deal
President Theodore Roosevelt progressive program to be fair to all interests: business, labor, and consumers.
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Pure food and drug act, 1906
Law that made is illegal to sell impure or improperly labeled food or drug.
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Meat inspection act, 1906
Law that required federal inspection of meat packing.
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Election of 1912
Presidential campaign, four candidates, Woodrow Wilson, Taft, Roosevelt, and Debs. All shared basic progressive assumption. Republicans split votes, causing Wilson to win.
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Underwood Tariff, 1913
Law that substantially reduced tariffs and made up for lost revenue by providing for a graduated income tax.
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Northern securities railroad, 1904
a railroad monopoly formed by J.P Morgan and James J. Hill which went against the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
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Federal Reserve Tax, 1913
Law that established a system of 12 federal banks and a Federal Reserve board that would set interests rates and regulate the money supply.
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Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914
Law that made business monopolies illegal. Labor unions and farmer organizations were exempt for the law.
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Federal Trade Commission, 1914
Commission appointed by the president to investigate illegal business practices.
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Progressive Amendments
Constitutional amendments ratified between 1913 and 1920 providing federal income tax (16th), the direct election of U.S senators (17th), Prohibition of alcohol (18th), and women's suffrage (19th)
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National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA),1869
It was created by the merger of two existing organizations, NWSA and AWSA
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American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA), 1869
Focused single-minded on voting rights.
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Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
1st mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far reaching strategies based on applied Christianity"
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Alice Paul
Born Quaker social worker earned a doctoral degree in political science. Joined the NAWSA, urged activists to picket state, legislature who failed to enforce suffrage, chain themselves to public buildings, She Organized protest at Wilsons Inauguration.
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Closing of the Frontier, 1890
The U.S census showed that so many pockets of settled area in the U.S and its territories that a frontier line could no longer be said to exist. The closing of the frontier was one of the reasons some Americans felt they should expand their culture and norms of other nations.
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Alfred Thayer Mahan
Naval officer who believed a strong navy was necessary for assertion global power and protecting overseas interests and his ideas had a enormous impact on shaping U.S military and foreign policy in the 1890s.
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Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaiian Queen, wanted Hawaiian people to take back their land.
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Yellow Journalism
False tabloid, Magazine stories, etc.
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U.S navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor in 1898. The American newspapers blamed the sinking of the Maine on the Spanish, leading to the war with Spain.
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Filipino Rebellion, 1899-1902
Unsuccessful rebellion for the independence of the Philippines form U.S control the rebellion was led by Emilio Aguinaldo.
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Insular Cases, 1901
The Supreme Court ruled that people in island territories under U.S control did not automatically receive the constitutional rights of U.S Citizens.
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Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903
Panama Canal, treaty with Panama that granted U.S.S sovereignty over Panama Canal.
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Roosevelt Corollary, 1904
President Roosevelt extension of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823. Roosevelt proclaimed the right of the U.S to be the "Policeman" of the Western Hemisphere led to U.S "gunboat" diplomacy.
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Great White Fleet
Name of the U.S navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe.
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Dollar Diplomacy
Form of American foreign policy to further its aims in Latin American and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made of foreign countries.
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Pancho Villa's Raid, 1916
Carranza's rival Pancho Villa began stirring up trouble. Pancho Villa was something of a Mexican Robin Hood. He was hated by some who considered him a thief and murderer; he was loved by some who saw him as fighting for the "little man." Pancho Villa raided a train, kidnapped 16 American mining engineers, and killed them. He and his men raided Columbus, New Mexico and killed 19 more people. Wilson sent the Army, headed by Gen. John. J. Pershing, after Pancho Villa. Pershing took a few thousand troops into Mexico, fought both Carranza's and Villa's troops, but couldn't catch Pancho Villa. While hunting Villa, World War I broke out and Pershing was recalled. (Villa would soon be murdered by a Mexican rival.)
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Zimmerman Telegraph
Message from the German foreign secretary that got intercepted by the English, which was then used later to get U.S on their side.
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Sinking of the Lusitania
occurred on Friday, 7 May 1915 during the 1st World War as Germany waged submarine warfare against the UK of Great Britain and Ireland.
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American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
Consisted of the U.S armed forces sent to Europe under the command of General John J. Pershing in 1917 to help fight World War I.
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Fourteen Points, 1918
Programming for maintaining peace after WWI, president Wilson introduced it to congress calling for arms reduction, national self-determination, and a League of Nations.
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Treaty of Versailles, 1919
Signed after WWI, imposed harsh treatment on Germany, it also included president Wilson's idea for a League of Nations the U.S senate twice rejected the treaty, and U.S entry into the League of Nations.
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League of Nations
Intergovernmental organization founded on January 10, 1920 as a result of the Paris peace conference that ended the 1st world war.
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Espionage act of 1917
German-Americans weren't allowed to hinder the military.
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Sedition Act of 1918
Could not talk poorly of the government verbally or written.
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Attack on the industrial Workers of the Worlds (IWW) and Eugene Debbs
Nicknamed "Wobblies" is an international, radical labor union that was founded in 1905.
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Schenck v. United States, 1919
Supreme Court case that declared first amendment rights could be suspended under the Espionage Act of 1917, as long as there was a "clear and present danger" in the U.S
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Gentleman's agreement
Effort by president Roosevelt to calm growing tension between two countries over the immigration of Japan workers. Japan stopped immigration to U.S until they agreed not to deny labors going as long as U.S recognizes the right to exclude Japan Immigrants holding passports to other countries.
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Great migrations of African Americans
African Americans in the deep south moved to big cities in the north and west because there were a lot of jobs due to the "work or fight" campaign.
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Palmer Raids, 1919-1920
In raids led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, the U.S. government searched for political radicals and deported foreign born political activists.
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Sacco and Vanzetti, 1927
Two Italian anarchists convicted in 1921 of a murder and theft in Braintree, Massachusetts. In spite of public protests about their innocence, Sacco and Vanzetti were executed in 1927.
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National Origins Act, 1924
Law establishing quotas based on nationality for immigration to the U.S. The law limited immigration from southern and eastern Europe, permitting larger numbers of immigrants from northern and western Europe.
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Wright Brothers, 1903
Inventors who built and flew the first successful airplane.
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Model T Ford introduced, 1908
The Model T was a popular and inexpensive automobile sold by Henry Ford from 1908 to 1927. Ford's mass production of the Model T brought dramatic changes to the American culture and economy.
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KDKA in Pittsburgh, 1920
The world's first commercial radio station. In November 1920, KDKA broadcast the returns of the U.S. presidential election, beginning a decade in which radio became pervasive in U.S. culture. By 1933, two-thirds of American homes had a radio, twice as many as those with telephones.
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Charles Lindbergh, 1927
American aviator whose solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927 showed the possibilities of the airplane and made him an international hero.
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The Jazz Singer, 1927
The first motion picture with sound.
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Election of 1912
Three-way presidential race between Taft (Republican), Roosevelt (Progressive Bull Moose), and Wilson (Democrat). Due to a split in the Republican Party (Taft vs. Roosevelt), Wilson won the election. The Socialist Party candidate, Eugene Debs, won over a million votes.
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New Nationalism
Teddy Roosevelt's 1912 campaign proposal to empower big government to regulate big business.
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New Freedom
Woodrow Wilson's 1912 campaign proposal to break up monopolies and restore competition as a way of regulating business.
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Ku Klan Klan March on Washington, 1925
The KKK, claiming 5 million members, led a march of over 50,000 people in Washington, D.C. demanding laws against immigration. (The Klan also opposed Catholics, blacks, and Jews.)
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Fundamentalism vs Modernism
Fundamentalists emphasized the literal truth of the Bible and opposed the modernists who tried to reconcile the Bible with scientific knowledge. The division reached its peak in 1925 when a high school biology teacher, John Scopes, was put on trial for teaching evolution.
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Nationwide ban on the sale, production, and importation of alcohol that remained in place from 1920 to 1933. Prohibition caused deep division in the United States between those who supported the ban (drys) and those who opposed the ban (wets).
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Harlem Renaissance
Literary and artistic movement in the 1920s in which black writers and artists described African American life.
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W.E.B. DuBois
African American historian and civil rights activist. One of the cofounders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. At the height of the Harlem Renaissance Du Bois was a familiar presence in New York.
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Uniquely American style of music developed in the early 1900s. As a product of primarily African American communities, jazz was characterized by improvisation and syncopation.
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Jelly Roll Morton
Jazz piano player who began his career in New Orleans. Sometimes called the "father of jazz."
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Louis Armstrong
Jazz trumpet player and singer from New Orleans who played a pivotal role in popularizing jazz.
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Ashcan School
New York artists of the early 1900s who focused on urban life. Included such artists as Robert Henry and John Sloan.
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Edward Hopper
Painter whose depiction of urban scenes showed life in modern America.
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Yiddish Theater
Political and artistic plays performed Yiddish in New York during the 1920s.
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Great Depression
Period of high unemployment and widespread business failure. The Depression was caused by an economic system that was out of balance with too much supply and not enough demand.
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Stock Market Crash, 1929
A plummeting of stock prices on Wall Street that signaled the beginning of a ten-year depression affecting all industrial societies in the western world.
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Smoot-Hawley Tariff, 1930
The highest U.S. tariff rates in 100 years. The high rates led to a tariff war with other nations that worsened the international depression and cut American exports and imports by more than half.
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Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932
President Herbert Hoover's plan for economic recovery through emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, and railroads.
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Bonus March, 1932
Unemployed veterans from World War I marched to Washington, DC, demanding the payment of bonuses promised to them at a later date (1945). Congress didn't pass the Bonus Bill, and President Hoover ordered the U.S. army to break up their encampment. Tanks and tear gas were used to destroy the veterans' camps.
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Roosevelt's New Deal, 1933
Franklin Roosevelt's plan for getting out of the Depression, involving increased federal action to provide economic relief, recovery, and reform.
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New Deal Programs to Stimulate Economic Activity
AAA, CCC, NIRA, REA, SEC, TVA, PWA, WPA, NRA, Federal Writer's Project
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Glass-Steagall Act, 1933
Law that forbade commercial banks from engaging in excessive speculation. Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 1933
Government agency created by President Roosevelt that regulates banks and insures bank deposits.
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Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 1934
Agency of the federal government that regulates financial markets and investment companies.
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Wagner Act, 1935
Also know as the National Labor Relations Act, this law protected workers' rights to organize into labor unions and engage in collective bargaining. The law also created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), providing for government investigation of unfair labor practices.
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Social Security Act, 1935
Provided federal financial assistance to the problems of old age and unemployment. Social Security also provided benefits to widows and fatherless children.
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Court-Packing Plan, 1937
After the Supreme Court declared New Deal programs unconstitutional in such cases as Schecter v .United States (1935) and Butler v. United States (1936), President Roosevelt unsuccessfully attempted to add new members to the Supreme Court.
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Roosevelt Recession, 1938
A period in which the American economy stalled after several years of recovery. The recessions was most likely caused by cuts in government spending introduced by Roosevelt in 1937.
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Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1938
Labor organization led by John L. Lewis that was created from a group of powerful unions that left the American Federation of Labor in an attempt to unionize unskilled industrial.
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Huey Long
Louisiana governor and U.S. senator who supported a redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Long, whom FDR feared politically, was assassinated in 1935.
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Charles Coughlin
Roman Catholic priest who used his radio program to attack FDR. Known for his antisemitism and support of fascism.
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New Deal Democratic Coalition
The alignment of interest groups and voting blocs that supported the New Deal and voted for Democratic presidential candidates from 1932 until approximately 1968, making the Democratic Party the majority party during that period.
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Mexican Repatriation, 1929-1939
At a time when more Americans emigrated from the U.S. than to it, the U.S. government sponsored a Mexican Repatriation program encouraging Mexicans to voluntarily move to Mexico. Thousands were deported against their will.
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Bracero Program, 1942
Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico allowing importation of temporary contract workers from Mexico to the United States.
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Luisa Moreno
Social activist who unionized workers, led strikes, and created the first national Latino civil rights assembly in 1939. In 1950 she was deported to Guatemala, the nation of her birth.
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Washington Naval Conference, 1921-1922
International conference held in Washington, D.C., that produced agreements limiting naval armaments for the nations of the world.
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Stimson Doctrine, 1932
Policy of the U.S. government toward Japan that stated the U.S. government would not recognize territorial changes made through force. (Japan had seized Manchuria from China.)
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Good Neighbor Policy
Foreign policy of the Franklin Roosevelt administration stating that the U.S. would not intervene in Latin American nor interfere in the domestic affairs of Latin American nations. This policy intended to end Theodore Roosevelt's dollar diplomacy and William H. Taft's dollar diplomacy.
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Neutrality Acts, 1935-1939
A series of laws making it illegal for Americans to get involved with nations at war. The laws, making no distinction aggressors and victims, were repealed after Germany invaded Poland in 1939, beginning World War II.
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Lend-Lease Act, 1940
Law passed by Congress in 1941 providing that any country whose security was vital to U.S. interests could receive arms and equipment from the United States.
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Atlantic Charter, 1941
Joint statement issued by Roosevelt and Churchill stating American and British postwar aims of international economic and political cooperation.
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Pearl Harbor, 1941
U.S. naval base in Hawaii that was attacked by the Japanese bringing the U.S. into World War II.
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Manhattan Project, 1942
Top-secret program of the U.S. government to develop an atomic bomb
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Invasion of Normandy (D-Day), 1944
Allied invasion of Europe led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.
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Yalta Conference, 1945
Meeting between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to discuss the final defeat of the Axis powers and the problems of postwar occupation. Stalin agreed to free elections in Eastern Europe after the war. Stalin also agreed to assist the U.S. in its war against Japan.
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Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945
Japanese cities hit with atomic bombs dropped by the U.S., ending World War II
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Rosie the Riveter
An iconic image of a woman dressed in overalls who became the symbol for the publicity campaign that was launched by the government to draw women into traditional male jobs.
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Philip Randolph
African American leader who organized a march on Washington in 1941 to pressure FDR to issue an executive order banning discrimination in defense industries. (FDR the set up the Fair Employment Practices Commission to halt discrimination in war production and government.)
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Congress of Racial Equality, 1942
Civil Rights Organization created in World War II that committed itself to using nonviolent techniques to end racial segregation.
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