I tried to add everything i thought would be on the test. Please look over your notes and your 50's station.
Who made the interstate system and what was the hidden agenda?
Eisenhower and he wanted to be able to transport nuclear weapons
What did Bill Levitt do in the 50's and how did it change America
He developed suburbs and cheap housing. Allowed more people to move to the middle class, the invention of neighborhoods allowed for more of a community.
What president created the G.I. bill and what did it do
Roosevelt and he created it to give free tuition and cheaper housing to veterans, no down payment.
Explain how both men and women's roles changed in terms of the Job market
Men went to white collar jobs while woman went back to the type of housewife work
How were televisions marketed to Americans and what percent of society had one by the end of the decade
TV's were marketed as a way to spend time with families, and 90% of Americans owned TV's
What 3 things did the car introduce
1. Drive-in movies, drive-in food
2. Around the country trips
3. going into work- don't have to live as close to work
What was executive order 9981 and what president implemented it?
It stopped racial separation in the military and federal government. Harry S. Truman
Why did Truman lose popularity toward the end of his term?
Truman was losing the Korean war and China had been lost to communism.
Who was the first president to campaign using the TV and what was his slogan
Eisenhower. "I like IKE"
What were people advised to do during a nuclear attack and when was it most likely to occur
People were advised to take cover (with newspaper), find a shelter, and get under desks. An attack could happen anytime.
What was the iron curtain and who set it
A figurative curtain between the S.U. and the U.S. that was put in place by Churhchill during his speech
What was the Truman doctrine and the marshall plan
The marshall plan was to help European countries fight communism, sent $13 billion overseas to do this. The Truman doctrine wanted to contain communism.
Who warned America about communism?
Winston Churchill warned America about Stalin and Communism
How long did the cold war last?
more than 40 years
Who was Eisenhower’s VP?
Richard Nixon
Describe marriage in the 1950’s:
It was necessary part of being excepted into society. Goal was to keep the marriage good and the family happy. Divorce wasn’t an option because you would be shunned.
Describe the family in the 50’s:
Baby boom. Stability was easy. The families stayed together. Most time was spent with the family and at partys.
How did the economy change post-WW2?
The economy was booming due to the jobs of the post war atmosphere
What worried traditionalists during the 1950’s?
The rise of rock n roll. They thought it was demonic and indoctrinating the kids. They were also worried the kids were falling in love with African Americans.
Who was the first to successfully launch a rocket into space and what was it called?
The Soviet Union was the first and they launched the Sputnik in 1957.
Why was the launch of the Sputnik devastating to Americans?
It was devastating because it confirmed that the enemy could bomb the U.S. if they wanted to due to how technologically advanced they were. It sent the U.S. into fear.
1949 (2x):
1945: end of WW2
1946: Iron curtain speech by Churchill
1947: Marshall Plan/Truman Doctrine-June
1948: Berlin Blockade
1949 (2x): Russia tests first atomic bomb, China falls to Communism
1950-1953: North Korean troops cross the 38th parallel and attack south Korea
Who sent the first man into space?
The Soviet Union placed Yuri Gagarin into space in 1961. Kennedy then promised to go to the moon.
What happened in the space race in 1969?
Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin land on the moon.
What was so appealing about JFK?
He was young, attractive, navy vet, candidate of a “new generation”, and his charm
What made JFK’s election unique?
This was the first presidential debate aired on TV.
Who was the first U.S. citizen put into space?
Allen Shepherd
What was Kennedy’s domestic plan?
Hoped to expand government assistance to the poor and needy
enact social justice and challenge S.U. in space race by landing on the moon
Proposed tax cuts
proposed medical assistance for elderly (medicare)
What happened in Berlin in 1961?
The Berlin wall was built and all allied forces build out of Berlin
What did Kennedy advise the nation to do after the 2nd Berlin scare?
Build bomb shelters and practice nuclear bombing drills
Who was the leader of the S.U. when the wall fell? How did his leadership change the S.U.?
Gorbachev was the leader when the wall fell. He ended up putting in a democratic system causing the collapse of Communism.
What U.S. president was in office when the wall fell?
What signified the end of the cold war and when was it?
The fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.
What did American’s find when flying over Cuba?
They found missiles pointed to the U.S. supplied by the S.U. Which was strange because this was the first time the S.U. had moved missiles off S.U. soil.
How long did the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis last?
13 days
What agreement did the S.U. and the U.S. reach about the crisis?
S.U. said they would withdraw missiles if the U.S. promised not to invade Cuba.
Which part of Vietnam war did the U.S. support and who did we oppose? What did we do in response to the increase in Communism in Vietnam?
U.S. supported South Vietnam and opposed Vietgang. U.S. assassinated DM.
Who was the leader of Communist China?
Mao Zedong
What happened in June of 1950?
North Korea was lost to Communism
What was the Korean war also known as and who were the two countries doing the fighting?
The forgotten war/police action fought by U.S. VS China.