Exam style questions for B2.1-2.3

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Outline the significance of surface area to volume ratio in the limitation of cell size. (4)

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Outline the significance of surface area to volume ratio in the limitation of cell size. (4)

  • when the cell gets bigger, its surface area to volume ratio gets smaller

  • cells divide when maximum size is reached

  • when the cell increases in size, so does its chemical activity

  • surface area of the cell affects the rate of material exchange

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Describe transport across cell membranes by osmosis.(4)

  • form of diffusion

  • osmosis is the movement of water molecules

  • it is a passive transport mechanism/does not use ATP

  • movement of water molecules from a high concentration of water to a low concentration of water molecules

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Outline active transport, including the benefits of the process. (3)

  • moved against a concentration gradient/lower to higher concentration

  • energy/ATP required/used

  • pump/carrier protein carries out active transport

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Outline four types of membrane transport, including their use of energy. (4)

  • simple diffusion is passive movement of molecules along a concentration gradient

  • facilitated diffusion is passive movement of molecules along a concentration gradient through a protein channel without use of energy

  • osmosis is the passage of water through a membrane from lower solute concentration to higher

  • active transport is movement of molecules against the concentration gradient with the use of ATP/energy

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Outline four different functions of membrane proteins. (4)

  • cell recognition

  • cell adhesion

  • active transport

  • facilitated diffusion

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Explain how hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties contribute to the arrangement of molecules in a membrane. (7)

  • pore of channel proteins is hydrophilic

  • phospholipid bilayer in water

  • some amino acids are hydrophilic and some are hydrophobic

  • integral proteins are embedded in membranes due to hydrophobic properties

  • hydrophilic amino acids are on the membrane surface

  • hydrophobic amino acids are in phospholipid bilayer

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Outline the stages in the production of mRNA by transcription.(4)

  • DNA unwinds/strands are separated

  • new nucleotides attached to template strand

  • complementary base pairing

  • mRNA detaches from template

  • DNA rewinds

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Describe the functions of proteins in cell membranes.(4)

  • facilitated diffusion by channel proteins

  • active transport by protein pumps

  • cell recognition by glycoproteins

  • cell adhesion

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