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Causes of WWII
W: WWI and the Treaty of Versailles
A: Appeasement
R: Rise of Totalitarianism
Giving someone something to make them happy and leave you alone
A system in which the state and its leader have nearly TOTAL control
Individual rights are not viewed as important as the needs of the nation
Axis Powers
Allied Powers
Great Britain
Soviet Union
United States
France(surrendered to Germany in 1940 after 6 weeks)
Prelude to War
Germany moves troops into Rhineland(area in Germany near France)
Germany annexes Austria and Sudetenland(area of Czechoslovakia)
Hitler + Stalin sign peace agreement(Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact)
German war fighting tactic using aircraft and tanks to shock and weaken the enemy before sweeping in with ground forces
means “lightning war” in German
Italy Invasions
Italy mainly focused on southern Europe and northern Africa
Japan Invasions
Japan mainly focused on islands and nations in the Pacific
December 7th, 1941
Pearl Harbor Attack - Japan attacks the U.S. by bombing Pearl Harbor
Adolf Hitler
leader of Nazi Germany
extreme nationalist and racist
expansion to create “living space
abolished civil liberties of his people
force used on people that opposed him
Hideki Tojo
extreme nationalist
military control of civilian government
expansion of raw materials
Benito Mussolini
Fascist Italy
extreme nationalism
no individual liberties for citizens
the state above everything else
bring back to greatness of Rome
Joseph Stalin
USSR - Communism
communist party - government control
state/government planning of the economy
state-owned collective farms
“Purges to maintain political control
Government Issued
soldiers referred to as GI’s
Executive Order 9066(Roosevelt)
Military zones could be set up to house people deemed potentially dangerous
Korematsu vs. United States
civil rights can be set aside during times of war
Women’s Army Corps(WAC)
new roles for women in the military
Army Air Corps
first African-American combat unit
Tuskegee Airmen
Pilots, mainly bomber escorts(very dangerous!)
Night of Broken Glass
Jewish business, homes and synagogues destroyed along with many Jews being transported to concentration camps
1944 War Refugee Act(Roosevelt)
Jewish refugees areas established in North Africa and Italy
Bracero Program
Mexicans received short term contracts to come to the U.S. to work
Zoot Suit
brimmed hat, long suit coat, baggy pants
Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles
(Teenagers) and local Navy servicemen fought
Pachuchos beaten badly, suits stripped off
November 1942
Allied forces led by Eisenhower and Bradley begin sweep through Northern Africa and liberate them
January 1943
Germans surrender to USSR
Precision bombing
focusing on certain targets
Saturation Bombing
rapid release of many bombs over a wide area
June 6, 1944
Operation Overlord - invade France, enter Europe
Troops arrived by ships onto beaches and were under heavy German fire
They landed on 5 beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword
June 6th, 1944
Allies led by Eisenhower
August 1944
Allies liberate Paris
September 1944
allied troops cross into Germany
Battle of the Bulge
Germans surprise attack allied forces after their arrival into Germany
The attack forces the allied lines back, creating a bulge in their line
Air and ground support help drive the Germans back
Last German offensive on the Western front
April 30th, 1945
Hitler commits suicide with the allies surrounding Berlin
V-E Day
Germans surrender
May 8th, 1945
April 12th, 1945
President Roosevelt dies and President Truman takes over
Doolittle Raid
16 bombers take off 650 miles from Japan and bomb strategic areas of Tokyo
Battle of the Coral Sea
warships never come within sight of each other
U.S. stops Japanese expansion to the South
The Battle of Midway
U.S. victory
Last Japanese offensive launched
bypassing heavy armed islands to capture islands that were not well defended
General MacArthur
U.S. Commander of the Pacific fleet
Marines take the Mariana Islands
Huge victory for the U.S.
Manhattan Project
top secret program to develop the atomic bomb
August 6th 1945
the first atomic bomb is dropped in Hiroshima, Japan
August 9th, 1945
Second atomic bomb is dropped in Nagasaki, Japan
August 14th, 1945
Japan surrenders
V-J Day
World Bank was created to..
provide loans to struggling countries recovering from war
countries trying to rebuild, and redevelop their economies
*much of the funding came from the U.S.
United Nations
1944 - U.S., China, Soviets, Britain discuss a replacement for the League of Nations
50 Nations signed on in June of 1945
4 essential freedoms
speech + expression
from want
from fear
Universal Declaration of Rights(1948)
basic human rights affirmed(religion, expression, assembly)
rights to life, liberty, equality before the law
Nuremberg trials
Nazi officers tried in Nuremberg, Germany
Judges and court came from Allied Powers
22 Nazi Defendants tried(12 condemned to death, 7 went to prison, 3 acquitted
Japanese Trials
held in Tokyo
25 defendants found guilty
7 put to death, 16 received life sentences, 2 received light sentences
Tojo executed by hanging
The Holocaust
Nazi policy of persecution directed at minority groups in Europe(mainly Jews)
hatred of Jewish people
Nurmeberg Laws
legal segregation of Jews
*Similar to Jim Crow laws in the U.S.
Concentration Camp
prison camp where prisoners were often forced to do hard labor and suffered starvation, disease, and often death
“Final Solution”
Germans made extermination camps in which their main purpose was to kill
Ex: Auschwitz-Birkenau