Marbury v. Madison
Established the precedent of judicial review by declaring the Judiciary Act of 1801 unconstitutional because of no original jurisdiction and affirming the Supreme Court's authority to review acts of Congress.
McCulloch v. Maryland
Maryland said that the Second Bank of the US should be able to be taxed by them, established the necessary and proper close as well as declared a state could not tax the federal government.
US v. Lopez
A landmark case that limited Congress's power under the Commerce Clause by ruling that the Gun-Free School Zones Act exceeded federal authority.
Baker v. Carr
It was brought by someone in an urban Tennessee area who believed his vote was being devalued because the distribution of people had changed. This case established the one person, one vote doctrine and required states to redraw legislative districts to ensure equal representation. Also said the court could be involved in legislative process.
Shaw v. Reno
After a district in North Carolina was drawn very weird to favor black voters, the court said racial gerrymandering was illegal.
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson outlines the natural rights that cannot be violated by the government
Creates the foundation for popular sovereignty
Outlines the ideas of natural rights
Discusses how the government of Britain has infringed on the states’ rights
Introduces social contract
Articles of Confederation
The first governing document of the United States, establishing a weak federal government with limited powers, which ultimately led to its replacement by the Constitution due to its inability to effectively manage the nation.
Fed 10
An essay by James Madison that argues for the importance of a large republic to control factions and protect minority rights, emphasizing the dangers of majority rule.
Brutus 1
An anti-Federalist essay arguing against the Constitution, expressing concerns about the potential for a strong central government to infringe on individual liberties and the dangers of a large republic.
Fed 51
Outlines checks and balances and emphasizes the need for separate branches of government.
Establishes federalism, uses founding ideals, and protects individual ideals
Fed 70
Argues for strong executive leader
Fed 78
Establishes need for judicial branch and lifetime appointments