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Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Meaning of the word "Baptism"
To immerse or plunge.
Biblical basis of Baptism: Old Testament
God's spirit hovered over the waters in the creation account, The Flood washed sin from the earth as Noah was saved in the Ark, the Israelites crossing the Red Sea out of Egypt and entering the Promised Land by crossing the Jordan River
Biblical Basis of Baptism: New Testament
Christ was baptized, Christ commanded baptism during the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Christ spoke of Baptism as the second birth (John 3:5), apostles linked baptism to faith and salvation (1 Peter 3:21)
Baptism eligbility
Anyone who desires the sacrament who has not done so already can receive it. Parents can choose it for their children who cannot choose for themselves. It is the easiest sacrament to receive and the gateway to all other sacraments.
The Church and Re-baptism
Baptism can only be performed one time. This is the case b/c baptism creates an indelible mark on the soul that cannot be repeated. Like our physical birth, our spiritual birth (baptism) takes place one time.
Matter of Baptism
Form of Baptism
"I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Minister of Baptism
Ordinary: Bishop, Priest, Deacon
Extraordinary: anyone w/ the right intention in a case of emergency
Effects of Baptism
1) Removes original & actual sin
2) Imparts sanctifying grace
3) Incorporates one into the Church and common priesthood of Christ
4) Leaves an indelible mark on the soul
Baptismal Regeneration
The Catholic belief that water baptism effects the saving work of the Holy Spirit in washing away original sin and giving sanctifying grace. Christianity is divided on this view. Some see baptism as a mere rite of passage.
Baptismal Name and Sponsor
The name of the candidate of baptism that should ideally reflect a saint name to model their holiness. Name changes also represent the start of a new mission and identity in Christ. Individuals are chosen by parents to be a positive religious example to the newly baptized.
Necessity of Baptism
Objectively necessary for salvation, for all who have heard the good news and have been able to ask for the sacrament. Since God is not bound by the sacraments, there can be subjective cases where one is saved outside of baptism through a baptism by blood (martyrdom of an unbaptized person for the Faith) or baptism by desire (explicit or implicit).
Infant Baptism (Scripture)
Required by the Church due primarily to the reality of Original Sin. Scripture does not forbid it and implies it when it speaks of entire households being baptized and Jesus calling children into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Infant Baptism (Tradition + Reason)
It is an ancient tradition in the Church and a requirement for parents as a spiritual act of mercy to consent to receive sanctifying grace in the soul of their young child who cannot ask for the sacrament on their own.
Sacrament of Confirmation
The sacrament that completes Baptismal graces in which one is sealed/anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them as a soldier of Christ.
Biblical Basis of Confirmation: Old Testament
The prophets of Israel such as Ezekiel and Joel foretold an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit upon his people in latter times.
Biblical Basis of Confirmation: New Testament
Christ sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples at the Pentecost (Acts 2). The book of Hebrews speaks of the laying on of hands as an elementary doctrine after baptism (Hebrews 6:3). The Apostles laid hands on disciples to give them a greater share of the Holy Spirit after they had already been baptized (see Acts 8:17-19; 19:6).
Confirmation and Non-Catholic Christians
Outside of the Catholic and Orthodox Church, few Christians accept this sacrament. Of all non-Catholic Christians the Orthodox alone have a valid sacrament due to the fact that their bishops have valid apostolic succession.
Confirmation Eligibility
This sacrament can be received by a person after they are baptized. It can be received at any age. Since it creates a special spiritual mark on the soul, it cannot be repeated.
Matter of Confirmation
Sacred Chrism
Form of Confirmation
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
Minister of Confirmation
Ordinary: Bishop
Extraordinary: Priest (who has been given permission by their bishop).
Effect of Confirmation
-Increases Gifts/grace of Holy Spirit received at Baptism.
-Imprints a special spiritual character on the soul
Confirmation Sponsor
A confirmed Catholic of good standing who will help guide a candidate in the process of receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation and Salvation
Strictly speaking, this sacrament isn't necessary for salvation. However, to deliberately neglect receiving it shows a lack of charity and desire for God's grace that can make one increasingly vulnerable to the influence of evil. It can prevent on from receiving the sacraments of service.